I still have the PMs that you sent me, I doubt you will publish them because they will make you look foolish.
Sorry Tom, I don't save garbage, which would include any communication with you.
I still have the PMs that you sent me, I doubt you will publish them because they will make you look foolish.
You don't know the half of it.
I like the first paragraph, but in the second you reveal yourself as a lover of big government, and only big GovCo can do the things that you claim to hate.
Aspergers!!! Ask Rune he is a frigging genius or so he says.
Willfully ignorant, are we?
Rune, why don't you go fuck yourself?
Since you asked, Aspergers is not autism, but considered on the autism spectrum.
Well, he should...
Cool, I always appreciate those sort of comebacks.Well when someone says that to me, I always say, you know I think I will! After all, it's sex with the best person I know!
It strikes me as odd that a thread about a ban has lasted twice as long as the ban.
Rune, why don't you go fuck yourself?
He's full of shit. I can't get banned for publishing my own PMs, only someone else's without their permission. Ignore the moron and it will go away.
Why won't you die?Thanks for again proving what a useless moron you are.
Aspergers is a form of autism
Willfully ignorant, are we?
The record of her life she left behind is extraordinary, totalling more than eight thousand pages, many of which contain incriminating and revealing insights into her complicated and at times alienating life. Highsmith’s death in 1995 sparked two biographies, both of which recount her many tumultuous affairs with women and men — Highsmith herself described her love life as "tortuous" — and cite her frequently homophobic and misogynistic remarks. I was expecting to learn a little too much about one of the most compelling American novelists of the twentieth century.
What I found by reading through her notebooks written in the postwar period, when she wrote her most celebrated novels The Talented Mr. Ripley and Strangers on a Train, was not the ramblings of a homophobe or a misogynist, but a series of conflicted, even anguished entries about being a lesbian in Cold War America. Highsmith was frustrated, horrified, baffled and intrigued by her sexuality, and at times, defensive and proud of being gay.
So autism is misogyny. Glad to see we've progressed as a society.
Darla, I don't know what your experiences with AS patients are, but what you posted is inexcusable.
Don't try to use words you don't understand, like ironic.