Here Come the Fairness Doctrine

AHZ, you do not realize that talk radio is a major tool of the NWO ?
Talk radio is only for those that cannot find their asshole on their own and need asshole buddies to find it for them.
they will only "debate" those who agree with them and belittle all others with dissenting views.

Just preaching to the choir.

" Air America" was originally a CIA operation in S/E asia..Cambodia to be was a re-supply mission during the VN war era...'Air America' radio is just a farce...playing off of the sacrafice of others once sad...both was cool the other BS...need I say more???lol;)
Air America went under several names in SE Asia.....
the planes would leave everynow and again and come back with different names on them but the same people in them....Those people could party though and had good booze!
Oh shit...

AHZ, you do not realize that talk radio is a major tool of the NWO ?
Talk radio is only for those that cannot find their asshole on their own and need asshole buddies to find it for them.
they will only "debate" those who agree with them and belittle all others with dissenting views.

Just preaching to the choir.

Sgt..are you that lonely for female companionship...that ya have stooped this low....take a 'Walk About' a old Australian saying...the grass is greener and the bacon mo betta on the conservative side...just wake up and smell the 'Bacon' or is that 'Coffee'???

Air America went under several names in SE Asia.....
the planes would leave everynow and again and come back with different names on them but the same people in them....Those people could party though and had good booze!

Now thats the USC that is cool...Guilty as'?...LOL
AHZ, you do not realize that talk radio is a major tool of the NWO ?
Talk radio is only for those that cannot find their asshole on their own and need asshole buddies to find it for them.
they will only "debate" those who agree with them and belittle all others with dissenting views.

Just preaching to the choir.

There's a smidgeon more free speech there. medved the neocon Judeo-nazi actually debates the nwo types. He thinks he always wins. It's funny.
Female companionship ? I have plenty of that, 4 ladies on tap. And they all know about each other....
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday nights are scheduled, with all else negotiable.

Even had a 3 some a few weeks ago. 2 girls 1 guy (me), not the other way around :)

Bacon is better when it is local grown.
some imported women are ok though.

Female companionship ? I have plenty of that, 4 ladies on tap. And they all know about each other....
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday nights are scheduled, with all else negotiable.

Even had a 3 some a few weeks ago. 2 girls 1 guy (me), not the other way around :)

Bacon is better when it is local grown.
some imported women are ok though.

And this is the diff between a real stud and a 'Wannabee' y'all talk the talk....but damn..never walk the walk..this also applies to all the wannabee gals...they get it 'always'..Not!...Some of us real vets have moral values...and will not sell our souls for a 'Quickie'....get the drift....SGT?
I have moral values as well. I treat all my ladies nice.
I am not married, I am not a hypocrite religious type getting in on the sly.
I am me, I like sex and so do my ladies.
Rubbish, we have been speaking on this issue regularly. You are being disingenuous with this as they have just begun bringing it to the "front" at this time. We will see who speaks against it. I have yet to meet a Republican that is for such legislation.

Damo, please meet Senator trent Lott.

Trent, damo. Damo, trent.
Comments by Republican senators on Thursday suggested that they were feeling the heat from conservative critics of the bill, who object to provisions offering legal status. The Republican whip, Trent Lott of Mississippi, who supports the bill, said: “Talk radio is running America. We have to deal with that problem.”

At some point, Mr. Lott said, Senate Republican leaders may try to rein in “younger guys who are huffing and puffing against the bill.”

About six (6) months ago there were rumblings that Democrats were gearing up to bring The Fairness Doctrine back into being. Liberals hate the fact that Conservatives listen to the outstanding talk radio hosted by Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Laura Ingraham, Michael Reagan, Neal Boortz (sometimes), and a new find for me, Monica Crowley to name just a few.

Conservatives tune-in and listen to hosts who research endlessly and actually get their interests out in a civilized manner. Listeners appreciate it! We don't march to any drum but our own - it's the gold standard for a Conservative. When we like what we hear, we support the position. When we don't like it, we call the host and hold their feet to the fire. We do not genuflect to the host. We participate in the discussion, we call, we blog, we write, we fax. We're coherent. Liberals hate it!

Now we have Trent Lott warning that he "may" reign-in any voice that refuses to accept his betrayal of Republicans, Conservatives and America. Can't you just see him saying this? I can. Here's the Republican Minority Whip supporting the Democrat desire to re-institute the Fairness Doctrine and shut-up conservative talk radio.

Below is a reprint of an article I posted in January. There are additional links at the bottom of this post to more in
Which elected republicans are against the fairness doctrine? Now that the talk show hosts have turned against them on illegal aliens, except a few jews, like Michael Medved, they are more than happy to shut down the air waves.

You're a moron.

Trent Lott for once opposed your fascism, and now he's suddenly evil.