Leftist Vermin
Not, I assume, something that you'd complain about, right?
Other than being stupid and diseased, you will often find that they don't smell that good either.
Just as they have a few progressive liberals in Kansas and your Missouri, we have a few trumpanzee mutants here in Boston.
They have good survival instincts, stick to themselves, and do most of their talking through bumper stickers, MAGA caps,
and Blue Lives Matter flags at their homes.
[My precious daughter is a BPD detective--I don't have one of those stupid flags nor does she. I think that they're for insurrectionists who try to kill Capitol Police.]
Yep, the tards think that having a Blue Lives Matter bumper sticker will save them a ticket.

PS -- Thanks to all the gods that be, we no longer live in the devolving shithole called Missouri. We're Yoopers now. lol