Here Come the Fairness Doctrine

Yes, the typical liberal debate tactic is to dance, weave, duck, dodge, and hide from the facts being presented

Dems want to silence opposing voices so libs will balme Republcians

and the left has to wonder their poll numbers are tanking

The blame should go there it has been earned.

I thought the cons were the party of personal responsibility ? Where did that go ?
The blame should go there it has been earned.

I thought the cons were the party of personal responsibility ? Where did that go ?

libs want to try and blame others for there failures an falling poll numbers - not the fact they have broken all the promises they made to con people into voting for them
Hey dummy, Dems ARE trying to silence conservative talk radio

Silencing hate ansd fear mongers might not be a bad idea. But since fear is the republicans biggest tool. I can see how this scares the pee out of them.
Hey dummy, Dems ARE trying to silence conservative talk radio

Silencing hate ansd fear mongers might not be a bad idea. But since fear is the republicans biggest tool. I can see how this scares the pee out of them.

and they have ben trying to do that for how many years?
The biggest fear of cons is their "truths" being exposed as lies....
And it is happening in spite of talking head radio.
Wrongo, I am very PRO the Fairness doctrine. It worked well for years and look what has happened since it was discontinued under Regan.
Wrongo, I am very PRO the Fairness doctrine. It worked well for years and look what has happened since it was discontinued under Regan.
Yeah, look at all the choice and sources of information we have. We should limit it to the few government approved sources that we used to have! Gawrsh-dangit... We had it so much better back then!

Pencils cost only 20 cents a packet! And the news was the same on every channel!

Life was so much simpler when our opinion was spoon-fed to us on the news! Especially since all their opinions fed to us by lean in the story matched what I believe to be right!

Give it up. You are not going to convince anybody except people who want that advantage again. Competition of ideas appears to be anathema to the liberals.
Wrongo, I am very PRO the Fairness doctrine. It worked well for years and look what has happened since it was discontinued under Regan.

Yea, libs had a monopoly on how they could shape and slant the news. The liberal media could report anything and there was nobody to call them on it

Now, libs have to deal with talk radio and the internet

Look how fast Dan Rathers attempt to tile the election to Kerry with fake documents fell apart

So now libs have to take steps to silence their critics
Air America is still on the air. At least here, in the Metro Denver area, it is.

It went bankrupt - then another deep pocket lib pumped more moeny into it

They will not be around for long

Dead Air Amercia is not changing it's format - it is still hate radio 24/7