Loyal to the end
Fences are not rockets. Are rockets even legal in Massachusetts?I am a rocket surgeon not a brain surgeon. Get something right for once in your life.
Fences are not rockets. Are rockets even legal in Massachusetts?I am a rocket surgeon not a brain surgeon. Get something right for once in your life.
Fences are not rockets. Are rockets even legal in Massachusetts?
No:They sell warheads at convenience stores in Massachusetts. Everything's legal there.
LMAO I know I thought he would race back on. Maybe he pulled a Dixie? But could we get that lucky?
Please go ahead and publish the PM you sent me so I can get you banned!!
Ohhh can you send it to me Rune?
They sell warheads at convenience stores in Massachusetts. Everything's legal there.
God you are an appalling arse licker, Darla has never been a lady and you are no gent either. You said you were going, maybe this is your new addiction to add to tobacco and booze.
LMAO I know I thought he would race back on. Maybe he pulled a Dixie? But could we get that lucky?
It's one of the reasons, I also hated your defence of Legion and Poet.
How old are you? Playground mentality much?
Down in the jungle where nobody goes lives the wishy, washy, washer woman washing her clothes, she goes, ohhh, ahh, oh,ah, that's how the washer woman washes her clothes, la dee da da, hoochiecoochie, hoochiecoochie, la dee da da, that's how the washer woman washes her clothes!
Down in the jungle where nobody goes lives the wishy, washy, washer woman washing her clothes, she goes, ohhh, ahh, oh,ah, that's how the washer woman washes her clothes, la dee da da, hoochiecoochie, hoochiecoochie, la dee da da, that's how the washer woman washes her clothes!
OK froggie, I can see why you would defend Darla as you go way back. It's just ironic that I was the one that persuaded you to come back here, no doubt that has slipped your mind as well.
I should hope so....
Tom, You have greatly offended me with some of your post on rape. It has nothing to do with Darla. I have seen your descent into ugliness and I was shocked, you claim Darla has shown you a new side to herself, and I will say the same about you and the new side you have shown me.
Cypress, Darla and Christie, as well as Zappy had a part in my return to this forum.
can someone explain to me the washer woman reference?
guys, i love you all. I am in a very blissful state of mind right now, but I just want you all to know that you should try and bring peace into your life. I wish you all peace. and contentment.
A gossip, one who lurks waiting to get the dirty laundry or spread the dirty laundry.
So autism is misogyny. Glad to see we've progressed as a society.
Darla, I don't know what your experiences with AS patients are, but what you posted is inexcusable.