your conversation is above my pay grade, but doest "forcing" here mean solar heat build up? OR am i missing it?
It means, in essence, that outgoing long wave radiation, which would otherwise escape back into Space, is absorbed by atmospheric CO2 and converted into vibrational bending and stretching of the bonds in the molecules, this results in thermal energy. The main absorption band for CO2 is centred around 15μm, which is tapped out, or saturated, at the centre so the heating occurs at the edges, or wings, of the graph. The CO2 absorption spectrum shows it absorbs LWIR at three different narrow wave lengths, sometimes called finger frequencies. Two of those wave lengths happen at temperatures too hot to exist in the atmosphere, the remaining wave length is 15um.
Please note that radiative forcing is a logarithmic function, meaning that quadrupling concentration only results in a doubling in forcing. This means that the forcing effect attenuates with higher concentrations. Think of it as a greenhouse where the windows are painted black, the first coat shuts out most of the light whilst subsequent coats have less and less of an effect. This is well known amongst climate scientists and is not in the least controversial. In Thermodynamics, Temperature is the average kinetic energy of the particles in a body (solid or gas). A fact that our fine feathered friends seem incapable of understanding.
The temperature increase for an initial doubling from 280ppm, the start of the Industrial Revolution, to 560ppm is around 1.2C. That is pretty much accepted by all climate scientists, the real argument is centred around feedbacks. Warmists will state that the sign of the feedbacks is positive, whilst sceptics will say there is no empirical evidence for that, I belong to that school of thought. They will also say that increased temperatures results in more clouds and that is not modelled by the current crop of CMIP5 climate models.
It means, in essence, that outgoing long wave radiation, which would otherwise escape back into Space, is absorbed by atmospheric CO2 and converted into vibrational bending and stretching of the bonds in the molecules, this results in thermal energy. The main absorption band for CO2 is centred around 15μm, which is tapped out, or saturated, at the centre so the heating occurs at the edges, or wings, of the graph. The CO2 absorption spectrum shows it absorbs LWIR at three different narrow wave lengths, sometimes called finger frequencies. Two of those wave lengths happen at temperatures too hot to exist in the atmosphere, the remaining wave length is 15um.
Please note that radiative forcing is a logarithmic function, meaning that quadrupling concentration only results in a doubling in forcing. This means that the forcing effect attenuates with higher concentrations. Think of it as a greenhouse where the windows are painted black, the first coat shuts out most of the light whilst subsequent coats have less and less of an effect. This is well known amongst climate scientists and is not in the least controversial. In Thermodynamics, Temperature is the average kinetic energy of the particles in a body (solid or gas). A fact that our fine feathered friends seem incapable of understanding.
The temperature increase for an initial doubling from 280ppm, the start of the Industrial Revolution, to 560ppm is around 1.2C. That is pretty much accepted by all climate scientists, the real argument is centred around feedbacks. Warmists will state that the sign of the feedbacks is positive, whilst sceptics will say there is no empirical evidence for that, I belong to that school of thought. They will also say that increased temperatures results in more clouds and that is not modelled by the current crop of CMIP5 climate models.
So the painted black windows don't absorb heat & transfer it inside ? That's like oceans don't absorb heat from light & disperse it to more waters & deeper.
Indeed, and she's an inspiration to millions around the planet.
most pity her.
"Choking back tears, Thunberg said: "I should be in school on the other side of the ocean. You have stolen my dreams and childhood with your empty words..."
She's crying out for her parents ....or some responsible adults in her life... to take her home where she belongs.....before she crumbles again, beyond repair...
So, a disturbed 16 year old child is leading the climate change scam.
It's an analogy, pay attention!!
What a steam pile of bullshit!
Toxic hates a little girl!
That was easy![]()
Pretty sad that there are adults here who hate a little girl!
Pretty sad that there are adults here who hate a little girl!