Help Me Remember


Junior Member
SO my husband flips on this show on VH-1 called "The Metal Years" or something like that. Well,we start watching because I was a big hair band gal,and he was into the harder stuff. While watching,Sebastian Bach of Skid Row is talking about the Republicans and how the Reagan people were somehow behind wanting rock and roll to go away. Someone else said something too,I think it was Dee Snider of Twisted Sister

Anyway,my question is...wasn't it Tipper Gore,wife of AL,that lead the revolt against rock? As we all know,they are big Dems. She also lead the PMRC which was some kind of stupid organization against rock. AM I right? I don't remember Reagan saying too much about it. Just wondering.
Tiiper claimed it made kids suicidal, see the Judas Priest case. The apple does'nt fall too far from the tree.
As a method of combating this problem, the PMRC suggested a voluntary move by the RIAA and the music industry to develop "guidelines and/or a rating system" similar to the MPAA film rating system.

The Parents Music Resource Center (PMRC) was an American committee formed in 1985 by four mothers: Tipper Gore, wife of Senator and later Vice President Al Gore; Susan Baker, wife of Treasury Secretary James Baker; Pam Howar, wife of Washington realtor Raymond Howar; and Sally Nevius, wife of Washington City Council Chairman John Nevius. The mothers were known as the "Washington wives" – a reference to their husbands' connections with the federal government. The Center eventually grew to include 22 directors.

The mothers claimed that popular music, especially rock music, was partially responsible for the (at the time) recent increase in rape, teenage pregnancy, and teen suicide. The PMRC's mission was "to educate and inform parents" about "the growing trend in music towards lyrics that are sexually explicit, excessively violent, or glorify the use of drugs and alcohol", and to seek the censorship and rating of music.

hmmmmmm, no mention of Republican Howard Baker's wife being one of the initial four or all of the other Republicans that were a part of this movement?

this was all tipper!

On the floor of Congressional hearings....Tipper had many a battle with Frank Zappa .. anyone remmembr that?
On the floor of Congressional hearings....Tipper had many a battle with Frank Zappa .. anyone remmembr that?

Frank Zappa

Musician and producer Frank Zappa stated that

The PMRC proposal is an ill-conceived piece of nonsense which fails to deliver any real benefits to children, infringes the civil liberties of people who are not children, and promises to keep the courts busy for years dealing with the interpretational and enforcemental problems inherent in the proposal's design.
It is my understanding that in law First Amendment issues are decided with a preference for the least restrictive alternative. In this context, the PMRC demands are the equivalent of treating dandruff by decapitation.

Zappa also stated his suspicion that the hearings were a front for H.R. 2911, a proposed blank tape tax:

The major record labels need to have H.R. 2911 whiz through a few committees before anybody smells a rat. One of them is chaired by Senator Thurmond. Is it a coincidence that Mrs. Thurmond is affiliated with the PMRC?
SO my husband flips on this show on VH-1 called "The Metal Years" or something like that. Well,we start watching because I was a big hair band gal,and he was into the harder stuff. While watching,Sebastian Bach of Skid Row is talking about the Republicans and how the Reagan people were somehow behind wanting rock and roll to go away. Someone else said something too,I think it was Dee Snider of Twisted Sister

Anyway,my question is...wasn't it Tipper Gore,wife of AL,that lead the revolt against rock? As we all know,they are big Dems. She also lead the PMRC which was some kind of stupid organization against rock. AM I right? I don't remember Reagan saying too much about it. Just wondering.

You can always point to some democrat who is socially moderate or conservative who objects to rap or metal.

It was the religious rightwing who shows up at Twisted Sister and Marilyn Manson shows to protest - not the ACLU.
LOL. I never once saw anybody protesting at a Twisted Sister concert. This is a case of inflated ego, not of actual protest. They actually Thanked Tipper on their Come Out and Play album for promoting it for them...

Tipper was the head of that particular beast.
SO my husband flips on this show on VH-1 called "The Metal Years" or something like that. Well,we start watching because I was a big hair band gal,and he was into the harder stuff. While watching,Sebastian Bach of Skid Row is talking about the Republicans and how the Reagan people were somehow behind wanting rock and roll to go away. Someone else said something too,I think it was Dee Snider of Twisted Sister

Anyway,my question is...wasn't it Tipper Gore,wife of AL,that lead the revolt against rock? As we all know,they are big Dems. She also lead the PMRC which was some kind of stupid organization against rock. AM I right? I don't remember Reagan saying too much about it. Just wondering.

this might help you remember:

In October 1985, President Ronald Reagan insinuates that "reactionary" and "obscene" rock music does not deserve Constitutional protection. Reagan states "I don't believe that our Founding Fathers ever intended to create a nation where the rights of pornographers would take precedence over the rights of parents, and the violent and malevolent would be given free rein to prey upon our children."

Former U.S. President Reagan condemned the record industry for selling pornography (Coletti 1987:427). Shortly after the Senate Hearings, on October 9, 1985, Reagan stated that the music business was exposing children to a "glorification of drugs and violence and perversity" (cited in McDonald 1988a:304). In 1987, at a symposium organized by the PMRC, U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Everett Koop stated that many music videos "are a combination of senseless violence and senseless pornography to the beat of rock music" (quoted in Gow 1990:2).
Who debated, in that video presented on this thread, with Frank Zappa in front of the Senate?

Two quotes in a newspaper is not the same as dedicating your life and time to silencing. As well as holding actual burning ceremonies...
Who debated, in that video presented on this thread, with Frank Zappa in front of the Senate?

Two quotes in a newspaper is not the same as dedicating your life and time to silencing. As well as holding actual burning ceremonies...

Krisy asked what why Dee Snider pointed out reagan. The answer was provided in my post.

Dee Snider was there. You, Krisy and I were not.
Cypress, who founded the PMRC?

4 women, BOTH republican and democratic.

The Parents Music Resource Center (PMRC) was an American committee formed in 1985 by four mothers: Tipper Gore, wife of Senator and later Vice President Al Gore; Susan Baker, wife of Treasury Secretary James Baker; Pam Howar, wife of Washington realtor Raymond Howar; and Sally Nevius, wife of Washington City Council Chairman John Nevius. The mothers were known as the "Washington wives" – a reference to their husbands' connections with the federal government. The Center eventually grew to include 22 directors.
That is my point. Attempting to blame Reagan for the actions of others is misplaced blame. It is inane. Reagan makes a couple of supporting statements in an article and suddenly he is the founding father of restrictions?

I'm not ignoring the RR's involvement, in fact I speak out consistently against it. I just like to lay blame where it actually belongs. Pointing at the wrong target does not get the job done.
As a method of combating this problem, the PMRC suggested a voluntary move by the RIAA and the music industry to develop "guidelines and/or a rating system" similar to the MPAA film rating system.

The Parents Music Resource Center (PMRC) was an American committee formed in 1985 by four mothers: Tipper Gore, wife of Senator and later Vice President Al Gore; Susan Baker, wife of Treasury Secretary James Baker; Pam Howar, wife of Washington realtor Raymond Howar; and Sally Nevius, wife of Washington City Council Chairman John Nevius. The mothers were known as the "Washington wives" – a reference to their husbands' connections with the federal government. The Center eventually grew to include 22 directors.

The mothers claimed that popular music, especially rock music, was partially responsible for the (at the time) recent increase in rape, teenage pregnancy, and teen suicide. The PMRC's mission was "to educate and inform parents" about "the growing trend in music towards lyrics that are sexually explicit, excessively violent, or glorify the use of drugs and alcohol", and to seek the censorship and rating of music.

hmmmmmm, no mention of Republican Howard Baker's wife being one of the initial four or all of the other Republicans that were a part of this movement?

this was all tipper!


That's wonderful,care. Do you have a link? I know many members on here,since we are all just people on the internet,would fell better to see one. Just wondering

Next, if there were Republicans involved,then fine. These rock stars totally ignore the fact that their man AL Gore's wife wants to censor them. They go completely around it. Like I said,their i.q.'s probably aren't too high,but let's not blame it ALL on the R's
And Cypress, it is disingenuous to compare a couple statements to the lifetime work of Tipper. And attempting to say I wasn't there is foolishness. Of course I was. I was one of the long-hairs all up in arms about the attempt to silence their music.
That is my point. Attempting to blame Reagan for the actions of others is misplaced blame. It is inane. Reagan makes a couple of supporting statements in an article and suddenly he is the founding father of restrictions?

I'm not ignoring the RR's involvement, in fact I speak out consistently against it. I just like to lay blame where it actually belongs. Pointing at the wrong target does not get the job done.

For an american president to even make several statements about Rock albums is highly unusual.. C'mon, its rock music, for crying out loud.

This is typically beneath the decorum and status of the office. Clearly, Reagan intended to be very supportive of censorship actions against the music industry.

I'm I suprised some moderate democrats, and southern baptist democrats were on board? No.

Where was the ACLU and the true progressives? They were against the baptists, againt gore, against reagan, and against the religious rightwing on this issue.