hey cowgirl lets discuss elections

Why are you assuming so much about me? Of course I care if my party or any party cheats but all I am saying is that I am not blind to the fact that cheating happens on all levels regardless of the party. If we want to address cheating then you have to address it as a whole and not based on affiliation.

what if its only your party doing the cheating

Oh yeah then you just claim its not true on no basis what so ever
I think it's best that we don't talk about this for a little while. I'm not trying to get you upset but it looks like I am.

No, Norah, you aren't upsetting her, unfortunately, Desh is in the perpetual state of upset.

court documentation

the republican party has been dragged to court for cheating EVERY election for decades

the courts say they cheat right up to the scotus

She isn't interested in facts Evince.
She is satisfied that her own intuition is correct.
you just TRUST them

even though it has been PROVEN you have no reason to trust them?

you trust them anyway

do you realize how wrong that is?

Desh her entire lifestyle is based upon blind faith.
She really can't address this without shattering that myth.
there is in FACT not a problem in this country with voters cheating the system.

the election cheating does NOT come from voters.

It comes from the parties

You gotta admire this fools tenacity....don't she know that "TRUTHMATTERS"

Chairman Butch Morgan Jr. from St. Joseph County was convicted of felony conspiracy to commit petition fraud and forgery. Dustin Blyth, who served on the Board of Elections, was charged with felony forgery and several counts of making a false petition. Both men were charged and convicted for submitting fake names and signatures on petitions that were designed to get Obama and Hillary Clinton onto the 2008 primary ballots.

CINCINNATI – A long-time poll worker who admitted to illegal voting was sentenced to five years in prison Wednesday and received a rebuke from the judge, who cited her criminal past.Melowese Richardson, 58, pleaded no contest to four counts of illegal voting in 2009, 2011 and 2012.

5/8/15: What Happens When You Have a Voter Integrity Task Force
A newly-elected Alorton trustee and a Cahokia man were charged Friday afternoon with four counts of vote fraud stemming from the April 7 election. St. Clair County Sheriff Department Capt. Scott Weymouth said Brian McDouglar, 38, of 38 Westwood Drive in Cahokia, was charged with three counts of tampering with an absentee ballot. Davione M. Kidd, 24, of 4208 E. Broadway, Alorton, was charged with one count of tapering with an absentee ballot. Alorton trustee and Cahokia man charged with vote fraud Belleville News-Democrat, May 8, 2015

A far-left community organizer is going to jail for at least 2 and a half years for election fraud in Michigan. Edward Pinkney was sentenced to up to 10 years in prison for rigging a recall election for the mayor of Benton Harbor Michigan.

Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu’s chief-of-staff was present at an event held a day before the midterm election in which his father, a Louisiana mayor, urged people to vote twice in order to re-elect Landrieu.

10/22/14: In Illinois, Democrats Resorting to Multiple Forms of Vote Fraud
Early voting in Illinois got off to a rocky start Monday, as votes being cast for Republican candidates were transformed into votes for Democrats.

9/26/14: Connecticut Democrat state representative arrested on 19 charges of vote fraud
Democrat State Representative Christina Ayala has been arrested on 19 charges of voting fraud, including: eight misdemeanor counts of fraudulent voting, ten felony counts of primary or enrollment violations and one felony count of tampering with or fabricating physical evidence.

Former Democrat Candidate Caught
Williams registered a woman who is a convicted felon and not eligible to vote. Buckley said Williams also allegedly falsely registered another person who was ineligible to vote.Former congressional candidate, Cobby Williams, arrested on voter fraud charge,

5/31/13: FLORIDA: Florida Congressman: Vote Fraud
“Top staffer for Florida Democratic Rep. Garcia resigns amid voting fraud probe. The congressman said he thinks the plot was a “well-intentioned attempt to maximize voter turnout” and that the system is “prone to fraud.” AP, Top staffer for Florida Democratic Rep. Garcia resigns amid voting fraud probe,

Four MORE Democrats arrested for Voter Fraud in Indiana

Prosecutors in South Bend, Ind., filed charges Monday against four St. Joseph County Democratic officials and deputies as part of a multiple-felony case involving the alleged forging of Democratic presidential primary petitions in the 2008 election, which put then-candidates Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton on the Indiana ballot.

Evince is shown these instances all the time and pretends they don't exist. Perhaps it's the drugs who knows, but you see the effect. Rune lives in fantasy land. Don't know if it's drug induced or something else.

Supreme Court denies RNC bid to end voter fraud consent decree

January 14, 2013|By David G. Savage

The Supreme Court refused to lift a consent decree that bars the Republican National Committee from targeting racial and ethnic minorities in its fight against voter fraud.

The Supreme Court refused to lift a consent decree that bars the Republican… (Caroyln Kaster / Associated…)

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court has refused to lift a 30-year consent decree that bars the Republican National Committee from targeting racial and ethnic minorities in its efforts to end fraudulent voting.

The justices without comment turned down an appeal from RNC lawyers who said the decree has become “antiquated” and is “increasingly used as political weapon” by Democrats during national campaigns.

For their part, lawyers for the Democratic National Committee had argued that recent campaigns show the “consent degree remains necessary today.”

there is no like record for the dem party you fucking lairs
yes they do girlfriend

they close them down in the poor areas

all documented

I just looked at the Texas department of public safety website and it said that new Texas residents can go to any DMV to get a state issued ID and if you are a resident already and your card is expired you can renew online, in the mail, in person, or by phone. So even if one DMV is closed they can go to any other one if they just moved to Texas or if they are already a resident they don't even have to leave their house to get a renewed ID.

The Measure of Republican 'Integrity'

Published: November 1, 1986

Republicans call their ''ballot integrity'' campaign a legitimate program to prevent voter fraud. Democrats say it's a ploy to reduce the participation of black voters. A memo released on the order of a Federal judge last week suggests, sadly, that the Democrats are right.

The G.O.P. program involved sending letters to registered voters in parts of Louisiana, Indiana and Missouri that cast at least 75 percent of their vote for Walter Mondale in 1984. An undeliverable letter might result in a challenge to the addressee's right to vote. Such measures are routinely, and legitimately, used to purge ineligible voters from the rolls. But the G.O.P campaign had an unfortunate hidden agenda.

Though Republican officials deny any intent to reduce black voting, the memo that surfaced in court proceedings suggests otherwise. It referred to use of the ballot integrity campaign in Louisiana, where a Republican Congressman, W. Henson Moore, was favored to win the state's open primary for the Senate seat now occupied by Russell Long, a Democrat. The Republican National Committee's Middle West regional director, Kris Wolfe, wrote to Lanny Griffith, the Southern regional director, urging adoption of the ballot integrity program before the Sept. 23 primary. ''I would guess that this program will eliminate at least 60-80,000 folks from the rolls,'' Ms. Wolfe's memo says. ''If it's a close race . . . which I'm assuming it is, this could keep the black vote down considerably.''

Thus exposed, the plan may have reverse effect. Mr. Moore failed to garner enough votes in the primary to avoid a runoff. His Democratic opponent, Representative John B. Breaux, is gaining strength. And a black electorate offended by the ballot integrity campaign could make the difference.

But the incident provokes a deeper question: What are the Republicans afraid of? Some Republicans, like Governor Kean of New Jersey and Charles Mathias, the retiring Maryland Senator, have shown how to seek and win black support. Black voters are not necessarily a monolithic, unalterably Democratic bloc. Trying to disfranchise them instead of competing for their votes reveals no integrity, just insecurity.