Harris Debate Winner and Holds Six Point Lead in New Major Poll

I spent MONTHS ridiculing Harris heritage? Lets see those months of posts ? Show us all,...now. For once actually back up your absurd lies. Gee Dutch,...how many lies can you possibly get caught in in one thread,...are you trying to set a JPP record?
It's remarkable to me how you are so abusive and accusatory to others yet become so upset when it's reflected back to you, Fatboy. I knew you were "sensitive" and it's interesting to see you haven't changed; a "sensitive" racist. Oh, the irony! LOL
To Kamala as she was jailing black folks like she was packing a slave ship just for smoking a little herb?? As she was sucking down joints like there was no tomorrow herself. Another example of the fake fraud she is. She's gonna get hit HARD with this stuff, real hard. ;)

Jailing black folks en mass while her and her white husband were living large sitting at home and laughing their asses off smoking the primo. NOT GOOD......

Racist Guno up to his same tired old bullshit AGAIN. Gee, I wonder if thats the reason most Black men are repulsed by Kamala? Is it because she's married to a pasty looking old Jew Guno? Is THAT why?
Yes,....you do seem to have a lot of those. And yes,...its very easy to believe that a very old Black Jew like yourself is quite overweight. Its in your DNA to be pre disposed to obesity according to all known govt statistics. Eat more salads fat ass.
Well,...in the cackling old Ho Kamala's case it would be a blow JOB. Any other stupid questions?
Im not talking about red haired , fake Jew , high yellows....Im talking about actual Black people. ;)

Guno is about as much a Jew as Pocahontas Warren is an Indian...​

Hey black folks. Something you should know...​

In the end YOU will reap what you have sewn. Just the way of things......
No shit, Fatboy.
It's remarkable to me how you are so abusive and accusatory to others yet become so upset when it's reflected back to you, Fatboy. I knew you were "sensitive" and it's interesting to see you haven't changed; a "sensitive" racist. Oh, the irony! LOL

Guno is about as much a Jew as Pocahontas Warren is an Indian...​

Hey black folks. Something you should know...​

No shit, Fatboy.
So then NO posts of me ridiculing Harris for her heritage, Just as I said there wouldnt be. Poor little Dutchie,....Caught in his own lies yet AGAIN.

Dutch lies A LOT,...a real lot. He also gets caught A LOT. He must do this to seek attention because he isnt getting it anywhere else. For some people it seems even negative attention is attention, pathetic as that mind set may be. :unsure: Poor little old bastard. :laugh:
One other factor in Harris' favor is the larger percentage of women expected to vote than men.

Sounds like you are ashamed that part of her genetic heritage is Black.
Dumb statement from you,...whats new. There is no post to be found where I even come close to disparaging my wifes racial makeup. Why does lying seem to come so easy to leftists like yourself?
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Funny though how important and accurate polls were a short while ago when Biden did poorly in the debate, and you were bashing and mocking him -- and Trump was ahead in the polls.
Funny how during that EXACT same time period YOU yourself were saying how the polls meant nothing. :laugh:
  • Haha
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It is kind of sad and scary to see what has been going on in here in the last year or so. Covid attacks the brain , specifically cognitive function. I am seeing a ton of lefties in here who are in MASSIVE mental decline over the last year,...MASSIVE. It comes from them being walking Covid magnets,...being attacked by the strain over and over again in the last 4 years. Signs of dementia in here everywhere. Half these people cant even remember what they post from one day to the next. We purebloods need only to wait it out,...the rest will be in diapers curled up in the corner of the bed in no time. They are already deep into the babbling like idiots stage now,.... the rest is soon to come.

Old Joe Biden was right about one thing when he said that we are only a couple years away from having Hospitals that will be strained to the max with dementia patients and other mental disorders due to Covid. The evidence is all over these pages. :unsure:
It is sad and pathetic how so many of you have made this message board your life. It is quite shocking to sit back and watch happen. Just look at the post counts of some. :unsure: I generally post a bit in the early morning hours before heading off into my day,...rarely do I post after work,...but some. I also post some on weekends,....mostly early Sunday mornings before church and a little in the afternoon. But some of you guys ??? WOW!! I have watched you decline to such a low point that some are almost unrecognizable just from when I first joined here. Dont you realize whats happening to you? Get out in the sun, smell the flowers and the fresh air,....make something of the little time you have left. You are degenerating quickly,....and it shows.
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I literally just got back just a few weeks ago from Driving all the way from Northern Wisconsin to the Florida panhandle and back for some business that needed tending to. Its like 18.5 hours one way. TIP of the day.....Ate at Osaka at Pier park in Panama city beach,...excellent Hibachi BTW for anyone who may get near there. I honestly dont even think that half of you people could even drive that far...LOL . With the way your mental acuity is you would either be dead or in a hospital some place from driving in to something or some one. PLEASE,....make the change NOW before its too late. Seriously.