H.R. 582, “Raise the wage act”

According to the OP, HR 582 would raise the minimum to $15/hour over 7 years. During that 7 year span, if those complaining about an increase would spend 1/4 the time bettering themselves as they do whining about being paid more for nothing, the minimum wage wouldn't be a consideration. They put more effort into whining about what they aren't getting than they do when it comes to providing skills that produce a higher wage. Someone needs to explain to them that if you're doing a job that millions upon million upon million . . . upon millions can do, the wages are going to be far less than doing something that actually requires a high level skill set.

That's a rather harsh concept to whiners dependent on the government though. Too bad. They will be the worst hurt.
The fact that million are trying to do something in a manner it wasn't intended to do is not a reason to change it.

Times do change. At one time, those that didn't like what they were making took it upon themselves to better themselves, improve their skills, and offer more in return for a higher wage. Now, those that don't want to put forth the effort to better themselves think the system should change because they don't want to do any better.


There have always been two types of people when it comes this topic. Those that work for/earn a living and those that vote for one. The problem is less and less want to earn it and more think the government should force someone else to provide it for them.
H.R. 582, “Raise the wage act” is a good bill, but opponents of the bill will refrain from mentioning the minimum hourly rate will not be $15 until 7th year after the bill's passage.

In the likely case that it's not passed through and added to our federal statutes, I urge U.S. Congressional members to continue striving and pass a bill that would increase the minimum wage rate by 12.5% of its purchasing power until it attains 125% of its February-1968 purchasing power. Thereafter the rate should be monitored and annually adjusted to retain that purchasing power.

Respectfully, Supposn

It is a stupid bill and will get killed in the Senate if it passes and/or vetoed by Trump. Why does the Party of the Jackass waste so much time on partisan issues like this without the bi-partisan support they need?
Grumpy, you don't understand the word "minimum" or is it the concept of the "minimum wage rate" that challenges you? Did you try googling those terms?
Respectfully, Supposn

Arbitrary minimum wage laws do NOTHING to help anyone. They are moronic and a complete waste of time. Let the markets determine this. The Federal Government is not there to tell people how to run their businesses or how much people should be paid.
That is incorrect. It was not designed as that. https://www.thebillfold.com/2015/07/it-was-always-supposed-to-be-a-living-wage/

FDR said it was a living wage which he defined as "more than bare subsistence level. I mean wages of decent living."

Where do you get the info you post and do you ever look up corroboration?

Is that the same FDR that said Social Security wouldn't be taxed and who put U.S. citizens in internment camps because they were of Japanese heritage?
Grumpy, you're not considering the economic concept of wage differentials. Due to wage differentials,

Wage differentials is another moronic Progressive meme. When is it the Governments job to get into the wage differential business? We're not a Communist dictatorship where a central authority tells our citizens how to run their businesses. Those types of Governments are a complete and utter failure and do nothing more than make EVERYONE equally miserable.
That was ages ago,now like it or not millions are trying to live on minimum wages.
Times change.

LIE and LAME. Very few, if any, attempt to live on minimum wages. Arbitrary increases do NOTHING to improve their impoverishment. The best way to make more money is not live here illegally, find a job skill people will pay more for and/or get an education in an area that has great demand.

The Government cannot make your lives better and only make things worse when they interfere with free markets. That is historical fact. Liberals are ignorant of facts and history.
No they don't,but you're missing without a minimum wage.Capitalism would keep wages for the bottom end at slave wages.
But being a Conservative,you only care about the Top,10%.

How do Capitalists force people to work for less than what they think they should earn? Who is forcing people to work for less? That is an ignorant argument for someone who lacks any education about economics, has a grasp on the facts or any historical memory.
That is incorrect. It was not designed as that. https://www.thebillfold.com/2015/07/it-was-always-supposed-to-be-a-living-wage/
FDR said it was a living wage which he defined as "more than bare subsistence level. I mean wages of decent living."
Where do you get the info you post and do you ever look up corroboration?

FDR was a lying Fascistic Socialist. How does one live on $15 an hour, say in San Francisco or Los Angeles? Why stop at $15 if it is about a "living" wage, which is itself a moronic argument?

Why not $35 or $45 an hour? After all, if your claims are factual, this will lead to economic utopia right?
As usual rightys want their own facts. The min wage was designed to be a living wage . Who is on it? Average age is 35. Not a teen. Over half are beyond 20. 27 percent are parents . Most are women. Most are southerners. https://www.nytimes.com/2014/06/10/upshot/minimum-wage.html
If a business fails when the min wage is increased, it is a lot more than just that. The other businesses are still going. Sounds like Trump saying the economy killed his casinos, but all the others are still in business. Just his went under.

Wrong. The minimum wage was NEVER designed to be a 'living wage'. Minimum wage was for UNSKILLED jobs. Meant for students or second income earners in a family. Meant for people needing to learn job skills.