Here I am.

Right here obsessing cunt

Hey, domer, how YOU doin'? I'm doing pretty well, myself. A bit inebriated, but that's par for the course. Who do you like in the World Series? I think the Astros will probably win their series against the Yankees and then defeat the Nationals in 6 or 7 games in the World Series.
Hey, domer, how YOU doin'? I'm doing pretty well, myself. A bit inebriated, but that's par for the course. Who do you like in the World Series? I think the Astros will probably win their series against the Yankees and then defeat the Nationals in 6 or 7 games in the World Series.

I used to be a huge baseball fan as kid. Watched tons of games with my dad Then, came the strike. And that really pissed me off. Pretty much stopped watching.

I guess the Nationals would be the sentimental favorite
Hey, domer, how YOU doin'? I'm doing pretty well, myself. A bit inebriated, but that's par for the course. Who do you like in the World Series? I think the Astros will probably win their series against the Yankees and then defeat the Nationals in 6 or 7 games in the World Series.

I'm rooting for the Washington Expos to win the World Cup :cool:
Domer is so funny. He tries to belittle every conservative on this board by insisting they he is so well educated, handled shit that we supposedly can't pronounce and is now living so well of a government pension. Now he is trying to impress us because his employer sent him and other rats to an FBI training center to pound on them for a few days how to handle chain-of-custody requirements. Big whoop.

Dude, this is a political debate forum. All that matters here is the quality of your arguments. Yours are of exceedingly low quality. In fact, most of the time all you're doing is calling people "cunt" and trying to convince them all how much better a person you are.

You started off life as a Democrat, like most of us because you were educated in public schools run by Democrats. You regurgitated what they told you well, and that enabled you to go to Notre Dame. Your parents probably paid for little Domer to go there, and since you haven't accomplished much else of merit it has become your identifier. Since you were beholden to the government for your entire employed life and now in retirement your love of Big GovCo has grown and your hatred of those who wish it small has enveloped you.

Thank you so much for this thread; it has been confirmed again what a shallow piece of shit you are.


Jealousy is an ugly emotion, pissant.

You should seek help for that.

I never did say what class that was, did I pussyfart? The best you can do is either lie or make shit up.

Loser :rofl2:

Jealousy is an ugly emotion, pissant.

You should seek help for that.

I never did say what class that was, did I pussyfart? The best you can do is either lie or make shit up.

Loser :rofl2:

So what if your one to three day FBI Academy class discussed anything other than chain of custody? You aren't a gun-toting bad ass, just some lab rat. So again, big whoop. The rest of my evaluation of you is 99% spot-on and you know it. That's why you are such a pussy.