Greta Thunberg

What's entertaining and pathetic to watch is how right wing flunkies can't logically and factually refute or disprove the content of the kid's they detour with character assassination and false allegations. Goebbels would have been proud.
I agree with him, why should poor people without electricity remain in poverty to satisfy rich selfish bastards in the West? You bloody lot are so fond of playing the race card, so I'll do the same!

Vladimir Putin dismisses Greta Thunberg as a 'poorly informed teenager' and says: 'Go tell developing countries why they should continue to live in poverty and not be like Sweden'

The Russian president said the 16-year-old should 'tell developing counties why they should live in poverty' over her campaign to cut fossil fuel use.

At an energy forum today Putin told the audience he did not share the excitement about the Swede's United Nations speech last month.

The schoolgirl electrified the UN summit in New York when she denounced world leaders for failing to tackle climate change, unleashing the outrage felt by millions of her peers by demanding: 'How dare you?'

Putin told the energy conference, adding it was deplorable that Thunberg was being used by some groups - which he did not name - to achieve their own goals.
Little Greta's still infuriating the Denier trolls then ! Haw, haw.......................haw.


Climate experts have solemnly warned that we only have twelve years left until they change the dates on global warming again.

“If we don’t take action, then in 12 years we will have to explain why the world hasn’t ended and come up with a new number,” one UN scientist warned. “This is a very serious threat, and we urge everyone to hand control of the economy to the government immediately before we have no more time left to change the timeline again.”

The scientific consensus is that roughly 10-12 years from now, the world will be flooded with new doomsday predictions. This can all be avoided if we overhaul the economy and become socialists, according to non-political, unbiased sciencey type guys.

“Should we not change our ways, our old predictions will melt, dangerously raising the chance of us having to move the goalposts again,” said Al Gore. “Do you really want me to write another book, film another movie, and go on another tour in my private jet just because you dingbats couldn’t be bothered to alter your lifestyles? I don’t think so. Let’s all get on board with this 12-year figure, or we’ll have to push back the date again.”
Part of me is a little creeped out that certain posters I almost never read or even pay attention to, are nonetheless making it a point to read almost everything I write,
Yup. That's the whole point of a discussion forum... Reading other people's posts and then responding to them... That's how discussion works.

tracking my posts down,
Yup. I've even recruited a cyberhound to help me sniff them out!!

making it a point to read them all the way through,
Obviously. That's how one comes to understand what is being said and how one stays in context.

and relentlessly composing replies to me in a vain attempt for my attention.

My writing is obviously extremely interesting and compelling for these dupes!
Your writing is typically a laughable joke. I do like a good laugh every now and then.

I have to chalk it up in part to mental illness and clinical obsession.
This is the part of your rant where you psychoanalyze me and tell me what is wrong with myself... blah blah blah...

But, I cannot deny there is a certain comedy value in this kind of buffoonery!
I agree. KEEP IT UP, good buddy!
Yup. That's the whole point of a discussion forum... Reading other people's posts and then responding to them... That's how discussion works.

Yup. I've even recruited a cyberhound to help me sniff them out!!

Obviously. That's how one comes to understand what is being said and how one stays in context.


Your writing is typically a laughable joke. I do like a good laugh every now and then.

This is the part of your rant where you psychoanalyze me and tell me what is wrong with myself... blah blah blah...

I agree. KEEP IT UP, good buddy!
The Perfect Post;)
Yo, Mason and Owl, you are correct! No one notices that you two are bullies, who can't simply allow TOP to post.

Looks to me from here that Toxic posts quite a lot. Of course, most of those posts do consist of attention-whoring, frequent mention of Mason or me or Jade, taunting and attacking other posters especially in group piles, and eternal emojis. She's definitely a low-quality troll but no one's stopping her train wreck, are they? Unlike Toxic, we don't report her constantly in hopes of getting her banned.
What's entertaining and pathetic to watch is how right wing flunkies
Not all "Climate Deniers" are right wing, you know...

can't logically and factually refute or disprove the content of the kid's speech...
Okay, want a refutation of AGW Theory?? Here you go...

A word definition MUST make reference to something outside of itself, otherwise it is merely a circular definition. Circular definitions are meaningless; they are void. Any argument based upon such a definition is ultimately a void argument. Proponents of AGW Theory have not offered a workable definition for the terms that they base their arguments on, including but not limited to "climate change" and "global warming". At this point, they are already rejecting logic.

Science is simply 'a set of falsifiable theories'. That's all science is. Currently standing theories of science, such as the Laws of Thermodynamics and the Stefan Boltzmann Law, cannot be ignored. Closing ones eyes and plugging ones ears does not somehow make currently standing theories of science disappear. AGW Theory makes two prevailing arguments: [1] The Magick Blanket Argument, [2] The Magick Bouncing Photon Argument. Both arguments reject the above-mentioned theories of science in the following ways.
** They attempt to slow/trap heat. Heat CANNOT be slowed/trapped.
** They attempt to make heat flow uphill (ie, warm a hotter object with a colder object). Heat CANNOT flow uphill. Heat can only flow from hot to cold, NEVER the opposite way.
** They attempt to decrease entropy in an isolated system. Entropy NEVER decreases in such a system. It can only increase or stay the same.
** They attempt to decrease radiance of Earth while simultaneously increasing temperature of Earth. That is not possible, per the Stefan Boltzmann Law, since radiance and temperature are DIRECTLY PROPORTIONAL.
** They attempt to trap light. Light CANNOT be trapped.
** They attempt to create energy out of nothing. That is not possible, per the 1st LoT.

As you can see, there is quite a bit of science that these twits are rejecting.

The basis of Global Warming mythology is that the temperature of the Earth is definitely increasing (then some "doom and gloom" predictions if we simply "do nothing" are typically thrown in as well). But, how do they KNOW that the temperature of Earth is definitely increasing? The answer is that they DON'T know jack shit... They simply believe, on a religious level, that the temperature of Earth is increasing, hence the aptly fitting title of "Church of Global Warming". Now, why don't they know jack shit about the temperature of Earth?? This is where mathematics comes into play (and must also be rejected by climate-lemmings)...

The surface area of Earth is some 197 million sq miles. At this point, the number of thermometers being used must be declared. NASA declares use of some 7,500 thermometers. Biasing factors, such as time and location, must also be removed. This does NOT happen. But, for argument's sake, let's just assume that this has been taken care of by uniformed spacing of all thermometers and simultaneous reading of all thermometers by the same observer. Let's also assume that other problematic biases have been perfectly removed as well. 197 million sq miles of surface area divided by 7,500 uniformly spaced thermometers equals ONE thermometer for every 26,266 sq miles of surface area. That is an area of a couple thousand sq miles larger than the State of West Virginia. Even having 200 MILLION thermometers (approx. ONE thermometer per sq mile) isn't all that accurate since temperatures have been often enough observed to vary by 20degF per mile. That still yields a rather high margin of error. Mathematics tells us that we simply do not have anywhere NEAR enough thermometers to accurately measure the temperature of Earth's surface. For similar reasons, global CO2 content cannot be measured either. Same with global sea levels (no valid reference point).

Satellites do not work either. Satellites do not measure absolute temperature; they measure light. In order to convert those readings via the SB Law, the emissivity of Earth MUST be known. In order to know the emissivity of Earth, we must first know the temperature of Earth. See the issue there? Satellites work great for determining relative temperatures, but they are not capable of telling us what Earth's temperature is.

So, as you can see, in order to be an "enlightened believer" in the Church of Global Warming, one must first be willing to reject any logic, science, or mathematics which gets in their way.

so they detour with character assassination and false allegations. Goebbels would have been proud.
No need for any of that. See above explanation.