Harris Debate Winner and Holds Six Point Lead in New Major Poll

They track likely voters via asking them a series of questions. Do you think polls are real people?
You are being a weasel again. We all know what pols ar and a lead in polls is important to politicians.
How many carefully selected people are we talking about in these polls you rely on? ;)
I don't pay any attention to them, as I said...

What passes for a "man" in Trannietown Texas. Dutch the dickless wonderboy.

Claims to have graduated college. :rofl2: :laugh: :rofl2:

Tell me, Fatboy; besides the "masterpiece" you shit every morning, have you ever created anything in your entire life? Or do you just steal and mooch off others?
Claims to have graduated college. :rofl2: :laugh: :rofl2:

Tell me, Fatboy; besides the "masterpiece" you shit every morning, have you ever created anything in your entire life? Or do you just steal and mooch off others?
You are a VERY stupid man. I somewhat enjoy watching this display of stupidity you put on every day. The only advice I might offer is that you may want to cut down on posting so much so that your act doesnt get so stale,...which it does. This is why I rarely respond to you or read you much anymore. Its only entertaining once in a while,...otherwise it gets more boring with every addition to your post count. TRY and have a nice day Dutch......as stale as yours almost certainly must be.
You are a VERY stupid man. I somewhat enjoy watching this display of stupidity you put on every day. The only advice I might offer is that you may want to cut down on posting so much so that your act doesnt get so stale,...which it does. This is why I rarely respond to you or read you much anymore. Its only entertaining once in a while,...otherwise it gets more boring with every addition to your post count. TRY and have a nice day Dutch......as stale as yours almost certainly must be.
Did your "black" wife help you with that, Fatboy? It seems so unlike your usual level of stupidity and ignorance, but contains the usual vitriol of a bitter, angry little man.
Did your "black" wife help you with that, Fatboy? It seems so unlike your usual level of stupidity and ignorance, but contains the usual vitriol of a bitter, angry little man.
I NEVER said my wife was Black,...how typical of a liar like you though. I did however say she is bi Racial /mixed,...which she is. Show me ONE post where I said she was black,...ONE. When you cant,...which you know,...YOU cant,...I'll understand. :)
I NEVER said my wife was Black,...how typical of a liar like you though. I did however say she is bi Racial /mixed,...which she is. Show me ONE post where I said she was black,...ONE. When you cant,...which you know,...YOU cant,...I'll understand. :)
Oh, so she was Irish and/or Eye-talian? LOL

Thanks for the insight you hate blacks too. I know she's not Native American since you hate "Indians" and have often ridiculed them as drunks.
Oh, so she was Irish and/or Eye-talian? LOL

Thanks for the insight you hate blacks too. I know she's not Native American since you hate "Indians" and have often ridiculed them as drunks.
No,...she is white/ Black Hispanic. Like I have posted several times. But you KNOW that,....everyone here KNOWS that. Why does lying come so easy to you? Have you no shame? Is it fun for you to lie?
No,...she is white/ Black Hispanic. Like I have posted several times. But you KNOW that,....everyone here KNOWS that. Why does lying come so easy to you? Have you no shame? Is it fun for you to lie?
No shit, just as I said.

Here's a clue, Fatboy; your white supremacist friends follow the "one drop of blood" theory. You should consider hanging out with the woke and spend less time with your racist idiot friends at the bar.

You've spent months ridiculing Harris's heritage and supporting those who do. Like Vance, you are too fucking stupid to realize what you are saying about your own wife.
No shit, just as I said.

Here's a clue, Fatboy; your white supremacist friends follow the "one drop of blood" theory. You should consider hanging out with the woke and spend less time with your racist idiot friends at the bar.

You've spent months ridiculing Harris's heritage and supporting those who do. Like Vance, you are too fucking stupid to realize what you are saying about your own wife.
I spent MONTHS ridiculing Harris heritage? Lets see those months of posts ? Show us all,...now. For once actually back up your absurd lies. Gee Dutch,...how many lies can you possibly get caught in in one thread,...are you trying to set a JPP record?