Greta Thunberg

And what percentage do the above names make up of the 97% of world climate scientists who concur on the facts of man-made climate change?
* Consensus is not used in science. Science is a set of falsifiable theories. There is no elite voting bloc in science.
* The 97% number is a randU fallacy, generated through bad math. You are now denying statistical mathematics.
* Not a 'fact'. A void argument fallacy. Define 'climate change'.
Climate Deniers’ Favorite Scientist Quietly Took Money From The Fossil Fuel Industry
There is no fossil fuel industry. Fossils don't burn. Bigotry. Bulverism fallacy. False accusation. Void argument fallacy. Be specific. Just saying any of these people took money from anyone doesn't cut it.
* Science isn't scientists or any group of scientists. It isn't people at all. It is a set of falsifiable theories.

* You can't trap heat.
* You can't trap light.
* You can't create energy out of nothing.
* You can't heat a warmer surface using a colder gas.
* You can't reduce the radiance of Earth and increase its temperature.

The 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics, which you deny, ARE falsifiable theories of science.
The Stefan-Boltzmann law, which you deny, IS a falsifiable theory of science.
Statistical mathematics, which you deny, IS part of mathematics.
The young ladies issues have nothing to to do with her belief and passion in raising awareness of a very urgent and worldwide crisis. In fact, there is something very wrong emotionally, morally, socially and cognitively with folks that are in denial of the problem.

Crisis? What crisis? Climate 'crisis'? Define 'climate change'.
The young ladies issues have nothing to to do with her belief and passion in raising awareness of a very urgent and worldwide crisis. In fact, there is something very wrong emotionally, morally, socially and cognitively with folks that are in denial of the problem.

You need to read...and try to understand... her background.....Her issues are Directly related to her "beliefs/passion"....
You need to read...and try to understand... her background.....Her issues are Directly related to her "beliefs/passion"....

More than likely (a favorite term used by CLIMATE nuts....that they call science)….this child's PASSION derives from the 15 minutes of fame and the monies being funneled her way via George Soros and Bill Gates, she is no different than the average teen who KNOWS NOTHING yet demands they are owed EVERYTHING. Its who they are, its what they do, its the nature of the beast....what teen would turn down a chance like this, think of the face book accolade, she will be the toast of the teen world for a whole 15 minutes. Using children...often challenged children is the standard MO of the fascist left....remember them dragging out crippled children in wheel chairs when they were beating their war drums over stem cell research....then one need look no further than the Weinstein/ Epstein scandals...children mean nothing to these animals.
More than likely (a favorite term used by CLIMATE nuts....that they call science)….this child's PASSION derives from the 15 minutes of fame and the monies being funneled her way via George Soros and Bill Gates, she is no different than the average teen who KNOWS NOTHING yet demands they are owed EVERYTHING. Its who they are, its what they do, its the nature of the beast....what teen would turn down a chance like this, think of the face book accolade, she will be the toast of the teen world for a whole 15 minutes.
She's a child with very special needs and issues, so she is different than the average teen...but yes, they've all taken advantage of her....and will continue to until she's really very sad because, "more than likely", she will...beyond repair....
Well- that was your cover for Denier Choir ecocidal horseshit- but it's fallen on its ass. The kid is a global heroine.

Yes, she is. I'm sure the fake sympathy shown here would touch her heart if only she gave a shit about alleged adults going apeshit because a 16-yo girl is a inspiration to millions.
Yes, she is. I'm sure the fake sympathy shown here would touch her heart if only she gave a shit about alleged adults going apeshit because a 16-yo girl is a inspiration to millions.

Yes she is.
She's the poster child of what early indoctrination does to a child. Look at most any photo of her, watch her speech at the UN and compare that with well adjusted, happy kids. She suffers from irrational anxiety, perpetual anger and depression.
Kinda reminds me of that old commercial - "This is your brain. This is your brain on drugs."
No parent wants their kid to be like that. No kid wants to be like that.
Go to school, do your homework, engage in healthy after school activities.
She's a child with very special needs and issues, so she is different than the average teen...but yes, they've all taken advantage of her....and will continue to until she's really very sad because, "more than likely", she will...beyond repair....

Even if your lies about her turn out to be true, one would think that even a lunch room lady like you would be proud of a kid who managed to overcome them and become an international spokesperson for an extremely serious issue. Of course, that would be assuming that even an ex-lunch room lady cared about a kid with issues, and wasn't just using them to bash her. You know, like you do with everyone you claim has "issues." Here, got you this at the store today! Look at yourself! Just look! Aren't you lovely? Look what your Maybelline Hate-Makeup(tm) has DONE for your looks! :laugh:

She's a child with very special needs and issues, so she is different than the average teen...but yes, they've all taken advantage of her....and will continue to until she's really very sad because, "more than likely", she will...beyond repair....

I was a teen once.....I personally thought my moms and pops were the stupidest human beings on earth.....I knew everything, they knew nothing. I was drafted......after a few months of Basic and AIT, I had a 2 week leave before shipping overseas. You'd be surprised what my parents learned while I was away for that short amount of time. (:
i wouldn't be surprised at all...I'm a parent and retired MS/HS teacher and coach...:)
(My comments about Greta are ones of sincere concern...I taught Special Education for over 30 years...and still am very involved at school and with the kids-former students as well...)


:laugh: :rofl2: :laugh:

No one believes that any more, so give it up already. No one believes you have the slightest bit of concern for Greta either. How many ppl does this make now, that you've diagnosed from afar and assigned the need for therapy to? The Parkland kids. Dr. Ford. Mrs. Obama. Almost every rape victim who was being discussed on a political forum. Every other person on a political forum (on the left, only, of course) who admitted to any sort of mental or emotional issue -- or you made up a mental issue for them -- Lisa, Jade, Leigh, Mina, Domer, Bourbon, me, etc.

Mirror, mirror.
I was a teen once.....I personally thought my moms and pops were the stupidest human beings on earth.....I knew everything, they knew nothing. I was drafted......after a few months of Basic and AIT, I had a 2 week leave before shipping overseas. You'd be surprised what my parents learned while I was away for that short amount of time. (:
i wouldn't be surprised at all...I'm a parent and retired MS/HS teacher and coach...:)
(My comments about Greta are ones of sincere concern...I taught Special Education for over 30 years...and still am very involved at school and with the kids-former students as well...)
The young ladies issues have nothing to to do with her belief and passion in raising awareness of a very urgent and worldwide crisis. In fact, there is something very wrong emotionally, morally, socially and cognitively with folks that are in denial of the problem.

You are easily impressed and overly emotional. Are you saying you were not interested in the environment until you saw a mentally ill teenager?
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Yes, she is. I'm sure the fake sympathy shown here
Even if the sympathy were fake (it's not in my case) just giving lip service to it is far better than the left congratulating itself on the mental destruction of a child who's been brainwashed into saying what they want to hear which is basically... 'my life has been ruined because of climate change." She believes it, you love hearing it and you love the fact that climate hoaxsters succeeded in making her believe it. Why hasn't "climate change" destroyed well adjusted kids' lives?
would touch her heart if only she gave a shit about alleged adults going apeshit because a 16-yo girl is a inspiration to millions.
She's an inspiration for mental health awareness, whether she cares about it or not. We know you don't.
Even if the sympathy were fake (it's not in my case) just giving lip service to it is far better than the left congratulating itself on the mental destruction of a child who's been brainwashed into saying what they want to hear which is basically... 'my life has been ruined because of climate change." She believes it, you love hearing it and you love the fact that climate hoaxsters succeeded in making her believe it. Why hasn't "climate change" destroyed well adjusted kids' lives?
She's an inspiration for mental health awareness, whether she cares about it or not. We know you don't.

For some reason I do believe that you have at least a bit of sympathy for her. That other one going on about how she needs therapy, should be in school, is being abused, etc. not a bit -- I've seen the exact same shit about kids (and adults as well) from her over the years to know she doesn't care at all; this is just an excuse to dog pile on some kid with a POV she hates.

Climate change is not a hoax, as much as you want to believe that it is. You live in Alaska; you're at ground zero.