"Hate Begets Hate" and Civil Politics

The board has been unusually acrimonious for the past week or so, causing me to reduce my participation. Life is too short. But Nifty is right about, "Pollyanna talk." No one enjoys being lectured by sanctimonious types. You have been at it for a while, and I respectfully submit that nothing has changed due to your efforts. But continue to plug away.

Nothing has changed due to his effort but nothing has changed because of the insults, trash talk, and hate spewing out of the other posters, either. Worse, we have to listen to their trash if we want to engage in civil political debate.
We went through 8 years of the GOP throwing mountains of poo, but that was alright with you. Now it's "respect the office" after you displayed zero respect for almost a decade. Trump is mean because he's always been mean. He expects reality to conform to his wishes and for eceryone around him to kowtow to him. This being a public figure responsible to others is completely foreign to his experience. There has never been anyone in the WH less suited for the position.
you don't know your poo!
Obstructionism is the closest MS Republicans got to special prosecutors, pussy hats and screaming at the sky
you don't know your poo!
Obstructionism is the closest MS Republicans got to special prosecutors, pussy hats and screaming at the sky

The right wing propaganda machine produced a constant stream of lies and conspiracy theories about Obama himself and his administration, many of which were unquestioningly accepted by the gullible fools who make up much of the right. Just a small sampling: Obama was a Muslim, he kept a prayer rug on Air Force 1, FEMA death camps.
If conservatives had any self-respect, they wouldn't support Trump.

See how ignorant liberals are, just because we agree with many of Trumps presidential policies does not equate to support. Run a decent candidate and we'll vote for them. That is if you can find one.
Hello rjhenn,

The problem with that viewpoint is that their idea of a better America is profoundly unAmerican, even anti-American. So their goal is totally different from that of real Americans. For one thing, their goals are rooted in hatred, and are profoundly anti-Christian.

What I see is they are fiercely independent. That's what America means to them. Some of them resent even having a government in the first place, so they certainly don't want government to be any bigger than the absolute bare minimum. Anything more and they feel like that is a compromise. Some of them see no use in diplomacy, feel that all we need is walls and a strong military and we can take care of ourselves. They are willing to pay for walls and military and that's it. They resent being taxed at all, and if they have to pay any taxes they only want it to be for those two things.

They see anyone who wants any more government than that as anti-American, and they resent being forced to live in the world in which we live. They blame others who have made the world so complicated; and they are ready to unload on anybody who doesn't agree with them. They hate that the rest of the nation doesn't agree with them and that they are not the majority. Often they don't even want to admit those things, inflating the size of their rallies and inaugurations, refusing to believe the polls, etc. Deep down inside they have to wonder if they are wrong by calling the main stream news fake, so they hate themselves for that weakness, too. There's a lot of hatred there clouding good reasoning; and they have to let all that stress out somehow. That means lashing out at strangers over the internet. It's safe and has no immediate personal repercussions for them such as injuries, arrests, or loss of employment.

They don't see that the psychological repercussions affect they way they think about the world, and how happy they are to live their lives.

Don't forget. Most people are actually not all that happy with their lives. Resentment, anger and hatred are a heavy burden to bear.

They have issues, but I don't see that as purposely anti-American. It may certainly be thought of as effectually anti-American. In that light, I would agree. I may be liberal and disagree with their politics, but I am also strongly for open dialog. I am always willing to listen to reasons why my viewpoint may be in error, things I may not have considered, willing to entertain doubt. I think we all need to be open to civil discussion of the issues.

But these people don't want to talk about the issues. They have an agenda they want to unload, and if you disagree then they shift gears into trash-mouthing you instead of supporting their contentions. And at that point nothing positive is being accomplished, so there is no point in continuing that dead-end effort.
See how ignorant liberals are, just because we agree with many of Trumps presidential policies does not equate to support. Run a decent candidate and we'll vote for them. That is if you can find one.

Yo, Asshole.

ANYONE WHO IS NOT ACTIVELY OPPOSING DONALD TRUMP...is a traitor to America and to humanity.

Stop with the fucking "...just because we agree with many of Trumps presidential policies does not equate to support"...because in addition to being a traitor to America and to humanity...that makes you a coward for pretending you are not supporting that piece of dung currently occupying the Oval Office.
Hello Controlled Opposition,

Hello Politalker,
The board has been unusually acrimonious for the past week or so, causing me to reduce my participation. Life is too short. But Nifty is right about, "Pollyanna talk." No one enjoys being lectured by sanctimonious types. You have been at it for a while, and I respectfully submit that nothing has changed due to your efforts. But continue to plug away.

The charge of being sanctimonious is an easy one to make from the viewpoint that anti-social behavior is somehow acceptable. If that view is also coupled with the view that 'everyone does it' as justification, then when an individual is encountered who does not 'do it,' that is a nuisance to the belief that 'everyone does it.' It is only understandable that an effort would be made to dispense with that which causes self-doubt.
Hello Nifty,

But this has been the root of all of my posts since I came here.

People who disagree on the means to a common goal CAN INDEED DEBATE the means to get there.
That was ONCE the case between Democrats and Republicans. It hasn't been true for years now.


That's true and false. Both sides want America to be her best. But there is disagreement on what that is.

Their idea of a GREAT AMERICA is our idea of HELL...and vice versa.

I think that is an exaggeration. Some people think of it that way, but that doesn't make it such. Americans of all political stripes have it good, despite which side is in power. That's part of the problem. We have it so good, that most are not sufficiently motivated to even vote. Believe me. If most people thought their lives were hell, and somebody offered them a pathway to correct that situation, they would be highly motivated to vote. Instead, Americans are placated. They work their jobs, collect their pay, spend it as they wish, go home to their cushy homes, eat plentiful food and beverages of their choosing, and watch cheap entertainment on TV. Their lives are full enough for them. Once in a while they go out and watch some fireworks and pretend to be patriotic, but mostly they are oblivious to the structure of their own government, can't even name their own representative, and in many sad cases, can't even name the three branches of government.

The people who post in this Forum are more of the rare somewhat politically informed crowd who actually is motivated to vote. Including a lot of anti-social types who post here because if they rant and rave like that in real life it quickly turns people off. This Forum is not representative of the nation.

They're misogynists, theocrats, racists, xenophobes, homophobes, anti-intellectuals, and fascists. And what's nearly as bad, vulgarians.

And while others see those traits as negative, they either do not, or deny that's what they are. In many cases, they believe they are backed up by God.

An America in which they have influence and power is a SHITHOLE.

Since that is a nebulous term, the statement is purely opinion.

I'm an old man, now.
I couldn't personally make them all disappear even if I were young.
What I can do is talk and write about them, so that the people capable of recognizing logic will share my seething hatred for them and help take them down.

Hatred is not a good motivation for anything. Hatred is irrational and immature.

If it is bad that the other side is motivated by hatred, why is it good that you are?

Your trying to attribute human status toward them will do nothing to help.

News flash. They are indeed humans.

It just makes you a Trumpanzee sympathizer.

It does nothing of the sort.

That's treason. That's not your goal, perhaps, but at the very least,
it's an inadvertent consequence of your false equivalencies, PoliTalker.

You realize you are essentially arguing with Martin Luther King.

The stance I have taken is his.

Do you believe Dr. Martin Luther King Jr was wrong in some way?

Should he have exaggerated how bad his opponents were? Should have have used foul language and perhaps violence?
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Here's the problem. Liberals have done nothing but stab Americans in the collective backs over the years. they love spending, spending, spending. On what? Worthless welfare programs that do nothing for the average person long term.
Here's the problem. Liberals have done nothing but stab Americans in the collective backs over the years. they love spending, spending, spending. On what? Worthless welfare programs that do nothing for the average person long term.

the FACTS don't comport with your claims

debts have gone up more under Republican/ Russian Party control than under Democratic party control

the internets makes it hard to keep those old republican lies alive
Hello Nifty,

That's true and false. Both sides want America to be her best. But there is disagreement on what that is.

No they don't

in trying to be civil you are lying to yourself

the Republican party is being controlled by a Russian dictator who seeks to destroy America

Liars need to be publically shamed

do it or we die
the FACTS don't comport with your claims

debts have gone up more under Republican/ Russian Party control than under Democratic party control

the internets makes it hard to keep those old republican lies alive

So the Dumbshitocrat backstabbings of 1982 and 1988, their repeated desire to waste MY money on worthless welfare programs mean nothing to you, communist CUNT?!?
Hello Controlled Opposition,

The charge of being sanctimonious is an easy one to make from the viewpoint that anti-social behavior is somehow acceptable. If that view is also coupled with the view that 'everyone does it' as justification, then when an individual is encountered who does not 'do it,' that is a nuisance to the belief that 'everyone does it.' It is only understandable that an effort would be made to dispense with that which causes self-doubt.

PoliTalker, I did not say that everyone does it, and I certainly didn't use that as an excuse. What I did do was agree with Nifty about your, "Pollyanna talk."

Name one person whose behavior you have changed by preaching at us/them.

Take someone from your side of the political spectrum and change his or her behvior. I would like to suggest that you start with Mason and then follow up with Owl Woman.

You should also have noted that I encouraged you to continue wasting time on your mission.
But this has been the root of all of my posts since I came here.

People who disagree on the means to a common goal CAN INDEED DEBATE the means to get there.
That was ONCE the case between Democrats and Republicans. It hasn't been true for years now.

Their idea of a GREAT AMERICA is our idea of HELL...and vice versa.

They're misogynists, theocrats, racists, xenophobes, homophobes, anti-intellectuals, and fascists. And what's nearly as bad, vulgarians.
An America in which they have influence and power is a SHITHOLE.

I'm an old man, now.
I couldn't personally make them all disappear even if I were young.
What I can do is talk and write about them, so that the people capable of recognizing logic will share my seething hatred for them and help take them down.

Your trying to attribute human status toward them will do nothing to help. It just makes you a Trumpanzee sympathizer.
That's treason. That's not your goal, perhaps, but at the very least,
it's an inadvertent consequence of your false equivalencies, PoliTalker.

How the hell did I miss this post........

Standing Ovation!
[B]The problem with that viewpoint is that their idea of a better America is profoundly unAmerican, even anti-American[/B]. So their goal is totally different from that of real Americans. For one thing, their goals are rooted in hatred, and are profoundly anti-Christian.

Politalker agrees with them that's why he started this thread.

He tries to act like he's neutral......he thinks we're too stupid to see right through him.

No one wants to be nice to racist or civil.