And Miss Freedom.....you freshly back from banning, and you're already starting shit??? Some girls just don't learn, but you gon' mind.....sooner or later.
And Miss Freedom.....you freshly back from banning, and you're already starting shit??? Some girls just don't learn, but you gon' mind.....sooner or later.

You've just shown that you're memory is failing, again.
Why don't you complain about something you forgot you posted and demand that someone get banned, again. :)

Or you could just slap this picture:


2 weeks ago you had that image in your sig. you obsession with this image and your constant attempts at trotting it out does not serve your interests well.
link me. link me where he "revealed" all that.

I have no intention of inclination of going back through all of Howard's posts and quoting everything he mentioned.
It was during one of the times, when the pictures he posted were being "discussed".
If your bitch ass were straight you would have seen it as an insult of the first order...but since your ass is gayer
than Miss Gay Universe, in an all pink drag gown, you "project" that it means something about me. I'm gay and I'm proud, bitch....you're the one that needs to come out of that mildew'd closet. I'm not scared of the gay....you are.
I like my explanation better, since it's logical: you're a self loather.

JB is the guy with the doo-rag and sunglasses on, standing "stage left" and slightly behind the other guy wearing the dark sunglasses.


This was all revealed by Howard, in past posts.

So JB is the little pussy hiding behind the guy with the shades? This is the guy Howey threatens me with?

LOL, Howey must be even smaller and weaker...
I like my explanation better, since it's logical: you're a self loather.

Really? And you posting my quote as your sig, makes you a tattle tale punk sissy. Were you the loud mouth bully on the playground, in elementary school, who ran into the wrong one, who kicked your ass, publicly, and made you cry? I can see it.
Really? And you posting my quote as your sig, makes you a tattle tale punk sissy. Were you the loud mouth bully on the playground, in elementary school, who ran into the wrong one, who kicked your ass, publicly, and made you cry? I can see it.

LOL, hardly. I was always the one taunting the bullies, slyly maneuvering them into situations where they would be beaten badly. I could tell many stories....

There was a kid in my neighborhood the same age but literally as large as a full grown man. For this story I'll call him "Al". Al wasn't too bright, couldn't play stick ball or street hockey worth a dime, and he was constantly picking on the younger kids. One day he decided he'd go after me. Al chased me around this car that was parked on the street, and I'd let him get close enough so he'd lunge, then dart away and he'd end up falling on his face. I repeated this several times and finally he gets the idea to launch himself over the car hood to get me. That didn't work either but it really pissed off the car's owner, who was a college kid painting a house in the neighborhood.

College kid gets off his ladder and grabs Al by the throat. Al was probably 15 but again, the same size as this college kid; actually a bit bigger. College is slowly chocking Al, and explains that he was bullied when he was a kid, and now it's payback time, then proceeds to give Al the beating of his life.

All us smaller kids were of course thrilled to see Al get his ass kicked. But then we saw a true "college" beating. This guy wasn't just kicking Al's ass, he was kicking his ribs, his balls, his neck and his face. We'd never seen anything like that before. It was both shocking and glorious.

Al went home crying and running, and he didn't show his scarred face for months. He was never the same. Never saw him bully anyone after that though...