Bitch, if you were next to me, I'd knock your teeth out. A self-loather? Punk sissy, you don't know me. I love me some me. Why the fuck would I loath myself? You obviously didn't know what I meant. Let me tell you. Men that have a problem with gays are usually suppressing their own homosexual tendencies, and lash out, out of frustration and to give the impression to the public that they couldn't possibly be gay. Your "freaking out", at gays, behind gays, and being preoccupied with "all things gay", let's the cat out of the bag, you stupid bitch. You gay...and you don't like that you're gay. I say, put on your high heels, throw your skirt up and get busy, ho. You know you want to.

I'd love to see Poet and jb get ahold of DY and beat the living self-loathing out of his fag ass.
With reference to Zippy, I was referring to the term he used that I repeated in bold text (dimbulb). I thought that should have been obvious.

Not only are you a dimbulb, you're a blockhead, bonehead, cretin, dimwit, dork, dumbbell, dunce, fool, ignoramus, imbecile, jerk, kook, moron, muttonhead, nincompoop, ninny, nitwit, out to lunch, pinhead, simpleton, tomfool, twit, dolt, dullard, dunce, idiot, numskull, simpleton, and twit
I've known "poet" for quite a while; he's a self-loather. I know exactly what he meant.

With reference to Zippy, I was referring to the term he used that I repeated in bold text (dimbulb). I thought that should have been obvious.

Okay...so you want to pretend "knowing someone" for awhile means you can go all "Amazing Kreskin" on the guy and tell him what he's thinking?

Whatever you say Kreskin!!

It is only nothing to you since you don't know anyone involved. This is one of the best threads of the month so far, for some of us. (we are a small community).

It was a far better thread the twenty four hours he wasn't here.

Me, Grind, Watermark, threedee, and Brent.

Two of whom share membership in the highly exclusive, highly intelligent, highly funny Kewl Kids Klub, Grind and Threedee.
Bitch, if you were next to me, I'd knock your teeth out. A self-loather? Punk sissy, you don't know me. I love me some me. Why the fuck would I loath myself? You obviously didn't know what I meant. Let me tell you. Men that have a problem with gays are usually suppressing their own homosexual tendencies, and lash out, out of frustration and to give the impression to the public that they couldn't possibly be gay. Your "freaking out", at gays, behind gays, and being preoccupied with "all things gay", let's the cat out of the bag, you stupid bitch. You gay...and you don't like that you're gay. I say, put on your high heels, throw your skirt up and get busy, ho. You know you want to.

Good thing some woman didn't go and "wag her finger" in your face; HUH!
In Post #210, in this thread. You called Howie a fag, as if that were a bad thing. Did you think he and everybody here didn't know that he was "gay"? "Fag" is a pejorative, as if you didn't know. Stop pretending to be stupid. You are stupid.

I always call Howie a fag at least once/ thread. It keeps him busy "groaning" me. Just a little game, is all. If it bothers you, I'll stop.

I was referring to you, though, since this is an interaction between us. When have I used "gay" as an insult towards you?
Bitch, if you were next to me, I'd knock your teeth out. A self-loather? Punk sissy, you don't know me. I love me some me. Why the fuck would I loath myself? You obviously didn't know what I meant. Let me tell you. Men that have a problem with gays are usually suppressing their own homosexual tendencies, and lash out, out of frustration and to give the impression to the public that they couldn't possibly be gay. Your "freaking out", at gays, behind gays, and being preoccupied with "all things gay", let's the cat out of the bag, you stupid bitch. You gay...and you don't like that you're gay. I say, put on your high heels, throw your skirt up and get busy, ho. You know you want to.

Since you're gay, and use gay as an insult, you obviously think being gay is the most detestable thing that you can think of. In other words, you're obviously self-loathing.

I find your spin, er, explanation, amusing though. LOL
I always call Howie a fag at least once/ thread. It keeps him busy "groaning" me. Just a little game, is all. If it bothers you, I'll stop.

I was referring to you, though, since this is an interaction between us. When have I used "gay" as an insult towards you?

Probably, more times than I care to remember. And just like you racist bigoted dickheads stick together, so do us gays...if you're gunning for Howie, you're gunning for me, bitch...and I don't take to "hit and run" coward mf'ers. Keep your vile comments and insults to yourself.
Probably, more times than I care to remember. And just like you racist bigoted dickheads stick together, so do us gays...if you're gunning for Howie, you're gunning for me, bitch...and I don't take to "hit and run" coward mf'ers. Keep your vile comments and insults to yourself.
Asking me to stop while calling me names and accusing me of vile attributes without basis is not the best way to get what you want...
Since you're gay, and use gay as an insult, you obviously think being gay is the most detestable thing that you can think of. In other words, you're obviously self-loathing.

I find your spin, er, explanation, amusing though. LOL

If your bitch ass were straight you would have seen it as an insult of the first order...but since your ass is gayer
than Miss Gay Universe, in an all pink drag gown, you "project" that it means something about me. I'm gay and I'm proud, bitch....you're the one that needs to come out of that mildew'd closet. I'm not scared of the gay....you are.
His wife, er, husband, er, 'significant other'?


JB is the guy with the doo-rag and sunglasses on, standing "stage left" and slightly behind the other guy wearing the dark sunglasses.


This was all revealed by Howard, in past posts.
Asking me to stop while calling me names and accusing me of vile attributes without basis is not the best way to get what you want...

Whatever, girl. You started it. Ifn you can't stand the heat, then what is your ass doing in the damn kitchen? And, bitch, weren't you the one to say you know me? Well, I know u, too. The accusations are not without merit.