Hezbollah Democrats

birds of a feather? one would hope not
I think you know me better than that. Just because I think a phrase is descriptive doesn't mean I agree ideologically with somebody. This is another strawman argument based on emotion rhetoric and an attempt to control me by the fact that you want to associate me with people you want to dismiss.
I'm not sure why the Bushies are afraid to call it was it really is: Theocracy.

"Theocracy" should be a terrifying word to americans. We fled european theocracies to found this nation. Our very first right, enshrined in the Constitutions, is a guarantee AGAINST theocracy. Its the first amendment.

I suspect Fox News and Karl Rove simply like the word "fascism" as a marketing tool. But, is rhetorically lazy and inaccurate
The term inculcates "theocracy"... There is no fear to call it that. Another strawman burns.
And how was that a strawman ?
Just an explanation for the new republican term of hatred.
No, you ascribed it to me. That is where it is a strawman. Once again, show where I have ever stated I think this Administration is doing a "great job"...
Well I don't care what the "definition" technically means to anyone...

It is DEGRADING to the Islamic Faith and should not be "coined" as a term and used....imo....

Why include a faith in their Degradation of the Enemy? In their constant reaching for a "new term" to define the terrorists or the enemy...

Iraqi Insurgence
Islamic Fundamentalists

And what is next? Are we now going to be defined by the muslim world as the Christian Killers or Christian Authoratarians? Or Christian Fascists?

what the hell is this administration thinking bringing in AN ENTIRE RELIGION in his insulting definition, insulting by not even marketing it as Islamic but Islamo...gees louise.... Why don't they just stick to them being TERRORISTS?

I just don't get it...the devisiveness of this administration.... :(

WHAT A BUNCH OF MARKETING CRAP! Don't they KNOW the rule? You pick one focus and term and POUND IT HOME.... ;)

I am noting a sense of marketing failure on Carl Rove's part....he can't seem to find the "right" jingle or term to define his focus....
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And what is next? Are we now going to be defined by the muslim world as the Christian Killers or Christian Authoratarians? Or Christian Fascists?

We already are... As well as "The Great Satan" and several others.
We already are... As well as "The Great Satan" and several others.


By a legitimate World Leader?

Come onnnnnnnnnnnnn....

it is irresponsible imo! extremely! And very juvenile, childish and not what I ...as a countryman, would like my leader to act like.... :(


By a legitimate World Leader?

Come onnnnnnnnnnnnn....

it is irresponsible imo! extremely! And very juvenile, childish and not what I ...as a countryman, would like my leader to act like.... :(

You don't think the leader of Iran is a legitimate world leader? Come on... Care. Plus, as far as I have read Bush said "fundamentalist" not fascist...
I think you know me better than that. Just because I think a phrase is descriptive doesn't mean I agree ideologically with somebody. This is another strawman argument based on emotion rhetoric and an attempt to control me by the fact that you want to associate me with people you want to dismiss.

hence the "one would hope not" ;)
Islamo Fascists
Islamo Fascism

What's the difference?

And both terms are being used on fox and by those Repubs in Congress following the idiot in his divisive and ignorant and childish ways.....

Tell me Damo, do you put the president of the United States, President Bush on the same level of WORLD leadership as a Leader of Iran?

just curious....

Care, I reposted that I was wrong and informed everybody so by stating that I read the article and found that he used fascism. Is it really that hard for you to accept what I stated?

Anyway, I don't think Bush should use the term. I was arguing whether the term could apply in this setting throughout the thread, not whether I think Bush's use is appropriate. I'd like you to find where I stated such in any of my posts....

This "Does Bush equate?" thing... isn't something that I was arguing. However you did ask for one leader of note that states this, I gave you one. To ignore it is really to your detriment. We have enemies, and leaders of note have most definitely equated us to worse than "fascists"...
It depends on how Islamofascism is defined.

Break it into its components. Islamic + Fascism.

Islamic - This fits, they are Islamic.

Fascism - This doesn't. They aren't nationalist and the similarities between nationalism and theocracy (ie centralised command) don't justify the use of the term. There are similarities between nationalism and patriotism, but patriotism isn't fascism.

There are similarities between a cat and a cow, but the names aren't interchangable. (This isn't a strawman, this is an analogy to make my point)

Describing these theocrats as nationalist isn't valid. Nationalism is promotion of the nation-state and that isn't the goal of these theocrats. It isn't a nationalist theocratic dictatorship because the concept of the nation state isn't important to these theocrats.

Soviet Russia wanted to unify the world under the Communist International, a centralised dictatorship, but they can't be described as nationalist. (Again, not a strawman, but an analogy)

So nationalist doesn't describe these people well, but then fascism isn't just nationalism. Fascism is the amalgamation of nation state and commerce.

Islam is traditionally a religion of trade and nowhere in the Islamic theocrat's ideology is the amalgamation of any nation state and commerce suggested.

Thus fascist is a poor description of these people. They aren't nationalist, nor seeking to amalgamate nationalism with commercialism. The only similarities between the theocrats and fascism is a preponderance for centralised authoritarian dictatorship and as we has discovered, that is a similarity that they share with many ideologies, it is not a defining quality.

So we have to ask, why would politicos use such a term? The obvious answer is as a rhetorical device, to create pathos. Fascism is a term that, due to the actions of fascists in the C20th has rightly a negative connotation and attaching it has far more impact that using the correct term, Islamic theocrats.
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This ignores all the contextual meaning of new phraseology. This is like a word-geek running around pointing out that "homophobe" is not descriptive of the people in question...

Contextual meaning plays a larger part in modern phraseology of new words than does exact morphing. That you refuse to recognize it because you simply want everything to remain the same is amazingly "conservative" of you linguistically. But it is not impressive. Sitting around and arguing whether the word has the meaning you want it to have is about as worthless as arguing whether red or white roses are best and whether they are really all that closely related. It really doesn't interest many people other than gardeners....

This ignores all the contextual meaning of new phraseology. This is like a word-geek running around pointing out that "homophobe" is not descriptive of the people in question...

Contextual meaning plays a larger part in modern phraseology of new words than does exact morphing. That you refuse to recognize it because you simply want everything to remain the same is amazingly "conservative" of you linguistically. But it is not impressive. Sitting around and arguing whether the word has the meaning you want it to have is about as worthless as arguing whether red or white roses are best and whether they are really all that closely related. It really doesn't interest many people other than gardeners....
Generally, I'm a linguistic liberal as well as a political one. In this case, however, the phrase hasn't really made it into the common idiom yet and, if we relentlessly ridicule those who use it, it may never do so.

There's still time to prevent this from becoming an accepted term. Since it is demonstrably misleading, I intend to keep right on slighting those who do use it.
Generally, I'm a linguistic liberal as well as a political one. In this case, however, the phrase hasn't really made it into the common idiom yet and, if we relentlessly ridicule those who use it, it may never do so.

There's still time to prevent this from becoming an accepted term. Since it is demonstrably misleading, I intend to keep right on slighting those who do use it.
Nah, we relentlessly ridiculed the "homophobe" inaccuracy and it still made it in. I think this one is already there... It's just too late.

BTW - I was never arguing whether I think Bush should have used the term. Just what the current contextual meaning is, why it is used, and why it is likely to become the accepted term... I think y'all are just too late.
Nah, we relentlessly ridiculed the "homophobe" inaccuracy and it still made it in. I think this one is already there... It's just too late.

BTW - I was never arguing whether I think Bush should have used the term. Just what the current contextual meaning is, why it is used, and why it is likely to become the accepted term... I think y'all are just too late.
We shall see. I haven't given up yet. Most of the rest of the world is not adopting the phrase and I've yet to hear it in day-to-day conversation. Granted, I do live in the bay area, which will definitely impact that last.
We shall see. I haven't given up yet. Most of the rest of the world is not adopting the phrase and I've yet to hear it in day-to-day conversation. Granted, I do live in the bay area, which will definitely impact that last.
That's why I think it's too late. It seems rather mainstream in many of the places that I have been. A new term coined specifically for the new enemy...

We have constantly heard "If you can't name it you can't fight it..." Well, however "inaccurate" the statement is, it appears the enemy has been "named"...
That's why I think it's too late. It seems rather mainstream in many of the places that I have been. A new term coined specifically for the new enemy...

We have constantly heard "If you can't name it you can't fight it..." Well, however "inaccurate" the statement is, it appears the enemy has been "named"...
Yes, the enemy are the Christo-fascists.
That's why I think it's too late. It seems rather mainstream in many of the places that I have been. A new term coined specifically for the new enemy...

We have constantly heard "If you can't name it you can't fight it..." Well, however "inaccurate" the statement is, it appears the enemy has been "named"...

Very good. Damo, I'm glad to see you've abandoned your efforts to shoehorn theocracy into the formal definition of fascism. And are stating that this weird new amalgam of a word, was invented, or "coined" by the adminstration and Fox News for what appears to be marketing purposes. ;)

Personally, I'm also concered about the hispano-facists in Latin america: like Chavez and Castro ;)
the problem with the use of this made up word is that it paints with too broad a brush. Hezbollah? why, they're islamofascists. Al Qaeda? islamofascists, obviously. Hamas? islamofascists, of course. It lends itself quite easily to assisting in demonizing all muslims and making them all OUR enemy. It is only a matter of time until it is...Sunnis? Islamofascists. Shi'ites? clearly Islamofascists. Democrats? islamofascists, no doubt.