Willfully ignorant, are we?

Yes, you are. Go back and read a few thousand posts before casting judgement on a topic of which you have no knowledge whatsoever.

1. Tom is a misogynist, without doubt.
2. We all use whatever insults we feel like on this forum and hardly need any judgement about it from you.
3. Fuck off, judgemental bastard.
4. You may have potential here, but nitpicking Darla is no way to show it.
Since you asked, Aspergers is not autism, but considered on the autism spectrum.

Autism spectrum that's correct! I guess you do know more than tom! LOL I was just effing around with Tom anyway, cause I don't like his sexism shit. What a big to-do over they made over it my goodness! ;)
He's full of shit. I can't get banned for publishing my own PMs, only someone else's without their permission. Ignore the moron and it will go away.

Actually, yes you can. For example, if you were to discuss the content of PM's between you an I, that would potentially be a banning offense.
Aspergers is a form of autism

Willfully ignorant, are we?

I think you may have overexaggerated in your criticism of Darla, Rose. First, Darla was speaking of Tom, not anyone in general. Second, considering the symptoms of Asperger's and the mental state of the misogynist, it's possible a misogynist could suffer from Aspergers, but could outbursts of misogynist comments be tied specifically to Asperger's?

I guess we'll never know. But...

I've got to give you and Darla a thanks. I've spent the afternoon trying to find a link between Asperger's and misogyny. Believe it or not, I found a case study of a British writer named Patricia Highsmith who had Asperger's and was accused of misogyny.

Incredible. A female accused of misogyny? But, she was a lesbian, or at least bisexual.

An interesting read:


The record of her life she left behind is extraordinary, totalling more than eight thousand pages, many of which contain incriminating and revealing insights into her complicated and at times alienating life. Highsmith’s death in 1995 sparked two biographies, both of which recount her many tumultuous affairs with women and men — Highsmith herself described her love life as "tortuous" — and cite her frequently homophobic and misogynistic remarks. I was expecting to learn a little too much about one of the most compelling American novelists of the twentieth century.

What I found by reading through her notebooks written in the postwar period, when she wrote her most celebrated novels The Talented Mr. Ripley and Strangers on a Train, was not the ramblings of a homophobe or a misogynist, but a series of conflicted, even anguished entries about being a lesbian in Cold War America. Highsmith was frustrated, horrified, baffled and intrigued by her sexuality, and at times, defensive and proud of being gay.
So autism is misogyny. Glad to see we've progressed as a society.

Darla, I don't know what your experiences with AS patients are, but what you posted is inexcusable.

But you notice that no liberals have DARED to put her on blast, over it.
They have no life, without Darla's daily approval.