Happy Birthday James Baldwin

I prefaced my statements about white priviledge with the comment "I would not deny racism exists" to avoid the idiot knee-jerk reactions that would follow.

But when I have known someone's posting and moderating style for 4 years, and you have been here for a month, I feel that I know his motivations better. I did not point out your shortcomings. I pointed out an error in your judgement of Damo.

I am quite familiar with tact and restraint. However, since I have not seen any sign of them from you, that you expect others to use them is laughable.

Error in judgment? From his postings I have already deduced much. His blanket indictment of liberals is what is laughable. And your explanation about "racism" is laughable, also. The word is spelled privilege( without a "d") And I give a good goddamn about what you feel you know better. Don't you get it? I don't need you to make my judgment calls for me. And you need to revisit "tact and restraint", because this very post indicates you haven't a clue.
Error in judgment? From his postings I have already deduced much. His blanket indictment of liberals is what is laughable. And your explanation about "racism" is laughable, also. The word is spelled privilege( without a "d") And I give a good goddamn about what you feel you know better. Don't you get it? I don't need you to make my judgment calls for me. And you need to revisit "tact and restraint", because this very post indicates you haven't a clue.

Oh I see. So since he runs this board he is not allowed to have opinions? That is ridiculous.

But, that he disagrees with people and still provides a fair and level playing field is admireable.

Well, I am glad that you, in your first 30 days, have been able to gain such insight into all our members. But, the fact that you could give a good goddamn and feel compelled to say that as often as you have, means tact and restraint are unnecessary.

If you are going to be abrasive and caustic with others, you cannot expect to be spoken to with tact and restraint. I give what I get. If I am treated with respect, I give respect. If not, well...not so much from me either.
Oh I see. So since he runs this board he is not allowed to have opinions? That is ridiculous.

But, that he disagrees with people and still provides a fair and level playing field is admireable.

Well, I am glad that you, in your first 30 days, have been able to gain such insight into all our members. But, the fact that you could give a good goddamn and feel compelled to say that as often as you have, means tact and restraint are unnecessary.

If you are going to be abrasive and caustic with others, you cannot expect to be spoken to with tact and restraint. I give what I get. If I am treated with respect, I give respect. If not, well...not so much from me either.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. Whether they amount to being worth more than shit is another thing. Admireable? Really? Were you going for admirable? Like my signature says, I fucking hate stupid people.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. Whether they amount to being worth more than shit is another thing. Admireable? Really? Were you going for admirable? Like my signature says, I fucking hate stupid people.

You really shouldn't be so hard on yourself; because I'm sure you could learn to like yourself.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. Whether they amount to being worth more than shit is another thing. Admireable? Really? Were you going for admirable? Like my signature says, I fucking hate stupid people.

Oh, spelling is the key point now? Let me know how that works out for you.

Yep, we are all entitled to our own opinions. And I have no problem with you disagreeing with mine.
Oh, spelling is the key point now? Let me know how that works out for you.

Yep, we are all entitled to our own opinions. And I have no problem with you disagreeing with mine.

Spelling has always been key. What is anyone doing on a political debate forum, that can't spell? This is a "world stage", and dictionaries aren't rare. But folks are either lazy or stupid.
Spelling has always been key. What is anyone doing on a political debate forum, that can't spell? This is a "world stage", and dictionaries aren't rare. But folks are either lazy or stupid.

Or multi-tasking and not particularly worried about the odd spelling error. The point of this is communication. Were any of the errors enough to prevent communication?
Or multi-tasking and not particularly worried about the odd spelling error. The point of this is communication. Were any of the errors enough to prevent communication?
Hardly the point. You think so little of forum members (again, a function of "white privilege" or arrogance), as to summarily dismiss the need to use proper English and spelling. It was "good enough", right, and therefore, excusable. But let the tables be turned, and me, be less of a scholar and intellect, and how the fur would fly. In my book, proper use of language is tantamount to intelligence. You either have it or you don't.
Hardly the point. You think so little of forum members (again, a function of "white privilege" or arrogance), as to summarily dismiss the need to use proper English and spelling. It was "good enough", right, and therefore, excusable. But let the tables be turned, and me, be less of a scholar and intellect, and how the fur would fly. In my book, proper use of language is tantamount to intelligence. You either have it or you don't.

WTF? So now my error in spelling is a sign of my disrespect for my fellow forum members? Jeez, you really are stretching here, aren't you?

So my not using spell-check is another example of "white privilege"? You have lost your mind.
WTF? So now my error in spelling is a sign of my disrespect for my fellow forum members? Jeez, you really are stretching here, aren't you?

So my not using spell-check is another example of "white privilege"? You have lost your mind.

Either that or you're too lazy or trifling to use spell check or pick up a dictionary. Not using spell check, but your defensive posture against getting outside of your selfish box, and extending yourself to accommodate and respect the intelligence of fellow forum members....yes , indeed....part and parcel of "white privilege". Are you for real? You couldn't be bothered. You're supposed to be excused because you're white. Not. And doesn't go for you alone, but to everyone. If you can't keep up, or exercise a modicum of standards, there are quite a few "dummie forums', out there, where it doesn't matter. And my mind is intact, thank you very much.
Either that or you're too lazy or trifling to use spell check or pick up a dictionary. Not using spell check, but your defensive posture against getting outside of your selfish box, and extending yourself to accommodate and respect the intelligence of fellow forum members....yes , indeed....part and parcel of "white privilege". Are you for real? You couldn't be bothered. You're supposed to be excused because you're white. Not. And doesn't go for you alone, but to everyone. If you can't keep up, or exercise a modicum of standards, there are quite a few "dummie forums', out there, where it doesn't matter. And my mind is intact, thank you very much.

If you hadn't been caught in your own spelling errors and were perfect I might understand this. This is entirely hypocritical nonsense. You haven't been perfect, and many times you have been caught while trying to lecture others on how they must be perfect in order to meet your standard. So, first start checking your own posts for errors, then when you are perfect, and there never is a typo, grammatical error, or even one misplaced quote mark you can start demanding perfection from others.
Either that or you're too lazy or trifling to use spell check or pick up a dictionary. Not using spell check, but your defensive posture against getting outside of your selfish box, and extending yourself to accommodate and respect the intelligence of fellow forum members....yes , indeed....part and parcel of "white privilege". Are you for real? You couldn't be bothered. You're supposed to be excused because you're white. Not. And doesn't go for you alone, but to everyone. If you can't keep up, or exercise a modicum of standards, there are quite a few "dummie forums', out there, where it doesn't matter. And my mind is intact, thank you very much.

I am not expecting to be excused because I am white. I am not expecting any rational person to give a shit about minor errors that do not effect the message.

And if you want to talk about trifling, getting worked up about spelling would put you at the top of that list.

When you first got here I had hoped you would provide a better level of debate. But your answer to any disagreement is accusations of racism, and you worry more about spelling than the message. Pretty sad.

Allow me to introduce you to a new place. Its called IA. Its rarified air, since I do so with very few people.
I am not expecting to be excused because I am white. I am not expecting any rational person to give a shit about minor errors that do not effect the message.

And if you want to talk about trifling, getting worked up about spelling would put you at the top of that list.

When you first got here I had hoped you would provide a better level of debate. But your answer to any disagreement is accusations of racism, and you worry more about spelling than the message. Pretty sad.

Allow me to introduce you to a new place. Its called IA. Its rarified air, since I do so with very few people.

And you don't see the arrogance in that? It's a metaphor for larger and more substantial shit. Minor errors that do not "affect" the message??? You're so stupid , in your defense you have errors. You don't know the difference between "effect" and "affect"?????? You couldn't get into anybody's university on that tip. Maybe you could....white privilege allows whiteness to preempt stupidity.

No. I just have higher standards than most, and like my signature states...I don't abide stupidity. And you fit that bill, along with a slew of others. WP doesn't work with me. In any event, I didn't ask for your commentary, as erroneous and sad as it is, in my thread to begin with. Move around.
Amazing how you all fell for this pretentious poser's chain yanking over grammar and racism. It was obvious from day one, in my opinion, that it cannot debate or communicate ideas of its own. Hint: Race and or spelling and grammar, are always inserted into the thread when it has no defensible position. Hint: When it is taken to task fairly and with merit- it threatens IA.
Amazing how you all fell for this pretentious poser's chain yanking over grammar and racism. It was obvious from day one, in my opinion, that it cannot debate or communicate ideas of its own. Hint: Race and or spelling and grammar, are always inserted into the thread when it has no defensible position. Hint: When it is taken to task fairly and with merit- it threatens IA.

Pretentious poser? There you go talking about your mama again. It? LOL. When you're the company ho, going down on the boss in order to score brownie points and perks, it's easy to refer to people as "it". Debate? No one here debates? It's all about posturing and ad hominem attacks. I don't insert race into threads....I point it out. And bitch please. I'll debate any topic you think you can handle. You're so confident...show what you can do, and take me to task.
Hardly the point. You think so little of forum members (again, a function of "white privilege" or arrogance), as to summarily dismiss the need to use proper English and spelling. It was "good enough", right, and therefore, excusable. But let the tables be turned, and me, be less of a scholar and intellect, and how the fur would fly. In my book, proper use of language is tantamount to intelligence. You either have it or you don't.

What you fail to recognize, you dolt; is that no one on where has promoted themselves as a spelling expert, while you have done nothing but put yourself on the block as a "scholar and intellect".
You were hung by your own petard; but since I'm on IA, you'll never understand the facts.
Pretentious poser? There you go talking about your mama again. It? LOL. When you're the company ho, going down on the boss in order to score brownie points and perks, it's easy to refer to people as "it". Debate? No one here debates? It's all about posturing and ad hominem attacks. I don't insert race into threads....I point it out. And bitch please. I'll debate any topic you think you can handle. You're so confident...show what you can do, and take me to task.

NOW; imagine hm saying this, while dressed like Richard Simons in one of his exercise videos.