Hey Guys, I'm Chris

Hey Guys, I'm Chris.
Interesting things:

Collect Model Trains
Plays Piano
Loves a good debate :)

Thanks for your welcomes in advance!
Welcome Chris. We're currently having a problem here with a handful of trolls seeking attention, as trolls are want to do, don't let them color your view. Ignore them and if enough people do so they will go away. The core contributers here in JPP span the gamit of political views and are pretty good folk. So if you see a few trolls posting a bunch of crap, don't let it throw you. Just ignore them.
It appears that they've also decided who I should and should not respond to by putting posters on my IA list that I did not .. obviously a move to protect idiot posters .. but I no longer care what they do.

It's become obvious why they never banned the N word and why they allow the denigration of women on this board .. yet claim they are 'looking for suggestions.' :0) Sure they are.

Women, non-whites, and non-teabaggers no longer welcomed here in Hate World.

Good luck with that.

The only person that could have been would be me, which you claimed to have already done. So what is the problem?
yup confirmed what tom said above. We've been in contact with him, he left because of whiners.

So how funny is that? The whiners think he left because me and it turns out he left because of THEM. There is ZERO chance they can wrap their brains around that. Why will just say you are making it up

So unless Grind has forced ignored someone else besides me, it would appear that Christie and BAC and Rana are bitching about Grind force ignoring someone they claim to already have on ignore.

Yeah, that makes sense
yup confirmed what tom said above. We've been in contact with him, he left because of whiners.

'Whiners' .. you mean people who don't agree with your policies and think they have a right to be heard on a supposed adult forum?
Welcome Chris. We're currently having a problem here with a handful of trolls seeking attention, as trolls are want to do, don't let them color your view. Ignore them and if enough people do so they will go away. The core contributers here in JPP span the gamit of political views and are pretty good folk. So if you see a few trolls posting a bunch of crap, don't let it throw you. Just ignore them.

Maybe you should scream that out louder .. I don't think he's listening .. or even here. :0)
LOL, by "deal with others fairly", you mean give in to liberal whining and ban people who broke no rules, don't you, Desh?

No I mean like stop lying about the US NOT being a democracy and stupid shit like that.

You know like LYING about the SCOTUS agreeing that the republican party cheats its ass off?
'Whiners' .. you mean people who don't agree with your policies and think they have a right to be heard on a supposed adult forum?

we welcome all comments suggestions etc, it's when people keep asking why someone wasn't banned when the answer is right in front of them that it gets frustrating.