Hey Guys, I'm Chris

I think his exit was awesome. Disappointing, because he's a cool dude, but overall awesome. You have no idea how tempting it is to just haul off and call someone asswhole a P Word (mostly because it's taboo), but my addiction to this site keeps me from doing this.

Also, I think it would be damaging to the image of the Trinity if one of us got banned. Especially since Grind and Billy are Mods.
The fact that WM has never logged on in a state of opiate-caffeinated-drunken rage/stupor and started dropping P bombs all over the board is testament to how easy it is to avoid the temptation, I should add... :D
I thought WB was an okay poster; I didn't like that endless feud with DY that erupted from time to time but on the whole he had good posts. And the board improved when DY was banned.

However, I have no respect for his dramatic exit no matter what the reason. He made a mockery of a couple of posters and the issues that are serious to them. He could have just left quietly and with class, but instead chose to clutch his pearls, swoon, and get all dramatic about the whining... as if there was never whining here in the past, Yurt being a prime example. Then instead of saying he left because of the whining, he wrote incendiary comments that insured a banning. What was the point of that and why isn't anyone criticizing it?

This place is going to hell in a handbasket.

I did actually talk to him about it off stage and he did seem to be pretty upset with it all. I think it will get better now after all the histrionics, I hope so anyway.
People, keep in mind that Chris' first post was a standard introduction in which other posters brought up the issue of not calling people the P word. He could have simply decided to be a smartass by starting that MJ thread.
Stick a dick in your ear and read my post backwards with your idiot comment attacked to it.

Get back to me and tell me what you think.

Is this that civil debate the lefties claim to be clamoring for?

Oh yeah, it is all my fault
