Here Come the Fairness Doctrine

I will support whomever I wish on whatever issue I wish. Your point is irrelevant. Trent Lott just happens to be my senator, and I was finally proud he was getting the guts to take on the fascists.
I will support whomever I wish on whatever issue I wish. Your point is irrelevant. Trent Lott just happens to be my senator, and I was finally proud he was getting the guts to take on the fascists.

So shutting down free speech is a good thing? He's a traitor to the constitution. Are you one as well?
And this is the diff between a real stud and a 'Wannabee' y'all talk the talk....but damn..never walk the walk..this also applies to all the wannabee gals...they get it 'always'..Not!...Some of us real vets have moral values...and will not sell our souls for a 'Quickie'....get the drift....SGT?
Yur just jallouse.
To my knowldege no Republicans are for the Unfairness Doctrine

That is a big differecne between conservatives and libs. Libs want to silence those who disagree with them - conservatives do not

Libs cannot compete with Rush, Sean, Medved - Dead Air America is the most recent failure of the left

So since the left can't beat them - they want to silence them
What a bunch of malarky. The reverse is much closer to the truth. The Conservatives can talk as much as they want. but we just realize how far out of it they really are.
Hey dumbass, your AGREEMENT with Lott on this issue INDICATES your SUPPORT for ELIMINATING FREE SPEECH. Words mean things.

On what issue?

Opposing you immigration loons?

I can't say anything about our agreement on the fairness doctirine, being that he's said nothing on the issue.

And the fairness doctirine isn't "ending free speech" anymore than keeping porn off the airwaves is.
On what issue?

Opposing you immigration loons?

I can't say anything about our agreement on the fairness doctirine, being that he's said nothing on the issue.

And the fairness doctirine isn't "ending free speech" anymore than keeping porn off the airwaves is.
Speech is not free if you are directed as to which type you can give at what times. And porn is not "off the airwaves" you can order it on your satellite system all day long.

Government directed editorial equality is a form of regulation of free expression. They seem to be a bit against that in the constitution.

"Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech" is what it says. It certainly abridges the right of others if you tell them that they must say "this legal speech" instead of "that legal speech" at any period.