hey cowgirl lets discuss elections

you don't care your party cheats?

how very un-American of you

Why are you assuming so much about me? Of course I care if my party or any party cheats but all I am saying is that I am not blind to the fact that cheating happens on all levels regardless of the party. If we want to address cheating then you have to address it as a whole and not based on affiliation.

why are you pretending he dem party cheats from the top like it has been proven in court your party does.

that is very dishonest

Supreme Court denies RNC bid to end voter fraud consent decree

January 14, 2013|By David G. Savage

The Supreme Court refused to lift a consent decree that bars the Republican National Committee from targeting racial and ethnic minorities in its fight against voter fraud.

The Supreme Court refused to lift a consent decree that bars the Republican… (Caroyln Kaster / Associated…)

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court has refused to lift a 30-year consent decree that bars the Republican National Committee from targeting racial and ethnic minorities in its efforts to end fraudulent voting.

The justices without comment turned down an appeal from RNC lawyers who said the decree has become “antiquated” and is “increasingly used as political weapon” by Democrats during national campaigns.

For their part, lawyers for the Democratic National Committee had argued that recent campaigns show the “consent degree remains necessary today.”
You cant blame my party for what your party has been caught doing.

there is a reason YOUR party has been under a consent decree for decades and mine has not
then go get your proof that the dem party cheats like the republican party does

This is much more of your passion project than mine. My vote will ultimately go to the person that most closely shares my beliefs and if that person shares my beliefs then I trust that he or she isn't cheating.
Why are you assuming so much about me? Of course I care if my party or any party cheats but all I am saying is that I am not blind to the fact that cheating happens on all levels regardless of the party. If we want to address cheating then you have to address it as a whole and not based on affiliation.

Desh has no interest in stopping Democrats cheating in elections. It is as useless to speak with her on this topic as it is to argue against abortion with an angry feminist.
Desh has no interest in stopping Democrats cheating in elections. It is as useless to speak with her on this topic as it is to argue against abortion with an angry feminist.

if they were cheating It might matter

they are not

you are just fucking lying
This is much more of your passion project than mine. My vote will ultimately go to the person that most closely shares my beliefs and if that person shares my beliefs then I trust that he or she isn't cheating.

so you are now denying USA court documents to protect your partys traitorous actions?
This is much more of your passion project than mine. My vote will ultimately go to the person that most closely shares my beliefs and if that person shares my beliefs then I trust that he or she isn't cheating.

no matter what reality is?

you support their cheating

thank you for admiting you are a traitor
no matter what reality is?

you support heir cheating

thank you for admiting you are a traitor

I think it's best that we don't talk about this for a little while. I'm not trying to get you upset but it looks like I am.
yes you did

I gave you facts

they are the USA court records right up to his current scotus

those records PROVE the republican party cheats right from the top.

you just brushed those facts away
see how fact adverse these people are.

I am mad

I don't want your party cheating in elections

you just pretend they don't

how evil

Supreme Court denies RNC bid to end voter fraud consent decree

January 14, 2013|By David G. Savage

The Supreme Court refused to lift a consent decree that bars the Republican National Committee from targeting racial and ethnic minorities in its fight against voter fraud.

The Supreme Court refused to lift a consent decree that bars the Republican… (Caroyln Kaster / Associated…)

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court has refused to lift a 30-year consent decree that bars the Republican National Committee from targeting racial and ethnic minorities in its efforts to end fraudulent voting.

The justices without comment turned down an appeal from RNC lawyers who said the decree has become “antiquated” and is “increasingly used as political weapon” by Democrats during national campaigns.

For their part, lawyers for the Democratic National Committee had argued that recent campaigns show the “consent degree remains necessary today.”

Why do you support voter fraud, Daesh?
This is much more of your passion project than mine. My vote will ultimately go to the person that most closely shares my beliefs and if that person shares my beliefs then I trust that he or she isn't cheating.

you just TRUST them

even though it has been PROVEN you have no reason to trust them?

you trust them anyway

do you realize how wrong that is?
see his is who the right is

even the idiots who claim not to be republicans defend them in he FACE of these overwhelming FACTS.

they lie about everything
they run away when the facts are presented

instead of accepting FACTS

they leave decent people only one recourse

to publically shame them until they accept known FACTS

leave this country

you don believe in democracy anyway