Hey Guys, I'm Chris

To be fair, who gives a shit what colour the drug dealer was if she told the bastard to fuck off.

I spit in his face because he got in mine and spit at me.

So hauled off and heaved a good one right in his face.

His girlfriend tried to push me down and I looked at all the neighbors and said CALL THE POLICE that is assault.

he and his girly got in their car and left

NEVER saw either one ever again
ok well that's out of context. stop trolling desh. we have enough drama on here this week already.


Boy you sure told him!

USF spews some of the most vile, degrading filth seen here and he gets his wrist slapped.

I ask for corroboration from Grind to clarify something in my mind and I get shrieking, invective filled diatribes in response.
I spit in his face because he got in mine and spit at me.

So hauled off and heaved a good one right in his face.

His girlfriend tried to push me down and I looked at all the neighbors and said CALL THE POLICE that is assault.

he and his girly got in their car and left

NEVER saw either one ever again

I guess you just remembered all of these "little" details and forgot to post your justification the first time.
There are trolls all over this site. The banned martyr herself has been using SJ the buffoon conservative from Netscape for over 7 yrs. She prides herself in altering "her written voice".
Bullshit WB left because he thought everybody was too thin skinned, your incessant whining being a prime example.

I thought WB was an okay poster; I didn't like that endless feud with DY that erupted from time to time but on the whole he had good posts. And the board improved when DY was banned.

However, I have no respect for his dramatic exit no matter what the reason. He made a mockery of a couple of posters and the issues that are serious to them. He could have just left quietly and with class, but instead chose to clutch his pearls, swoon, and get all dramatic about the whining... as if there was never whining here in the past, Yurt being a prime example. Then instead of saying he left because of the whining, he wrote incendiary comments that insured a banning. What was the point of that and why isn't anyone criticizing it?

This place is going to hell in a handbasket.
I have no respect for his dramatic exit no matter what the reason.

He could have just left quietly and with class, but instead chose to clutch his pearls, swoon, and get all dramatic

Then instead of saying he left because of the whining, he wrote incendiary comments that insured a banning.

What was the point of that and why isn't anyone criticizing it?

I agree, it wasn't the right route to take.
also I need to clarify, I don't know if he ever specifically mentioned the actual word whining on here, that was my paraphrase of the situation. That was though his overall take on things. I personally agree with him on most of things he said. But I don't agree with how he exited.
He also does this every year. Gets fed up with people and their petty bullshit and then leaves. Except instead of asking us to cancel his account, he made sure he can't come back any time soon.

Every year this happens.
winterborn just wanted everyone to be chill from all sides and for everyone to just stick to politics.

I think most of us want that and don't understand why everything just goes to hell from time to time. Is it fringe politics, personality conflicts, the full moon or something, I don't know. Anymore we're like Congress, we can't disagree on the floor but still go out for a beer at the end of the day, metaphorically speaking.
He also does this every year. Gets fed up with people and their petty bullshit and then leaves. Except instead of asking us to cancel his account, he made sure he can't come back any time soon.

Every year this happens.

Maybe we should operate like a business and put up a vacation schedule at the beginning of the year. Everyone gets a few weeks of time off the board for R&R. ;)