Here I am.

Soon dickhead domer will tell us he is actually Rudy

Or he was Rudy’s best friend


I feel a new alt coming on

Maybe that is why he calls himself domer? He sucked cock in the Golden Dome to pay his way through school and everyone called him Domer
Don't bother. He still says I'm a girl after posting myself on vacation. Heck, I even posted videos. He thinks whatever he wants and always intends to be a brat about it. It is pointless to brag about stuff on these types of chat rooms though, even if others are being brats about it.

He says you're a girl to piss you off, you dopey bugger!!
Soon dickhead domer will tell us he is actually Rudy

Or he was Rudy’s best friend


I feel a new alt coming on

Maybe that is why he calls himself domer? He sucked cock in the Golden Dome to pay his way through school and everyone called him Domer

Soon dickhead domer will tell us he is actually Rudy

Or he was Rudy’s best friend


I feel a new alt coming on

Maybe that is why he calls himself domer? He sucked cock in the Golden Dome to pay his way through school and everyone called him Domer

I last saw Rudy at the last class reunion I went to. A glitized up smelly little fat bitch.

About the only reality about the movie? They actually did film certain parts on campus. Newland Science Hall for one.

The rest? They even fucked up the players’ numbers
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You can't find someone that isn't in the picture, boy.

Where's the proof you attended?

I’m in the photo, you piece of shit.

Why would anybody go to the trouble of taking that photo when they weren’t there?

Is there any more people on this earth more stupid than you? I doubt it
I’m in the photo, you piece of shit.

Why would anybody go to the trouble of taking that photo when they weren’t there?

Is there any more people on this earth more stupid than you? I doubt it

Why would anyone claim they're in a picture when they weren't, boy?

You've made lots of claims on this forum yet provided absolutely no proof of any of them.

You claimed you knew where I am when you posted pictures you said were me and where I lived. When offered the opportunity to show, you ran like a goddamn coward.

I recognize you! You're the NARC asshole who helped put away countless nonviolent drug offenders. What a hypocrite! :rofl2:

And I'm certain it had a disproportionate impact on minorities, you racist fuck!

Here’s the way it works you mindless cumstain.

The cops make the arrest. They grab the evidence. When it gets to the people doing the testing, it’s only a matter of identifying the truth. Is it meth? Is it coke? Was it that weapon? It’s not a matter of choice, cumsmell. It’s a matter of truth. Something that escapes you

That’s why I laugh at you RW losers who are unable to see the truth when it’s kicking you in the face.
FBI Academy.

Find me, obsessive losers

YOU? FBI Academy?????

Here’s the way it works you mindless cumstain.

The cops make the arrest. They grab the evidence. When it gets to the people doing the testing, it’s only a matter of identifying the truth. Is it meth? Is it coke? Was it that weapon? It’s not a matter of choice, cumsmell. It’s a matter of truth. Something that escapes you

That’s why I laugh at you RW losers who are unable to see the truth when it’s kicking you in the face.

You didn't have a choice in deciding what field to go into? There are so many choices when you get a chemistry degree from a quality university you laughable cunt. You CHOSE to be a NARC, shitstain. Plain and simple. You decided to be a drug warrior. You were part of a system that disproportionately penalized poor, young black men. You SEPARATED FAMILIES.
You didn't have a choice in deciding what field to go into? There are so many choices when you get a chemistry degree from a quality university you laughable cunt. You CHOSE to be a NARC, shitstain. Plain and simple. You decided to be a drug warrior. You were part of a system that disproportionately penalized poor, young black men. You SEPARATED FAMILIES.

You don't need to have a chemistry degree to perform gas chromatography on samples, certainly not in the past anyway. He was basically a lab technician.