Health Care Reform

If Obamacare is as bad as Republicans say it will be, they should be eager to let it go into effect.

Once everyone sees how horrible it is Republicans can then say "See? See how awful this Obamacare is? We told you this would be the worst thing ever and we were right!!"

They'd be able to campaign on this for the next 20 years, win the Presidency, control both Houses of Congress and appoint the next 5 Supreme Court justices.

This ought to be their dream come true.

But of course, if it turns out that Obamacare actually works and improves the lives of millions of Americans -- well, maybe that's what the Republicans fear the most.

Maybe that's why they are so desperate to stop it. Maybe that's why they're holding our nation's economy hostage and threatening another recession.

Maybe they know that once Obamacare goes into effect it won't be the end of the world that they've been predicting.

Maybe they know they'll be shown up for the liars and opportunists that they really are.

Obama had the biggest congressional approval of all time his first year or so. But then the Right started to notice that following Bush, a President correcting things will make them look bad and they might lose their reputation. They created a mess and now this guy is attempting to fix things. This is when they started voting down anything and everything Obama stood for, even drinking water.

They think Americans didn't notice this .............and they were many moron Americans blindly follow the leader instead of the bill/program/law.
The diagnosis of motor neurone disease came when Hawking was 21, in 1963.

He is a celebrity and has been since around 1970, at least in intellectual circles.

Even you have heard of him.

BTW, he posited that a brain could live without a body.

I'd say he's right, since many liberals prove the opposite on a daily basis.

It's really hard for you to just accept valid information and move on, isn't it. </rhetorical>
What valid information am I not accepting?

Originally Posted by tekkychick

Stephen Hawking has done just fine with the British NHS. And pretty sure it was a case in England I read about - child was born; needed 24X7 care due to breathing/feeding issues (I can't remember details); all covered. I read about it because after a year the husband wanted to bring the child home and try to care for him/her; the wife wanted to leave the child in the hospital. Tough case. But - covered.

That tekky was correct in her post about Stephen Hawking.
tekky was correct in her post about Stephen Hawking.

Never said she wasn't, did I?

Aw, are you lil' Tekkygals' mommy?

She hasn't cited any source for this:

And pretty sure it was a case in England I read about - child was born; needed 24X7 care due to breathing/feeding issues (I can't remember details); all covered. I read about it because after a year the husband wanted to bring the child home and try to care for him/her; the wife wanted to leave the child in the hospital. Tough case. But - covered.

Now be a good helicopter mommy and go do her homework, k?

A lot has changed, then.

And is it just possible that a celebrity gets better treatment than the average?

A "Conservative" stating "A lot has changed since then" LMAO!

Conservatives will constantly bring up old facts about Democrats from hundreds of years ago but the instant you bring up a current topic they will pull this card out. "Bush? 2009? How long ago was that? A lot has changed since then"

The Forget Fast party is in full force today. How could they push this piss on everyone but the rich agenda otherwise? The Sheeple follow.
a friend of mine was working basically for health insurance. He got laid off. His company was paying 800+ per month for his insurance. He has a similar policy now for under 300 a month and his insurance company has told him it will probably be less come Jan due to the ACA.

He's in his 50s.

he will be paying $300.....who is paying the rest?......
Shutdown threat reveals split in Republican Party
Tea party lawmakers get an earful from GOP colleagues over their strategy to strip funding from the new healthcare law.,0,1632783.story

The punch line from the article :0)

"Republicans in the House and Senate insist they have no intention of shutting down the government. All they want, they say, is to undo the president's healthcare law before it starts."

So let me get this straight .. republicans are threatening to do what even they know will be political suicide .. and they don't really want to do.

The American government is being run by morons.
Should elected representatives do what their electorates want, even if it's not politically expedient?


Political expedience is far less critical than the intelligence of what electorates want. Is what they want intelligent and good for the country?

Most of the electorate knows little to nothing about the workings of the government. All they know is what they want. If the people they elect to represent them aren't intelligent or strong enough to educate them on how best to achieve what they want, they might as well be sending children to Congress.

Is getting re-elected the only responsibility of elected officials?
Shutdown threat reveals split in Republican Party
Tea party lawmakers get an earful from GOP colleagues over their strategy to strip funding from the new healthcare law.,0,1632783.story

The punch line from the article :0)

"Republicans in the House and Senate insist they have no intention of shutting down the government. All they want, they say, is to undo the president's healthcare law before it starts."

So let me get this straight .. republicans are threatening to do what even they know will be political suicide .. and they don't really want to do.

The American government is being run by morons.
It's Kabuki, and it's playing with dynamite for the Repubs.
any shutdown won't last long - but you never know with the tea party
Political expedience is far less critical than the intelligence of what electorates want. Is what they want intelligent and good for the country? Most of the electorate knows little to nothing about the workings of the government. All they know is what they want. If the people they elect to represent them aren't intelligent or strong enough to educate them on how best to achieve what they want, they might as well be sending children to Congress.
Is getting re-elected the only responsibility of elected officials?

Should the will of the electorate be disregarded because some think it wrong-headed?
Obamacare or the ACA is not perfect, it may not even be the best plan out there, but its MUCH better than what we had and if President Obama had not forced this first step we would have had the old system for another 20 years.
Obamacare or the ACA is not perfect, it may not even be the best plan out there, but its MUCH better than what we had and if President Obama had not forced this first step we would have had the old system for another 20 years.

Does Obamacare cover "sex therapy'?