You are making little sense. Nobody has claimed what others had done had no impact.But he has a video showing Topper?
That means what the others did doesnt matter.
You are making little sense. Nobody has claimed what others had done had no impact.But he has a video showing Topper?
That means what the others did doesnt matter.
You are making little sense. Nobody has claimed what others had done had no impact.
Most of those laws happened after Reagan left. His "blessing" was, once again, catering to a group but not the central theme. He was not the driving force. To say that Reagan had more to do with it than Tipper is laughable to the extreme level.
Laws? I'm unaware that any laws were passed.
The PMRC recommended that the music industry voluntarily put warning labels on albums with explicit lyrics.
This is hardly the type of thing that gives me a heart attack, and comtemplate an assault on the Constitution.
What laws were passed? I must be missing something.
Which was my point... It can't be all Reagan's fault when he really did nothing toward it. You can keep repeating this inane stuff but it really does finally end with the fact that Reagan didn't actually do anything towards this....Laws? I'm unaware that any laws were passed.
The PMRC recommended that the music industry voluntarily put warning labels on albums with explicit lyrics.
This is hardly the type of thing that gives me a heart attack, and comtemplate an assault on the Constitution.
What laws were passed? I must be missing something.
Which was my point... It can't be all Reagan's fault when he really did nothing toward it. You can keep repeating this inane stuff but it really does finally end with the fact that Reagan didn't actually do anything towards this....
it was enough importance for you to start a THREAD on it krisy...just thought you REALLY wanted to know about the issue...sorry that you really didn't care about was i to know that you post things that you really don't care about learning about, afterall, you are new to the site, and i hadn't pegged you as THAT TYPE YET?
i differ with my so called ''lib buddies'' on several democratic issues, fyi...
and since we're getting to ''know'' eachother...
do you ever differ with your "con compadres"?
ps, i'm 2 decades older than you 4 sure! need to call me dear, i've finally become accustomed to mam...
YES MAM!!!![]()
Hope your having a good weekend...mam![]()
Did I see that care4 uses wikipedia for research? Is that the same wikipedia that invites people to put in their own definitions of things and revise history as they see it wikipedia?
If you want to talk censorship you can go back a long ways. I will pick out just one. Under a democratic president by the way. In which the FBI got involved checking out the lyrics. It was banned in certain states and created a massive uproar throughout the country. It was sung by a guy who was not the regular singer of the group and who sang it standing five feet under the microphone and singing as loud as he could into the air. He was also not familar with the words and the song was recorded in one take. As a demo for a job on a cruise ship. They didn't get the job but had a great hit song and stirred up all sorts of censorship issues.
The song was Louie Louie by the kingsmens.
the democrats ruled the hill. Kennedy was in office. And censorship in movies and music was very prominent. even the word hell was banned from the radio.
Did I see that care4 uses wikipedia for research? Is that the same wikipedia that invites people to put in their own definitions of things and revise history as they see it wikipedia? seems to me that this duo of sir evil and gaffer might very well be trolls of SR designed to drive us all back to