Greta Thunberg

I listened to this poor girl on NPR this. a.m.
Sad what the climate hoaxers have done in brainwashing these kids.
They should be taken away from their parents for child abuse.
And the U.N. gives her a podium and actually listens to this crap pretending to take her seriously for the advancement of Agenda 21.

Kids in S.F. think we have only 12 yrs. left before the End of Days Apocalypse.

So glad I raised well adjusted kids.

Someone needs to tell the hateful, little Nazi that NONE OF THE CLIMATE PREEICTIONS HAVE BORNE OUT....NONE. I was in the Maldives two months ago...guess what?? THEY'RE NOT UNDER WATER, as the WARMISTS PREDICTED...
Hello anonymoose,

WHAT??? Family separation? AGAIN? Has nothing been learned here? She is happy with her parents.
She is depressed. Again: "You have stolen my dreams and my childhood "
It would be monstrous to separate her from her family.
It's monstrous to keep her with those parents. Apparently she's doomed to lifelong depression.
And you placed no link supporting that claim of 'need' for separation.
It's my opinion. The link is right here where you read this.

You don't know what you're talking about. And your laymen's diagnosis is way off.
Apparently it's spot on according to YOU.
she became depressed and lethargic
If you wanted to play up a mental deficiency angle you should have learned more about Greta. She's got Asperger's and autism.

"Greta Thunberg was born on 3 January 2003 in Stockholm,[7][8] the daughter of opera singer Malena Ernman and actor Svante Thunberg.[9] Her paternal grandfather is actor and director Olof Thunberg.[10]

Thunberg says she first heard about climate change in 2011, when she was 8 years old, and could not understand why so little was being done about it.[11] Three years later she became depressed and lethargic, stopped talking and eating, and was eventually diagnosed with Asperger syndrome,[12] obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD),[12] and selective mutism.[12][13] While acknowledging that her diagnosis "has limited me before", she does not view her autism as an illness and has instead called it her "superpower".[13]
So she does have mental problems. More than just depression and delusional psychosis.
Her depression and psychotic delusions may not be her parents' fault after all.
Whew boy, this kid's got some problems. Depression, Asperger syndrome,[12] obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD),[12] and selective mutism.
And this is the person you believe. I understand.
For about two years, Thunberg challenged her parents to lower the family's carbon footprint by becoming vegan and giving up flying, which in part meant her mother had to give up her international career as an opera singer.[9][14] Thunberg credits her parents' eventual response and lifestyle changes with giving her hope and belief that she could make a difference.[9]
Sounds like Folie à deux.
So then NO ONE CAN CRITICIZE HER BULLSHIT...because she's A "Victim" sick of the LYING LEFT'S BULLSHIT...

And she already has the "minor child" shield.

Of course, that didn't work for the Covington child. His crime was smiling at an adult beating a drum in his face. And the Democrats attacked him viciously. :palm:

Her autism helps her to memorize her lines. :palm:
I listened to this poor girl on NPR this. a.m.
Sad what the climate hoaxers have done in brainwashing these kids.
They should be taken away from their parents for child abuse.
And the U.N. gives her a podium and actually listens to this crap pretending to take her seriously for the advancement of Agenda 21..

Hitler used kids as props too. Climate Change is the home of 21st century fascists

Hello Sirthinksalot,

I never understood why mandatory PE was ever dropped in the first place. Physical activity is something everyone needs. Just part of the degradation of public education. Now, we have to ask ourselves. Who in the world would NOT want a well-educated populace? Who would NOT want a physically healthy populace? Those questions have answers.

Hi Politalker,

I think wanting a well educated and healthy populace is something we can agree on. Unfortunately, many "elites" want just the opposite. A moronic public who lack critical thinking skills. That type of populace is easy to manipulate and control. I have said many times that teacher unionization is a huge part of the problem. We keep throwing more money at education, yet the outcomes continue to decline.
This is why you cannot reason with a prog. Their world is completely upside down from reality. Like Alice walking thru the looking glass.
They believe, e.g.:
It is good to raise a child to be depressed and delusional.
It is good to be skeptical about your gender and be gender confused.
Homelessness in cities is good because it's a sign of cultural diversity - it's not a problem.
Criminals are the true victims, victims are the criminals.
Law enforcement officers enforcing the law are bad for society.

Just to name a few, but you get my point. How do you reason with a sick mind ? You can't . Impossible.

You also can't reason with people who come to their conclusions based on how it makes them feel, rather than thinking about issues objectively. The leftist stance on immigration is a great example. Someone comes here illegally with a child. Oh, it would be so cruel to make them follow the law. Liberals are a complete joke.
The right wingers are such mentally retarded sociopathic wastes of oxygen that they attacked kids who witnessed their classmates getting massacred because they lobbied for gun control.
Hello TOP,

It's so sad that you don't see just how damaged she is;(

She suffers from Asperger's and Autism, but she is very intelligent and wise beyond her years. Following her inner calling has allowed her to deal with her issues in a very effective way. She calls it her 'superpower.'

I think she's right.
This is why you cannot reason with a prog. Their world is completely upside down from reality. Like Alice walking thru the looking glass.
They believe, e.g.:
It is good to raise a child to be depressed and delusional.
It is good to be skeptical about your gender and be gender confused.
Homelessness in cities is good because it's a sign of cultural diversity - it's not a problem.
Criminals are the true victims, victims are the criminals.
Law enforcement officers enforcing the law are bad for society.

Just to name a few, but you get my point. How do you reason with a sick mind ? You can't . Impossible.

Pull your head out of Top's bony ass!
Impossible indeed....
There are parents here Still trying to justify absences for the days their children miss school due to the defeat of Hillary and the resulting Trump presidency....they are simply too distraught, depressed, and devastated to leave home for periods of time....what will these poor kids be like by the time they're 8?

Off topic,
Hello anonymoose,

Well adjusted kids are not clinically depressed. In addition she is delusional. "I want you to act as if our house is on fire. Because it is." No it's not, therefore I will not act as if my house is on fire.

Actually it is. If 'house' is a metaphor for the Earth, and 'on fire' is a metaphor for Global Warming, then she is exactly correct.

Things arent always what they seem.

No, they are not. You think you are winning this argument but you're totally losing it.

Nice try, but you've agreed with nothing I've said. In so doing, you have denied facts.

She's been brainwashed.

There you go. That is not a fact.

She's depressed and delusional. She needs help.

No, she WAS depressed. She was never delusional, (another fictitious 'fact' ) and you can't post anything which supports that. It is something you've made up in order to explain your denial of human-caused climate change. This mental trickery allows you to believe you are the rational one, and those who believe the widespread and very well supported warnings are 'delusional.' By your definition most of the world is just as 'delusional' as Greta. It's a false charge. She has already gotten plenty of help and she is dealing with her own challenges marvelously from what I can see. And none of her issues have anything to do with the science of global warming. They have to do with the world response, which is being held back by greed.

Her parents are also sick. It is a sick love, if they actually love her.

Now you are WAY out in right field... Making completely unsubstantiated claims about people you don't even know, and have zero information about, just to support your denial. You're free to back up your claims, but I'd be pretty surprised if you can. Looks to me like you're just carelessly making up hurtful things up about people at your own convenience with no concern what-so-ever for them.