Here Come the Fairness Doctrine

red states rule

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Since Dems cannot compete in the arena of ideas with Conservatives, libs must find a way to change the rules

Everytime liberals try to go up against conservatives on radio they fail.

Now Dems want the government to monitor political speech on the radio and silence conservatives voices.

Her Royal Fairness
By The Prowler
Published 5/14/2007 12:09:36 AM

According to two members of the House Democrat Caucus, Reps. Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer have informed them that they will "aggressively pursue" reinstatement of the so-called Fairness Doctrine over the next six months. In January, Democrat presidential candidate Rep. Dennis Kucinich announced that he was going to pursue the Fairness Doctrine through his Government Reform subcommittee. That announcement was greeted with silence. But now, Pelosi has moved things to the front burner.

The decision to press for re-establishment of the Fairness Doctrine now seems to have developed for two reasons. "First, [Democrats] failed on the radio airwaves with Air America, no one wanted to listen," says a senior adviser to Pelosi. "Conservative radio is a huge threat and political advantage for Republicans and we have had to find a way to limit it. Second, it looks like the Republicans are going to have someone in the presidential race who has access to media in ways our folks don't want, so we want to make sure the GOP has no advantages going into 2008."

According to another Democrat leadership aide, Pelosi and her team are focused on several targets in the fight, including Rush Limbaugh and the Salem Radio Network. In fact, Kucinich's staff has begun investigating Salem, one of the fastest growing radio networks in the country, which features such popular -- and highly rated -- conservative hosts as Bill Bennett and Michael Medved, and Christian hosts such as Dr. Richard Land.

"They are identifying senior employees, their political activities and their political giving," says a Government Reform committee staffer. "Salem is a big target, but the big one is going to be Limbaugh. We know we can't shut him up, but we want to make life a bit more difficult for him."
Which elected republicans are against the fairness doctrine? Now that the talk show hosts have turned against them on illegal aliens, except a few jews, like Michael Medved, they are more than happy to shut down the air waves.
Which elected republicans are against the fairness doctrine? Now that the talk show hosts have turned against them on illegal aliens, except a few jews, like Michael Medved, they are more than happy to shut down the air waves.

To my knowldege no Republicans are for the Unfairness Doctrine

That is a big differecne between conservatives and libs. Libs want to silence those who disagree with them - conservatives do not

Libs cannot compete with Rush, Sean, Medved - Dead Air America is the most recent failure of the left

So since the left can't beat them - they want to silence them
To my knowldege no Republicans are for the Unfairness Doctrine

That is a big differecne between conservatives and libs. Libs want to silence those who disagree with them - conservatives do not

Libs cannot compete with Rush, Sean, Medved - Dead Air America is the most recent failure of the left

So since the left can't beat them - they want to silence them

But which ones are vocally against the fairness doctrine? ANd don't put the judeo-nazi Michael Medved in the same category as Rush and sean please.
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But which one are vocally against the fairness doctrine? ANd don't put the judeo-nazi Michael Medved in the same category as Rush and sean please.

I know of no republcians whoa re for silecing conservative speech - do you have some names?

Pelsoi is looking for which lefties she can count on. The biggest backer is the Space Cadet Dennis the Menace Kucinich

What is your problem with Michael Medved - besides the fact he is Jewish?
I know of no republcians whoa re for silecing conservative speech - do you have some names?

Pelsoi is looking for which lefties she can count on. The biggest backer is the Space Cadet Dennis the Menace Kucinich

What is your problem with Michael Medved - besides the fact he is Jewish?

DO you have one name of an elected republican vocally against the fairness doctrine? QUit changing the question. Your propagandistic bullshit will not fly here.

My problem with michael medved is he's completely in favore of this new immigration reform plan, and doesn't care about the effect it will have on the nation. He WANTS to turn america into a third world shithole, just like all globalists. He's a traitor to the american people.
DO you have one name of an elected republican vocally against the fairness doctrine? QUit changing the question. Your propagandistic bullshit will not fly here.

My problem with michael medved is he's completely in favore of this new immigration reform plan, and doesn't care about the effect it will have on the nation. He WANTS to turn america into a third world shithole, just like all globalists. He's a traitor to the american people.

What is your problem asshole?

The Dems are the ones who want to have government control over political speech - is that your problem?

Medved is wrong on the immigration issue - address that and stop bringing up the fact he is Jewish. Unless that is an issue for you.

Being a lib you love to question other but have a fit when it is done to you
What is your problem asshole?

The Dems are the ones who want to have government control over political speech - is that your problem?

Medved is wrong on the immigration issue - address that and stop bringing up the fact he is Jewish. Unless that is an issue for you.

Being a lib you love to question other but have a fit when it is done to you

My problems is globalist assholes, asshole.

No republicans in power are against the fairness doctrine, so quit acting like it's just libs.

Jews are consistently wrong on the immigration issue. They seek to destroy america. It's a pattern with them.

You're not facing the truth.
My problems is globalist assholes, asshole.

No republicans in power are against the fairness doctrine, so quit acting like it's just libs.

Jews are consistently wrong on the immigration issue. They seek to destroy america. It's a pattern with them.

You're not facing the truth.

Funny how the left was outraged over the government monitoring terrorists phone calls, but have no problem with the government monitoring to politcal speech on the radio

I am learning alot here today

Not only are you a looney lib but also a antisemitic asshole

Planning a summer vacation to Dakow to relive the good ol days?
Funny how the left was outraged over the government monitoring terrorists phone calls, but have no problem with the government monitoring to politcal speech on the radio

I am learning alot here today

Not only are you a looney lib but also a antisemitic asshole

Planning a summer vacation to Dakow to relive the good ol days?

I'm not a lib. I believe our best defense against jihad is stopping immigration of all muslims.

I don't believe jews should be rounded up, I believe we should understand that their religious beliefs affect the policies they espouse. For instance, they have a concept called Olam Ha Ba, or the world to come, in which jews will control the entire world, they will control the courts of law, which will have the supreme court in israel called the sanhedrin, and all mankind will be ruled by the Noahide Laws. It's global theocracy. Think of it like The Caliphate the muslims espouse, but global.
I'm not a lib. I believe our best defense against jihad is stopping immigration of all muslims.

I don't believe jews should be rounded up, I believe we should understand that their religious beliefs affect the policies they espouse. For instance, they have a concept called Olam Ha Ba, or the world to come, in which jews will control the entire world, they will control the courts of law, which will have the supreme court in israel called the sanhedrin, and all mankind will be ruled by the Noahide Laws. It's global theocracy. Think of it like The Caliphate the muslims espouse, but global.

I am not for racial profiling but terrorists profiling. Not all Muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists have been Muslims

Where did you get facts on Jews from - Himler's speeches?

You sound alot like the kind of Jew bashers that lived in Berlin around 1935

They wanted to silence voices that disagreed with their politics as well
I am not for racial profiling but terrorists profiling. Not all Muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists have been Muslims

Where did you get facts on Jews from - Himler's speeches?

You sound alot like the kind of Jew bashers that lived in Berlin around 1935

They wanted to silence voices that disagreed with their politics as well

All muslims are complicit when they allow their religion to be hijacked, and say nothing about terrorism, and celebrate when americans are attacked.

On on the jewish question check these links.

I don't want to silence anyone. I believe in free speech Unlike the elected republicans who don't mention the fairness doctrine.

The shouting "nazi" routine has run it's course. It's no longer effective.

I don't want to silence anyone. I believe in free speech Unlike the elected republicans who don't mention the fairness doctrine.

The shouting "nazi" routine has run it's course. It's no longer effective.

Why should Republicans worry about the Unfairness Doctrine - it will get as far they the Dems surrender plan

I am pointing out how Dems DO want to silence other voices - that seems to be one of your many problems

With the dislike you have for Jews - the Nazi tag fits somewhat. I am holding judgement if it fits completely
Why should Republicans worry about the Unfairness Doctrine - it will get as far they the Dems surrender plan

I am pointing out how Dems DO want to silence other voices - that seems to be one of your many problems

With the dislike you have for Jews - the Nazi tag fits somewhat. I am holding judgement if it fits completely

ANd republicans are NOT AGAINST silencing other voices. Your obsolete frame of this issue is your problem.

I don't "dislike" jews. I believe their religion is basically just an elitist race-based plan for world domination.
ANd republicans are NOT AGAINST silencing other voices. Your obsolete frame of this issue is your problem.

I don't "dislike" jews. I believe their religion is basically just an elitist race-based plan for world domination.

Hey dummy, Dems ARE trying to silence conservative talk radio

Bringing back the regulation will ensure more even-handed coverage of political issues, said Jeff Lieberson, spokesman for Rep. Maurice Hinchey (D-N.Y.), who has proposed the "Media Ownership Reform Act."

"The political interests of media owners can have a direct and indirect effect on the way news is presented to the public, so it's important that all sides are heard," Lieberson told Cybercast News Service Tuesday.

The Fairness Doctrine is a key component of Hinchey's bill, which also sets tighter limits on media ownership. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) has proposed a companion bill in the Senate.
Hey dummy, Dems ARE trying to silence conservative talk radio

Hey dummy, republicans are not trying to stop them.

Bringing back the regulation will ensure more even-handed coverage of political issues, said Jeff Lieberson, spokesman for Rep. Maurice Hinchey (D-N.Y.), who has proposed the "Media Ownership Reform Act."

"The political interests of media owners can have a direct and indirect effect on the way news is presented to the public, so it's important that all sides are heard," Lieberson told Cybercast News Service Tuesday.

The Fairness Doctrine is a key component of Hinchey's bill, which also sets tighter limits on media ownership. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) has proposed a companion bill in the Senate.

And no republican is vocally against it. So quit being such a cheerleader.
Hey dummy, republicans are not trying to stop them.

And no republican is vocally against it. So quit being such a cheerleader.

Yes, the typical liberal debate tactic is to dance, weave, duck, dodge, and hide from the facts being presented

Dems want to silence opposing voices so libs will balme Republcians

and the left has to wonder their poll numbers are tanking
Yes, the typical liberal debate tactic is to dance, weave, duck, dodge, and hide from the facts being presented

Dems want to silence opposing voices so libs will balme Republcians

and the left has to wonder their poll numbers are tanking

Hey ignorant toad, Im not a lib. I'm opposed to the fairness doctrine, but I'm not so disillusioned to believe the republicans in power share my views. They are for it now that the airwaves are not on board with their immigration disaster. They are fascists.
Hey ignorant toad, Im not a lib. I'm opposed to the fairness doctrine, but I'm not so disillusioned to believe the republicans in power share my views. They are for it now that the airwaves are not on board with their immigration disaster.

For a troll that claims not to be a lib you bellow the DNC talking points very well

If you look at the current polls, things are getting bad for the left and getting worse

The left has to silence conservatives sicne they have a long history of being unable to compete with them

Tens of millions were wasted on Dead Air America and the left are still seething over that humilating defeat
For a troll that claims not to be a lib you bellow the DNC talking points very well

If you look at the current polls, things are getting bad for the left and getting worse

The left has to silence conservatives sicne they have a long history of being unable to compete with them

Tens of millions were wasted on Dead Air America and the left are still seething over that humilating defeat

Which dem is blaming republicans for the fairness doctrine?

Quit repeating your shit, I agree the left cannot compete with most conservatives in debates. But you're ignoring the fact that Republicans are not standing up for free speech either. You worldview is lopsided because of your partisan brainwashing.