He's not a leftist.
No they don't
in trying to be civil you are lying to yourself
the Republican party is being controlled by a Russian dictator who seeks to destroy America
Liars need to be publically shamed
do it or we die
I am constantly amused when the people who complain the most and feign outrage over political hatred and incivility are the propagators of same.
Hello evince,
The Republican party does not want to destroy America.
yes they do
Saying so is just as ridiculous as when conservatives claim that liberals want to destroy America.
they are working with the russians
Yes, Republicans are very foolish to be soft on Russia. And I am not even convinced that Russia seeks to destroy America. I think Putin does want to hurt America, cause her economy to suck. That way, he can continue to exploit Russians and then claim life is no better in America. If America is destroyed in the process, he's not overly concerned about that, but he does need a functioning world economy to exploit. I don't think he wants everything destroyed, nor does he have visions of world conquest.
Putin is just kind of stuck, really. He got where he is by exploiting others from the KGB all the way up to president. He has so many enemies he must hold on to power to avoid being offed. Putin can't exploit Russia and allow America to be a vibrant economy without facing too much domestic criticism and opposition or he will lose power. If he loses power he could be executed, so he must play this delicate game of hurting foreign economies as much as he hurts his own, while presenting the public lies of propaganda that he is their savior.
He lucked into a great situation when he got the goods on Trump, and got him elected.
did you support the Democratic party when they tried to get publically funded elections OVER and OVER again?
It is obvious we are being attacked by Russia and the republican party is aiding them
you are making your self suspect
You amuse us as well yourself.
I don't think this will make any sense even with my idiot interpreter.
Oh for fuck sake.
Oh for fuck sake.
I support any serious effort to have publically funded elections, I'm not sure you digested what I wrote.
The two-headed one party system serves to provide citizens the illusion of choice while advancing the agendas of the plutocratic class which owns and operates both parties, yes, but even more importantly, it’s a mechanism of controlling the narrative and a manipulation of perceptual reality.
I expect we disagree on that. You support a party that is forever trying OVER and OVER again, but that is their role. To try over and over and over and fail. Please join them in welcoming Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.
dear idiot,
you are blaming the party who wants to fix it for the republican/Russian partys fight to fuck or elections
do you agree with him that the republicans are not harming this nation?
Doesn't seem to acomplish anything to explain anything to you, you just can't get what anyone says.
so you plan to be civil ?
dear idiot,
Hello rjhenn,
What I see is they are fiercely independent. That's what America means to them. Some of them resent even having a government in the first place, so they certainly don't want government to be any bigger than the absolute bare minimum. Anything more and they feel like that is a compromise. Some of them see no use in diplomacy, feel that all we need is walls and a strong military and we can take care of ourselves. They are willing to pay for walls and military and that's it. They resent being taxed at all, and if they have to pay any taxes they only want it to be for those two things.
They see anyone who wants any more government than that as anti-American, and they resent being forced to live in the world in which we live. They blame others who have made the world so complicated; and they are ready to unload on anybody who doesn't agree with them. They hate that the rest of the nation doesn't agree with them and that they are not the majority. Often they don't even want to admit those things, inflating the size of their rallies and inaugurations, refusing to believe the polls, etc. Deep down inside they have to wonder if they are wrong by calling the main stream news fake, so they hate themselves for that weakness, too. There's a lot of hatred there clouding good reasoning; and they have to let all that stress out somehow. That means lashing out at strangers over the internet. It's safe and has no immediate personal repercussions for them such as injuries, arrests, or loss of employment.
They don't see that the psychological repercussions affect they way they think about the world, and how happy they are to live their lives.
Don't forget. Most people are actually not all that happy with their lives. Resentment, anger and hatred are a heavy burden to bear.
They have issues, but I don't see that as purposely anti-American. It may certainly be thought of as effectually anti-American. In that light, I would agree. I may be liberal and disagree with their politics, but I am also strongly for open dialog. I am always willing to listen to reasons why my viewpoint may be in error, things I may not have considered, willing to entertain doubt. I think we all need to be open to civil discussion of the issues.
But these people don't want to talk about the issues. They have an agenda they want to unload, and if you disagree then they shift gears into trash-mouthing you instead of supporting their contentions. And at that point nothing positive is being accomplished, so there is no point in continuing that dead-end effort.
Quote Originally Posted by evince
No they don't
in trying to be civil you are lying to yourself
the Republican party is being controlled by a Russian dictator who seeks to destroy America
Liars need to be publically shamed
do it or we die
I'm not backing his argument idiot
YOU are