A friend sent this to me.
Extinction Rebellion and child abuse
We "climate deniers" are called "haters" for "criticising Greta Thunberg". We are not. It is a much finer point that eludes most of the cognitively-impaired Green ignoratti. We are not criticising Greta. We are criticising the practice of cynical Death Cult adults who are using and abusing children as if they were human shields.
It has just been reported that doctors are having to prescribe growing numbers of psychiatric drugs to treat “eco-traumatised” youngsters who believe the world is about to end. This is down to the lying Greens, Caroline Lucas and Extinction Rebellion, who are making our kids mentally ill. These people are sick.
They are resorting to this child abuse because they are intellectually incapable of making a convincing argument for our taxes to be massively increased in support of their false cause, particularly in this country, which is among those with the lowest carbon emissions in the world.
When they are faced with someone who can show them real scientific data that is not skewed out of proportion by massaged computer models and Michael Mann's "hockeystick", they flounder and panic. So they close down all debate by hiding behind the mask of "the innocence of the child" in order to push their extremist and destructive policies that are designed not to "save the planet" but to bring in global communism.
"One recent report from the think tank Policy Exchange delves into the history of Extinction Rebellion, concluding that the group is an extremist outfit whose end goal is global communism and a wholesale reduction in Western living standards. Its founders even wish to sideline democracy in favour of appointed "People's Assemblies" that will do their bidding. Their environmental mantra masks dangerous anti-capitalist fantasies. This is not about climate change ... It is about closing down all sensible forms of debate.
"Of course, it’s not just teachers who are responsible. Politicians on both sides of the Atlantic have queued up to fist-bump Greta Thunberg and preach to crowds of fearful youngsters. But here’s a revolutionary suggestion: why not teach children to read and write properly and do basic maths? Or better yet, encourage critical thinking and serious engagement with the issues rather than regurgitating Extinction Rebellion’s doomsday narrative. Just a thought."