Bitch, if you were next to me, I'd knock your teeth out. A self-loather? Punk sissy, you don't know me. I love me some me. Why the fuck would I loath myself? You obviously didn't know what I meant. Let me tell you. Men that have a problem with gays are usually suppressing their own homosexual tendencies, and lash out, out of frustration and to give the impression to the public that they couldn't possibly be gay. Your "freaking out", at gays, behind gays, and being preoccupied with "all things gay", let's the cat out of the bag, you stupid bitch. You gay...and you don't like that you're gay. I say, put on your high heels, throw your skirt up and get busy, ho. You know you want to.

I'd love to see Poet and jb get ahold of DY and beat the living self-loathing out of his fag ass.