We are not idiots just because you are.
Then why aren't they doing it?
Why aren't the Fucking Vikings involved?

We are not idiots just because you are.
dear fucking idiot,
they have you ass wrinkle
Are we asking kkkcruz for a birth certificate
they are organizing and helping people get them you dog turd
Note to self: if roon is not lying then he's ignorant
start a 501c3 who's purpose is to raise funds for voter ID cards for underprivileged liberal voter wanna-bees.......devote your life to it......make a difference........Note to CelticGay; record services are not free dumbass.
start a 501c3 who's purpose is to raise funds for voter ID cards for underprivileged liberal voter wanna-bees.......devote your life to it......make a difference........
They could do commercials.
Just imagine:
Scene opens with an elderly poor lady, sitting in a warm comfortable home.
Rune walks in and says - "This is Susan. Susan can't vote because she has no ID. With your help, we can get her an ID and she can vote; for the first time in her life.
Just think; for less then 25 cents a day, you can help provide her with her Constitutional right of participating in the voting process."
Susan then looks up and says - "Please help me vote for a liberal candidate; because they care."
Scene slowly fades out.
<rough draft>
Or we could give them for free, like they are required to do in places with voter ID laws per the SCOTUS ruling.
I think it would be safe to assume that both of the major parties will try to quietly find ways to influence an election in their favor. In either case it shouldn't happen and is harmful to freedom.
this is NOT evidence of the dems cheating.
It is evidence of the republican party cheating in elections.
If we are going to go by FACTS you have to produce FACTS that show the dems doing this also.
You cant not in honesty just claim the dems do it too.
I'm sorry but I just think it's naive to think that only one major political party has or will cheat. There are elections across the country of all levels and so to think that all involved are going to compete fairly and honestly is a little naive. There are people that will cheat on a board game and so to think a person in a position of power and surrounded by money and influence wouldn't cheat is just not true in my opinion I'm sad to say. Someone's political party doesn't make that person more prone to cheating it's the persons own personal motivation that does that. The probability is just too high.
there is no like record in our courts for he dem party
why are you pretending there is