Fuck off you cock gobbling freak.
Another brilliant Trump troll who always has the most comprehensive defense of Cadet Bone Spurs. Where did you learn to spell such complicated words? Harvard? Yale? Maybe Oxford?

Fuck off you cock gobbling freak.
Hello TOP,
She suffers from Asperger's and Autism, but she is very intelligent and wise beyond her years. Following her inner calling has allowed her to deal with her issues in a very effective way. She calls it her 'superpower.'
I think she's right.
This is why you cannot reason with a prog.
Their world is completely upside down from reality.
Like Alice walking thru the looking glass.
They believe, e.g.:
It is good to raise a child to be depressed and delusional.
It is good to be skeptical about your gender and be gender confused.
Homelessness in cities is good because it's a sign of cultural diversity - it's not a problem.
Criminals are the true victims, victims are the criminals.
Law enforcement officers enforcing the law are bad for society.
Just to name a few, but you get my point.
How do you reason with a sick mind ? You can't . Impossible.
1. I am not a conservative.
2. Science should not be liberal or conservative.
3. I did not say that her parents are exploiting her. I noted that adults use children in that manner because criticizing them makes one appear monstrous.
4. See #1. And while we are at it, see #2.
5. Neither of us is a climatologist. If you were, you wouldn't refer to the issue as if it is a scientific certainty.
6. You are one of several people in this forum who can barely write a single post without mentioning Trump.
7, We all breathe the same air, rich and poor alike. And the super-wealthy are still buying beach-front properties.
8. You sing the praises of child activists, yet you seem to have no faith in them. There are solutions, and I have named a couple of them. You mentioned one of them yourself.
Hi Politalker,
I think wanting a well educated and healthy populace is something we can agree on. Unfortunately, many "elites" want just the opposite. A moronic public who lack critical thinking skills. That type of populace is easy to manipulate and control. I have said many times that teacher unionization is a huge part of the problem. We keep throwing more money at education, yet the outcomes continue to decline.
You also can't reason with people who come to their conclusions based on how it makes them feel, rather than thinking about issues objectively. The leftist stance on immigration is a great example. Someone comes here illegally with a child. Oh, it would be so cruel to make them follow the law. Liberals are a complete joke.
Hello moose,
Driven by stereotypes now?
Total BS Making it up as you go...
You made that up. No progressives have said that.
And which side of the political spectrum does more for social services again?
Total fantasy about the left made up by the right. Completely unsupported. Pure fiction.
Another whopper from the stereotype factory on the right.
The point I am getting is not what you intend.
I try every time I visit here.
Ya know what's really going on here in your post? This is how I see it: (nothing personal intended)
Whataboutism. You're arguments are so thin, with nothing to back them up, that you've found yourself in a losing position; so you've decided to trot out a few well-worn Conservative Myths to try to bolster emotional support and deflect away from how badly you're handling this discussion.
But don't listen to any of the sense I have tried to inject. Go ahead and dig yourself in deeper. As long as the discussion stays civil I will counter every one of your myths with facts as I see it.
It's easy doing my side of the discussion. You're the one who has to work at it. You've got to be really creative and come up with all kinds of fantastic explanations for things that don't exist, basically falsehoods piled on top of falsehoods, each one designed to support the previous one. Wow. Impressive imagination, coming up with all that stuff. Very impressive. I don't have to work nearly as hard. All I have to do is read through your posts and identify the point at which you diverge from reality and point it out.
For me it is a game of 'Can you point out the falsehood in this post?'
Yes, I can.
The trick is to do so with the greatest amount of respect possible. I know you are a good person who means very well. You're intelligent, you provide a crucial function to society, and your voice needs to be heard. You are part of America. I am glad you're here. You help make America great. We need good people like yourself to contribute to society, work hard, pay taxes, get informed, vote, express your views. You've created a family, and they sound like good people, too. Together, we all make up a great country. It's a country based on the concept of freedom and diversity. That means we need to examine all views, to make sure that our policy is based on the best reasoning. We don't always get it right, but we can learn from our mistakes. If your side wins for a while and creates policy that doesn't work, then the other side can seize upon that and flip it the other way. It's an ongoing process with gains and losses, but hopefully an overall gain over time.
I am glad you're here, and I'm glad you are voicing your views. I believe I see the big picture more clearly than you, so I am using my freedom to point out why. Sooner or later we will both be gone and others will carry on. It is my goal to leave them the best planet I can, with or without your help.
That's why I am supportive of Greta.
I listened to this poor girl on NPR this. a.m.
Sad what the climate hoaxers have done in brainwashing these kids.
They should be taken away from their parents for child abuse.
And the U.N. gives her a podium and actually listens to this crap pretending to take her seriously for the advancement of Agenda 21.
Kids in S.F. think we have only 12 yrs. left before the End of Days Apocalypse.
So glad I raised well adjusted kids.
And intellectually able to comprehend peer reviewed science.
Hello CO,
Was this post directed at anyone in particular?
She is now.
Hello CO,
Was this post directed at anyone in particular?
The right wingers are such mentally retarded sociopathic wastes of oxygen that they attacked kids who witnessed their classmates getting massacred because they lobbied for gun control.
She's clearly not "fine"....
She's not "fine"...Hello TOP,
If you think you're gonna get around global warming with an ad hominem you've got another thing coming.
Hello Cinnabar,
I get so tired of the constant sniping from both sides about how mentally lacking the opposite side is. People have no idea how detrimental this is to getting anything done. All this does is turns people off to politics and being involved. Apathy is our number one problem in getting anything meaningful done. The result is most people are totally turned off to politics, don't want to have anything to do with it, refuse to watch or listen to the news, or get meaningfully informed, and only vote (if they even manage to do so) based on sound bytes paid for by the wealthiest and most corrupt money-suckers in the nation.
We would all do ourselves a great service to just drop all the apprehension and blaming of the opposing side, and show more respect for fellow Americans.
Together we make this country what it is.
We are squandering so much potential it would make a billion heads spin faster than all the spin created by 'them,' whomever the 'they' are in your own political belief system.
Hello Cinnabar,
I get so tired of the constant sniping from both sides about how mentally lacking the opposite side is. People have no idea how detrimental this is to getting anything done. All this does is turns people off to politics and being involved. Apathy is our number one problem in getting anything meaningful done. The result is most people are totally turned off to politics, don't want to have anything to do with it, refuse to watch or listen to the news, or get meaningfully informed, and only vote (if they even manage to do so) based on sound bytes paid for by the wealthiest and most corrupt money-suckers in the nation.
We would all do ourselves a great service to just drop all the apprehension and blaming of the opposing side, and show more respect for fellow Americans.
Together we make this country what it is.
We are squandering so much potential it would make a billion heads spin faster than all the spin created by 'them,' whomever the 'they' are in your own political belief system.
Yes, it was directed at you. I didn't hit, "Reply With Quote" because the result would have been a huge post. I addressed your points.
Since you are here, did young Greta tell you anything you didn't already know?
Has she called out China and India, or just the west?
I call it like I see it. I have immense disdain for knuckle-draggers......