Harris Debate Winner and Holds Six Point Lead in New Major Poll

It is sad and pathetic how so many of you have made this message board your life. It is quite shocking to sit back and watch happen. Just look at the post counts of some. :unsure: I generally post a bit in the early morning hours before heading off into my day,...rarely do I post after work,...but some. I also post some on weekends,....mostly early Sunday mornings before church and a little in the afternoon. But some of you guys ??? WOW!! I have watched you decline to such a low point that some are almost unrecognizable just from when I first joined here. Dont you realize whats happening to you? Get out in the sun, smell the flowers and the fresh air,....make something of the little time you have left. You are degenerating quickly,....and it shows.
Indeed...but somewhat understandable...they're afraid and hurting....and need to share those fears...
Most people chose not to do that publicly, but that is certainly not the case here, is it?
I literally just got back just a few weeks ago from Driving all the way from Northern Wisconsin to the Florida panhandle and back for some business that needed tending to. Its like 18.5 hours one way. TIP of the day.....Ate at Osaka at Pier park in Panama city beach,...excellent Hibachi BTW for anyone who may get near there. I honestly dont even think that half of you people could even drive that far...LOL . With the way your mental acuity is you would either be dead or in a hospital some place from driving in to something or some one. PLEASE,....make the change NOW before its too late. Seriously.
It is already far too late.

Buckle Up.
Indeed...but somewhat understandable...they're afraid and hurting....and need to share those fears...
Most people chose not to do that publicly, but that is certainly not the case here, is it?
But afraid of WHAT though? A person who fears is a person who has convicted themselves because they KNOW how they have lived and the things they have done to others. They know their own hearts. If you live a good life a person has nothing to fear. And there is ALWAYS time,.....right up until the moment someone dies there is time. All one must do is earnestly ask for forgiveness and do the right thing instead of the easy thing. There is just no need to live in fear of anyone or any THING if a person rejects evil.
But afraid of WHAT though? A person who fears is a person who has convicted themselves because they KNOW how they have lived and the things they have done to others. They know their own hearts. If you live a good life a person has nothing to fear. And there is ALWAYS time,.....right up until the moment someone dies there is time. All one must do is earnestly ask for forgiveness and do the right thing instead of the easy thing. There is just no need to live in fear of anyone or any THING if a person rejects evil.
You just answered your own question...
You are almost never right.....go sell it to the Air Force.
Actually, I am correct much more than not. Your timeline is off,....way off. You seem to think everything is RIGHT NOW when I KNOW that it is NOT. You are jumping the gun far too much. But thats a whole other story.
Actually, I am correct much more than not. Your timeline is off,....way off. You seem to think everything is RIGHT NOW when I KNOW that it is NOT. You are jumping the gun far too much. But thats a whole other story.
You have been wrong almost 100% of the time.

A tragedy.
You have been wrong almost 100% of the time.

A tragedy.
O.K Hawk. You are free to believe whatever you would like to believe,...but so am I. You seem to believe it is the All powerful CHINA :laugh: pulling all the strings. The truth is the individuals and entities behind the screen could cause THE ALL POWERFUL CHINA :laugh: to cease to even exist by sun up if they wanted to,....but they wont, for NOW that is,...they will use them like toys then discard them like rubbish as they have always done.
O.K Hawk. You are free to believe whatever you would like to believe,...but so am I. You seem to believe it is the All powerful CHINA :laugh: pulling all the strings. The truth is the individuals and entities behind the screen could cause THE ALL POWERFUL CHINA :laugh: to cease to even exist by sun up if they wanted to,....but they wont, for NOW that is,...they will use them like toys then discard them like rubbish as they have always done.
I follow truth.

You have failed to do so.
I follow truth.

You have failed to do so.
Oh Hawk,........its RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU. What is blocking you from seeing what is RIGHT THERE? I KNOW what it is,...do YOU? It is what blocks the truth from most. Personal HUBRIS. You will continue to be blinded until you lose it. That is all. Good day to you....
The New Slavers are not going to ask DAMO where to come collect me, they already know.

Come collect me to add to the massive new piles of bodies.

I am ready now.