Hezbollah Democrats

the problem with the use of this made up word is that it paints with too broad a brush. Hezbollah? why, they're islamofascists. Al Qaeda? islamofascists, obviously. Hamas? islamofascists, of course. It lends itself quite easily to assisting in demonizing all muslims and making them all OUR enemy. It is only a matter of time until it is...Sunnis? Islamofascists. Shi'ites? clearly Islamofascists. Democrats? islamofascists, no doubt.
It's much like "phobes" for the left. Don't want illegal immigrants call them "xenophobes" even though it doesn't fit and they aren't afraid of immigrants... Bigoted towards something but not afraid of it, must be a "phobe"... etc... Equally foolish idiotic crap comes from the other side. Or are you a realismphobe?
Very good. Damo, I'm glad to see you've abandoned your efforts to shoehorn theocracy into the formal definition of fascism. And are stating that this weird new amalgam of a word, was invented, or "coined" by the adminstration and Fox News for what appears to be marketing purposes. ;)

Personally, I'm also concered about the hispano-facists in Latin america: like Chavez and Castro ;)

When it all comes down to it, the word "Islamofascist" is borne out of necessity because of pinheads who have a comprehension problem. We start with the "War on Terror" which was quickly rebuked by pinheads claiming, rightly so, that "terror" is a tactic, therefore, you can't wage war on a tactic. Then we attempted to explain "radical Muslim extremism" to you, and were met with the incredulous assertion that we just hate all Muslims and are racists. Next we transgressed into an idiotic debate over what exactly is "terrorism", as if it can be attributed to almost any act of violence against perceived innocent people.

So, in an attempt to get you pinheads to fully understand the weight of the situation and the serious nature of the threat we face, the amalgamation of radical Islamic extremism and theocracy was merged with the iron-fisted nature of tyranny and dictatorship, and the word "Islamofascist" emerged. You have no one but your pinheaded self to blame. Most of us were happy and content with "terrorists" to describe who the enemy is, but since nothing we tried to articulate was resonating, and every argument became a parsing of words and nuanced definitions, a better descriptor was needed.

And I don't understand why you are all of a sudden concerned with Chavez and Castro, you've never been too concerned before. In fact, most of you idiots laude these people as some sort of great leaders and fine examples of Liberal/Socialist Ideology. They are your true heroes.
When it all comes down to it, the word "Islamofascist" is borne out of necessity because of pinheads who have a comprehension problem. We start with the "War on Terror" which was quickly rebuked by pinheads claiming, rightly so, that "terror" is a tactic, therefore, you can't wage war on a tactic. Then we attempted to explain "radical Muslim extremism" to you, and were met with the incredulous assertion that we just hate all Muslims and are racists. Next we transgressed into an idiotic debate over what exactly is "terrorism", as if it can be attributed to almost any act of violence against perceived innocent people.

So, in an attempt to get you pinheads to fully understand the weight of the situation and the serious nature of the threat we face, the amalgamation of radical Islamic extremism and theocracy was merged with the iron-fisted nature of tyranny and dictatorship, and the word "Islamofascist" emerged. You have no one but your pinheaded self to blame. Most of us were happy and content with "terrorists" to describe who the enemy is, but since nothing we tried to articulate was resonating, and every argument became a parsing of words and nuanced definitions, a better descriptor was needed.

And I don't understand why you are all of a sudden concerned with Chavez and Castro, you've never been too concerned before. In fact, most of you idiots laude these people as some sort of great leaders and fine examples of Liberal/Socialist Ideology. They are your true heroes.
Christo-fascist alert! Everybody down!
When it all comes down to it, the word "Islamofascist" is borne out of necessity because of pinheads who have a comprehension problem. We start with the "War on Terror" which was quickly rebuked by pinheads claiming, rightly so, that "terror" is a tactic, therefore, you can't wage war on a tactic. Then we attempted to explain "radical Muslim extremism" to you, and were met with the incredulous assertion that we just hate all Muslims and are racists. Next we transgressed into an idiotic debate over what exactly is "terrorism", as if it can be attributed to almost any act of violence against perceived innocent people.

So, in an attempt to get you pinheads to fully understand the weight of the situation and the serious nature of the threat we face, the amalgamation of radical Islamic extremism and theocracy was merged with the iron-fisted nature of tyranny and dictatorship, and the word "Islamofascist" emerged. You have no one but your pinheaded self to blame. Most of us were happy and content with "terrorists" to describe who the enemy is, but since nothing we tried to articulate was resonating, and every argument became a parsing of words and nuanced definitions, a better descriptor was needed.

And I don't understand why you are all of a sudden concerned with Chavez and Castro, you've never been too concerned before. In fact, most of you idiots laude these people as some sort of great leaders and fine examples of Liberal/Socialist Ideology. They are your true heroes.

Why do you feel the need to invent new words and parrot them? Words invented by karl rove?

I call them what they are: islamic theocrats. Theocracy is plenty scary enough. Escaping the scourge of theocracy is part of the reason this nation was founded, and the very first right in the Bill of Rights, is a guarantee AGAINST theocracy.
Why do you feel the need to invent new words and parrot them? Words invented by karl rove?

I call them what they are: islamic theocrats. Theocracy is plenty scary enough. Escaping the scourge of theocracy is part of the reason this nation was founded, and the very first right in the Bill of Rights, is a guarantee AGAINST theocracy.
There's a perfectly good word already in circulation. That word is "Islamists." It was coined, I believe, by commentators in the Islamic world, trying to describe the peculiar form of theocratic authoritarianism that arose from the Iranian revolution.
There's a perfectly good word already in circulation. That word is "Islamists." It was coined, I believe, by commentators in the Islamic world, trying to describe the peculiar form of theocratic authoritarianism that arose from the Iranian revolution.
Yeah, but it has too many sibilant and hard consonants in a row for Bush...
Why do you feel the need to invent new words and parrot them? Words invented by karl rove?

I call them what they are: islamic theocrats. Theocracy is plenty scary enough. Escaping the scourge of theocracy is part of the reason this nation was founded, and the very first right in the Bill of Rights, is a guarantee AGAINST theocracy.

Theocracy is not the threat or the problem. We've had theocracies for centuries, and never had a real problem with radical terrorists wanting to inflict horror on innocent people because of their religion, or at least not in recent history of civilized society. This is a completely new threat, unlike any we've had to deal with, and in the context of the words we normally associate, seems to be completely misunderstood and under-estimated.

I explained why the need was felt to invent a new word, because you are too pinheaded and ignorant to understand the current words... radical Islamic... extremist... terrorism... You get too caught up in the minutia of dissecting the word and arguing an invalid point based on some vague definition that doesn't apply here. So, in order to define more precisely, what the enemy is and why they are a real danger and threat, the word "Islamofascist" was coined. You don't like it because it's not something you can easily refute and pick apart, you can't create a defense for Islamofascists like you could with "terrorists" because you don't know how to defend something you don't fully understand.
It's much like "phobes" for the left. Don't want illegal immigrants call them "xenophobes" even though it doesn't fit and they aren't afraid of immigrants... Bigoted towards something but not afraid of it, must be a "phobe"... etc... Equally foolish idiotic crap comes from the other side. Or are you a realismphobe?

so because, in your opinion, idiotic crap comes from the left, you support and condone it from the right? whatever. If we lump all muslims in one big pile and call them enemies, regardless of what a great political rallying cry it might create, then we will be forced to kill them all.
Escaping the scourge of theocracy is part of the reason this nation was founded, and the very first right in the Bill of Rights, is a guarantee AGAINST theocracy.

I don't know that I completely agree with this, Britain is a Monarchy, not a Theocracy. The monarchy was beholden to the Church of England, and restricted the Puritan's religious freedoms. America was formed on the basis of the theocratic idea that we are endowed by God to govern ourselves, rather than being governed by kings. The first right in the Bill of Rights, establishes that government can't take our religious freedom away and are only there to protect it and insure it. In a sense, we are a "universal theocracy" by guaranteeing that ANY and ALL religious belief will be protected.
Theocracy is not the threat or the problem. We've had theocracies for centuries, and never had a real problem with radical terrorists wanting to inflict horror on innocent people because of their religion, or at least not in recent history of civilized society. This is a completely new threat, unlike any we've had to deal with, and in the context of the words we normally associate, seems to be completely misunderstood and under-estimated.

I explained why the need was felt to invent a new word, because you are too pinheaded and ignorant to understand the current words... radical Islamic... extremist... terrorism... You get too caught up in the minutia of dissecting the word and arguing an invalid point based on some vague definition that doesn't apply here. So, in order to define more precisely, what the enemy is and why they are a real danger and threat, the word "Islamofascist" was coined. You don't like it because it's not something you can easily refute and pick apart, you can't create a defense for Islamofascists like you could with "terrorists" because you don't know how to defend something you don't fully understand.

Yes, not all theocracies are a threat to the united states.

Neither are all fascist states a threat to the united states. We were quite friendly with the Pinochet regime in Chile.

I'm only worried about theocrats that are a threat to the united states: al qaeda.

Iran was called a theocracy ever since 1979. And its been a thorn in our side.
so because, in your opinion, idiotic crap comes from the left, you support and condone it from the right? whatever. If we lump all muslims in one big pile and call them enemies, regardless of what a great political rallying cry it might create, then we will be forced to kill them all.
No, but it is hypocrisy to attempt to only point it out from one side while pretending the other is perfect.

Anyway, I think this fits a heck of a lot better than "homophobe" does with bigots... They aren't "afraid" at all, and as I have explained depending on how you are looking at the whole "fascist" angle there are far more similarities in that one... This also doesn't include "all muslims" that is a fabrication of your own.

It just gets inane that the left is so afraid of a word. Is it because you really don't want them to define the enemy? Or just on their terms?
Yes, not all theocracies are a threat to the united states.

Neither are all fascist states a threat to the united states. We were quite friendly with the Pinochet regime in Chile.

I'm only worried about theocrats that are a threat to the united states: al qaeda.

Iran was called a theocracy ever since 1979. And its been a thorn in our side.

That's the whole point, "theocracy" is not necessarily a threat, neither is fascism or Islam, it is the combination of these elements which comprise the very real and dangerous threat of our time. When we were saying "war on terror" you were not comprehending it... When we were telling you about "radical Islam" it fostered notions of "radical liberals" and you took exception, and called us racist... When we refer to "terrorists", you find profoundly enlightened ways to explain how we are all "terrorists" in some aspect... When we explained this was a perverted theocratic extremism, you didn't understand why we hated ALL Muslims... All the way down the line, you have failed to understand the nature of the threat we face and who our enemy is, and "Islamofascist" is a very good word to encompass ALL the aspects of what we are up against.

The people who are our enemy, are not Muslim any more than the KKK is Christian. This is the real dirty little secret that no one wants to admit. They have perverted their religious dogma, and made it acceptable to commit horrific acts of terror and violence on innocent people, in an attempt to force us all to live in their 5th Century social world... that IS fascist. There is no better word to describe it. The "nationalist" element of traditional fascism, has been replaced by the radical perversion of Islam, therefore, Islamofascism is created.
No, but it is hypocrisy to attempt to only point it out from one side while pretending the other is perfect.

Anyway, I think this fits a heck of a lot better than "homophobe" does with bigots... They aren't "afraid" at all, and as I have explained depending on how you are looking at the whole "fascist" angle there are far more similarities in that one... This also doesn't include "all muslims" that is a fabrication of your own.

It just gets inane that the left is so afraid of a word. Is it because you really don't want them to define the enemy? Or just on their terms?
Wait a minute, here. Are you seriously rejecting the notion that negative bias -- bigotry -- sometimes arises out of fear of the object? That's pretty extreme, Damo.

It's pretty well accepted, I believe, that at least one common cause of hatred for homosexuals is indeed homophobia. That's especially true of the more extreme and violent cases.
They have perverted their religious dogma, and made it acceptable to commit horrific acts of terror and violence on innocent people, in an attempt to force us all to live in their 5th Century social world... that IS fascist.

Put down the Karl Rove kool aid.

"forcing us to live in the 5th century" has nothing to do with the formal definition and historical practice of fascism. Look it up in any dictionary or encylopedia.

What you're describing is an extremist theocratic movement, based upon a perversion of islam.
They have perverted their religious dogma, and made it acceptable to commit horrific acts of terror and violence on innocent people, in an attempt to force us all to live in their 5th Century social world... that IS fascist.

Put down the Karl Rove kool aid.

"forcing us to live in the 5th century" has nothing to do with the formal definition and historical practice of fascism. Look it up in any dictionary or encylopedia.

What you're describing is an extremist theocratic movement, based upon a perversion of islam.
Indeed. If one were to extrapolate some modern fascist movement -- a real and viable one, not some group of genetically degraded neo-nazi wannabes -- it wouldn't look at all like the Islamists. Such a movement would almost certainly embrace any technological and social expedient for breeding and training children. They would try to force us all to live in the 22nd century -- as they interpret it, of course -- not the 5th.
No, but it is hypocrisy to attempt to only point it out from one side while pretending the other is perfect.

Anyway, I think this fits a heck of a lot better than "homophobe" does with bigots... They aren't "afraid" at all, and as I have explained depending on how you are looking at the whole "fascist" angle there are far more similarities in that one... This also doesn't include "all muslims" that is a fabrication of your own.

It just gets inane that the left is so afraid of a word. Is it because you really don't want them to define the enemy? Or just on their terms?

calling people who are all worried about gays getting married "homophobes".... and I have to ask, what the fuck are they AFRIAD of? do they think that having a gay couple next door will somehow be contagious?.... does not start a global war against another religion.

Calling any group in the muslim world who doesn't go kissy kissy with America "Islamofascists" is starting down the slippery slope that just might.

Al Qaeda are islamofascist. Hezbollah are islamofascist. Two completely different groups with two completely different agendas, yet now they are the same.... when will it end?
dixie, we all know the republicans are the experts on the Islamic world. After all look how well our venture in Iraq has worked out.
Indeed. If one were to extrapolate some modern fascist movement -- a real and viable one, not some group of genetically degraded neo-nazi wannabes -- it wouldn't look at all like the Islamists. Such a movement would almost certainly embrace any technological and social expedient for breeding and training children. They would try to force us all to live in the 22nd century -- as they interpret it, of course -- not the 5th.

I'll tell you, IMO, why Bush and Rove are playing these disingenous word games, and inventing new definitions of words.

They don't want to call bin ladin what he is - a loony theocrat - because I'd guess about 20% of bush's hardcore base doesn't consider "theocracy", in some form, neccessarily a bad thing. Or, at a minium, a federal government that is largely based on biblical law.

"Theocracy" isn't neccessarily a scary word to these people. "Fascist" is a much better marketing tool.