Greta Thunberg

Do you think this will affect next year's election, impeachment or not?

Most definitely! The GOP will double down on Gerry mandering and pushing voter suppression tactics, as more people sign-up to vote and those on the fence leave the Trump reservation. Racism, classism, nationalism will only go so far if you treat the supporters like idiots or citizens of Airstrip One, Oceania. then people revolt.
She needs a hug, and for an adult to tell her everything is ok.
That some people say things for political gain, to scare people.

She's way beyond that. A daughter of one of my friends started that shit when she was 16 and 11 years later nothing has changed...
For some reason I do believe that you have at least a bit of sympathy for her.
Which is irrelevant to me. What is relevant is the left congratulating each other that they've succeeded in causing a child to feel her life has been ruined up to this point because of "climate change". No well adjusted child would make an absurd statement as that. If they had a shred of decency they'd step back and say, "Whoa, maybe we've gone too far. How has 'climate change' ruined this girl's life?" But they don't. They pat each other on the back for their success in causing a girl to feel her life is ruined. Which tells me in reality they care squat about climate change other than to use it as a political weapon.
Climate change is not a hoax, as much as you want to believe that it is.
The hoax is the doomsday scenario you (pl.) have been predicting for the last 2 or 3 decades and continue to preach that has never happened. The tragedy is you (pl.) find joy in convincing kids their life is ruined.
You live in Alaska; you're at ground zero.
Please explain to me how my life has been negatively affected, no ruined. Nah, I'll settle for negatively affected. I've been pretty content lately. I feel the need to be depressed.
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Don't hold your breath waiting for an intelligent answer

Truly! I've been waiting for an answer for a couple of decades now! Never got one yet!

Well, not quite true. I started a thread called The Wordsmith on another forum, and one fellow actually provided a definition that wasn't circular. My rules were that the source of the definition must be stated, since dictionaries do not define words. He gave the source as the Church of Global Warming, a valid source for these words. As of yet, no one in the Church of Global Warming has contradicted his definition.

That definition, among others he provided, started a cascade of many terms and phrases used in the Church of Global Warming. The result is called The Global Warming Mythology Reference Manual, or The Manual for short. Happy reading! I think you'll find it enlightening!
I was a teen once.....I personally thought my moms and pops were the stupidest human beings on earth.....I knew everything, they knew nothing. I was drafted......after a few months of Basic and AIT, I had a 2 week leave before shipping overseas. You'd be surprised what my parents learned while I was away for that short amount of time. (:

:laugh: I'll bet!
i wouldn't be surprised at all...I'm a parent and retired MS/HS teacher and coach...:)
(My comments about Greta are ones of sincere concern...I taught Special Education for over 30 years...and still am very involved at school and with the kids-former students as well...)

That's one tough job. It can be very rewarding though!
For some reason I do believe that you have at least a bit of sympathy for her. That other one going on about how she needs therapy, should be in school, is being abused, etc. not a bit -- I've seen the exact same shit about kids (and adults as well) from her over the years to know she doesn't care at all; this is just an excuse to dog pile on some kid with a POV she hates.

Climate change is not a hoax, as much as you want to believe that it is. You live in Alaska; you're at ground zero.

Define 'climate change'. Making a void argument fallacy is a hoax.
Most definitely! The GOP will double down on Gerry mandering and pushing voter suppression tactics, as more people sign-up to vote and those on the fence leave the Trump reservation. Racism, classism, nationalism will only go so far if you treat the supporters like idiots or citizens of Airstrip One, Oceania. then people revolt.

That would be the Democrats, dude.
For some reason I do believe that you have at least a bit of sympathy for her. That other one going on about how she needs therapy, should be in school, is being abused, etc. not a bit -- I've seen the exact same shit about kids (and adults as well) from her over the years to know she doesn't care at all; this is just an excuse to dog pile on some kid with a POV she hates.

Climate change is not a hoax, as much as you want to believe that it is. You live in Alaska; you're at ground zero.

Maybe if you differentiated between AGW and GW you might sound more lucid? What the argument really boils down to is how much of an AGW signal is present. I, along with many distinguished climate scientists, believe that the signal is tenuous at best and a doubling of CO2 will lead to around 1.2C of warming from 1780, the start of the Industrial Age. You, on the other hand, are scared witless by climate models that predict all kind of calamities which are simply not justified by empirical evidence. Here is the equation used by the IPCC, please note that there is a logarithmic not a linear relationship.


where C is the CO2 concentration in parts per million by volume and C[SUB]0[/SUB] is the reference concentration.[SUP][8][/SUP] The relationship between carbon dioxide and radiative forcing is logarithmic,[SUP][9][/SUP] at concentrations up to around eight times the current value, and thus increased concentrations have a progressively smaller warming effect.
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Climate is always changing, nothing new.

The global climate has changed over geological time. Human activity has forced the current changes and is continuing to do so under the moronic gaze of self-serving ecocidal criminals such as you.

Greta's gonna getcha.
Even if the sympathy were fake (it's not in my case) just giving lip service to it is far better than the left congratulating itself on the mental destruction of a child who's been brainwashed into saying what they want to hear which is basically... 'my life has been ruined because of climate change." She believes it, you love hearing it and you love the fact that climate hoaxsters succeeded in making her believe it. Why hasn't "climate change" destroyed well adjusted kids' lives?
She's an inspiration for mental health awareness, whether she cares about it or not. We know you don't.

So, put her in KKK churchstate Islamophobia Christinananality pedophilia dhimmitude servitude to satisfy that cross conditioned way beyond therapy pleasure principle business.
i wouldn't be surprised at all...I'm a parent and retired MS/HS teacher and coach...:)
(My comments about Greta are ones of sincere concern...I taught Special Education for over 30 years...and still am very involved at school and with the kids-former students as well...)

This often happens in the development stages of many human beings....when they are left in the hands of a VILLAGE for psyche development, they have no absolute moral compass to follow when they are instructed from the beginning that no absolute moral traits exist...each is dependent upon the situation at hand.

Thus, morality turns from absolutes to seeking accolade from their peers. They are trained that moral decisions rest upon a consensus of peer pressure. Then when they somewhat mature in their development stage they come face to face with reality....a reality they must attempt to hide from as long as possible when they realize they have been living a lie....there are absolute results based upon personal decisions, the village is not around when needed the most, they become isolated beneath the weight of their own immature psyche. Some recover....some remain locked in this state of perpetual adolescence regardless of age, thus the modern day guilt ridden LIBERAL.....still a child in their 40s....hiding from the reality that surrounds them, living in a world of emotion based decisions that exist only in one their minds. Some totally snap (the high rate of suicide for leftists)....some feel safe hiding within the depths of their own minds, some look for advise from some supposed elite leadership models.....none act to the reality around them...they react, they are never proactive in dealing with the real world.
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This often happens in the development stages of many human beings....when they are left in the hands of a VILLAGE for psyche development, they have no absolute moral compass to follow when they are instructed from the beginning that no absolute moral traits exist...each is dependent upon the situation at hand.

Thus, morality turns from absolutes to seeking accolade from their peers. They are trained that moral decisions rest upon a consensus of peer pressure. Then when they somewhat mature in their development stage they come face to face with reality....a reality they must attempt to hide from as long as possible when they realize they have been living a lie....there are absolute results based upon personal decisions, the village is not around when needed the most, they become isolated beneath the weight of their own immature psyche. Some recover....some remain locked in this state of perpetual adolescence regardless of age, thus the modern day guilt ridden LIBERAL.....still a child in their 40s....hiding from the reality that surrounds them, living in a world of emotion based decisions that exist only in one their minds. Some totally snap (the high rate of suicide for leftists)....some feel safe hiding within the depths of their own minds, some look for advise from some supposed elite leadership models.....none act to the reality around them...they react, they are never proactive in dealing with the real world.

Sounds more like a subconscious dying earth environment death bed eulogy confession.
As the reader can see, gfm175 is totally irrational.....he makes the absurd claim that the links I provide use themselves only to validate their statements. That is a LIE, as anyone who can read can tell you that's what REFERENCES at the bottom of a page, to validate via OTHER sources. GFM then stupidly repeats his folly by making a similar accusation for all other sources. He even admits he just didn't bother to read one reference because he doesn't like the source. This implies that gfm175 either has deplorable reading comprehension skills, did not READ the links at all, or did and lied about the contents.

I hope gfm175 is at least getting paid minimum wage for playing the proudly ignorant denier wonk. Having exposed his folly, I dismiss him to the IA bin rather than waste anymore time and space on him.

Maybe next time you will address my arguments instead of responding with various fallacies, including but not limited to insults and bulverism...
i wouldn't be surprised at all...I'm a parent and retired MS/HS teacher and coach...:)
(My comments about Greta are ones of sincere concern...I taught Special Education for over 30 years...and still am very involved at school and with the kids-former students as well...)

Emptying the garbage in the lunchroom,and cleaning the toilets,hardly makes you a retired teacher!