Here Come the Fairness Doctrine

Which dem is blaming republicans for the fairness doctrine?

Quit repeating your shit, I agree the left cannot compete with most conservatives in debates. But you're ignoring the fact that Republicans are not standing up for free speech either. You worldview is lopsided because of your partisan brainwashing.

Ah, you are the lib blaming Republicans for the Dems trying to silence conservatives

Only in the "mind" of a wacko leftie does that thought process make perfect sense

Well, it has been both a pleasure and a bore talking with you. I am off to have some fun.

One of Pretty Boys Memorial Day anti war protests (see my thread) in nearby and I plan to go check out the left wing nutjobs who show up

I have found that libs make great speed bumps and bounce very well off the road.

Have fun AssHatZombie - and try to release soem of your anger. Try sticking pins in your GBW doll and scream "If only Al Gore was President"
Ah, you are the lib blaming Republicans for the Dems trying to silence conservatives
No. I'm a rational person who can recognize that republicans are not lifting a finger to stop The Fairness Doctrine.
Only in the "mind" of a wacko leftie does that thought process make perfect sense
Only in the mind of a partisan hack are republicans blameless on this issue.
Well, it has been both a pleasure and a bore talking with you. I am off to have some fun.
More like your running away ass in hand! LOL.
One of Pretty Boys Memorial Day anti war protests (see my thread) in nearby and I plan to go check out the left wing nutjobs who show up

I have found that libs make great speed bumps and bounce very well off the road.

Have fun AssHatZombie - and try to release soem of your anger. Try sticking pins in your GBW doll and scream "If only Al Gore was President"

You're an ignorant fool.
Hey RWA...!

Lighten up...I know ya love to stir the pot and all...but enough of the Jew bashing already...tell the truth ya are akin to 'Hitler' he was 1/2 Jewish since his Momma was Jewish...Be honest for once there are good and bad Jews as there are good and bad Christians...Muslims I am not so sure about...time will tell!:rolleyes:
Lighten up...I know ya love to stir the pot and all...but enough of the Jew bashing already...tell the truth ya are akin to 'Hitler' he was 1/2 Jewish since his Momma was Jewish...Be honest for once there are good and bad Jews as there are good and bad Christians...Muslims I am not so sure about...time will tell!:rolleyes:

Jew bashing? You need to research the actual jewish faith. It's racism, plain and simple. Complete with a plan for world domination, called Olam Ha Ba. I dare you to educate yourself.
Okee Dokee...

Jew bashing? You need to research the actual jewish faith. It's racism, plain and simple. Complete with a plan for world domination, called Olam Ha Ba. I dare you to educate yourself.

Whatever ya I said there are good and bad in all religious as well as political what are the Califates(pun) Islam Crusaders... chopped liver??? If I remember History the 'Ottoman Empire' was not a Jewish crusade!

Take two aspirin and wake up with a cute Jewish gal in the morning...maybe ya will smile...or not!:pke:
Whatever ya I said there are good and bad in all religious as well as political what are the Califates(pun) Islam Crusaders... chopped liver??? If I remember History the 'Ottoman Empire' was not a Jewish crusade!

Take two aspirin and wake up with a cute Jewish gal in the morning...maybe ya will smile...or not!:pke:

THere are others seeking global conquest, that doesn't mean jews aren't, in their own way. Can you understand this argument?

THere are others seeking global conquest, that doesn't mean jews aren't, in their own way. Can you understand this argument?

Yes I understand your argument...albeit how should I say it...oh yeah a little anti-semetic! C'mon Rwa aka azzhat...ya have to admit like Hitler did...yes my Momma was a Jew...and thats why I am mad!...Good Lord dude...wake up and smell the coffee....your rants are just that rants...! Or to be precise diatribes with a dark agenda...!;)
Yes I understand your argument...albeit how should I say it...oh yeah a little anti-semetic! C'mon Rwa aka azzhat...ya have to admit like Hitler did...yes my Momma was a Jew...and thats why I am mad!...Good Lord dude...wake up and smell the coffee....your rants are just that rants...! Or to be precise diatribes with a dark agenda...!;)

No. The dark agenda is wanting to enslave the world under the noahide laws, which put jews in charge of everyone else.
Liberal Democrats in the same fashion as the architect of Nazi Germany’s Final Solution, have set on a path to limit free speech and eliminate people who disagree with their agenda and now that they control both the House and the Senate, are breathing new life into a bill to silence their opposition. From InsightMag.Com:

Allies close to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi are promoting legislation, which if passed, will take off the air prominent conservative radio hosts such as Michael Savage, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Bill O’Reilly—along with thousands of smaller conservative broadcasters. The bill, entitled the “Media Ownership Reform Act,” is sponsored by Rep. Maurice Hinchey, a leftist Democrat from New York. The legislation aims to revive the so-called “Fairness Doctrine” of the 1940’s: “all views” are to be given equal time on radio. In particular, the Federal Communications Commission would have the power to oversee and change radio and television content. The goal is to tilt the ideological balance of power away from the right on the nation’s air waves.

The real force behind the effort to censor conservative talk radio is the progressive–philanthropist, George Soros. The radical leftist billionaire has made no secret of his hatred for conservatives. He says President Bush has transformed America into a militaristic, “fascist” empire. Moreover, Soros champions many of liberalism’s chic causes: abortion on demand, legalization of drugs, homosexual marriage, euthanasia, unlimited Third World immigration, open borders, and one-world government anchored in the United Nations. He advocates all the issues that are anathema to popular radio talk-show hosts like Savage, Limbaugh and Hannity. Hence, he wants these commentators to be exiled to the political wilderness.
Liberal Democrats in the same fashion as the architect of Nazi Germany’s Final Solution, have set on a path to limit free speech and eliminate people who disagree with their agenda and now that they control both the House and the Senate, are breathing new life into a bill to silence their opposition. From InsightMag.Com:

Allies close to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi are promoting legislation, which if passed, will take off the air prominent conservative radio hosts such as Michael Savage, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Bill O’Reilly—along with thousands of smaller conservative broadcasters. The bill, entitled the “Media Ownership Reform Act,” is sponsored by Rep. Maurice Hinchey, a leftist Democrat from New York. The legislation aims to revive the so-called “Fairness Doctrine” of the 1940’s: “all views” are to be given equal time on radio. In particular, the Federal Communications Commission would have the power to oversee and change radio and television content. The goal is to tilt the ideological balance of power away from the right on the nation’s air waves.

The real force behind the effort to censor conservative talk radio is the progressive–philanthropist, George Soros. The radical leftist billionaire has made no secret of his hatred for conservatives. He says President Bush has transformed America into a militaristic, “fascist” empire. Moreover, Soros champions many of liberalism’s chic causes: abortion on demand, legalization of drugs, homosexual marriage, euthanasia, unlimited Third World immigration, open borders, and one-world government anchored in the United Nations. He advocates all the issues that are anathema to popular radio talk-show hosts like Savage, Limbaugh and Hannity. Hence, he wants these commentators to be exiled to the political wilderness.

ANd which elected republican is complaining?
Mitch McConnell, among others. What is your point? That it suddenly is okay because they aren't getting much coverage as they complain?

One? Free speech is being shut down and one complains? Maybe our cherished republicans are actually happy the "populist idiots" are being shut down. Just consider it.
One? Free speech is being shut down and one complains? Maybe our cherished republicans are actually happy the "populist idiots" are being shut down. Just consider it.
Rubbish, we have been speaking on this issue regularly. You are being disingenuous with this as they have just begun bringing it to the "front" at this time. We will see who speaks against it. I have yet to meet a Republican that is for such legislation.
Rubbish, we have been speaking on this issue regularly. You are being disingenuous with this as they have just begun bringing it to the "front" at this time. We will see who speaks against it. I have yet to meet a Republican that is for such legislation.

But standing against it is really the key to effectiveness, now isn't it. Not being for it is not really enough. I'll be excited when a prominent republican puts it on the front burner. Like you said, we will see.

Rubbish? You're not british. LOL.
But standing against it is really the key to effectiveness, now isn't it. Not being for it is not really enough. I'll be excited when a prominent republican puts it on the front burner. Like you said, we will see.

Rubbish? You're not british. LOL.
So the Senate Minority Leader, the actual top spot for Republicans in the Senate currently, isn't prominent enough for you?

Not being British doesn't change that your argument in this thread is disingenuous garbage. The Rs will be against this legislation.
So the Senate Minority Leader, the actual top spot for Republicans in the Senate currently, isn't prominent enough for you?

Not being British doesn't change that your argument in this thread is disingenuous garbage. The Rs will be against this legislation.

Lip service.

We will see. I'm not feeling good about it, not after their complete sellout on the border issue.

Don't act british.
But standing against it is really the key to effectiveness, now isn't it. Not being for it is not really enough. I'll be excited when a prominent republican puts it on the front burner. Like you said, we will see.

Rubbish? You're not british. LOL.

It is funny to watch libs blame Republicans for what they say and do

Libs want to silence anyone who disagrees with them - but it is Republicans fault since they don't speak out against it
So the Senate Minority Leader, the actual top spot for Republicans in the Senate currently, isn't prominent enough for you?

Not being British doesn't change that your argument in this thread is disingenuous garbage. The Rs will be against this legislation.

If Dems are stupid enough to pass this - it will get as far as the Dems surrender bill

Dems surrendered to Pres Bush on their surrender bill - and they will do the same on this piece of garbage
If Dems are stupid enough to pass this - it will get as far as the Dems surrender bill

Dems surrendered to Pres Bush on their surrender bill - and they will do the same on this piece of garbage

I hope you're right. I don't look at things as dem vs. rep anymore. The agenda of the globalist monoparty is better served by it passing, and the "nationalist, protectionist rednecks" being silenced.
I hope you're right. I don't look at things as dem vs. rep anymore. The agenda of the globalist monoparty is better served by it passing, and the "nationalist, protectionist rednecks" being silenced.

Oh, I am right

The kook base of the Dems are in a state of mouth frothing hysteria after the Dems surrendered to Pres Bush

Dems have broken nearly every promise they made to get elected

The base is angry

and those who voted for Dems to change the way things are done in DC are seeing they were played for SUCKERS