Happy Pride!!

OMG NHB is a LGBTQ ally we must insinuate she isn't a real woman! That will get her to shut up!

LMAO! nope
BTW you maga morons are obsessed with genitals and its gross. No, I won't prove I am a woman to you. Stop being so fucking crude and disgusting.
Wish I had a dollar for every time some rejected Incel loser has called me either a lesbian or a tranny, or both. :rofl2:
Cry some more. Nobody is making you celebrate the month of even post in this thread. Oh the fake outrage..
Back when SSM was a controversy, Toxic TOP insisted that gay people may not ever call their unions "marriages" because it would somehow diminish the importance of the marriage that she never had. Seriously. Oh, and to virtue-signal that she is not, in fact, a homophobe, she told us that she was "going to bake cookies for the pride parade." Probably with verses from Leviticus baked right in. :laugh:
I believe you just answered my question.
It matters. I'd been getting a strange vibration from your whole online persona.
Tranny makes sense.
But, truth be told, there's no telling what kind of pycho you be!
Seems like some hateful projection to me. You should be proud of who you are!