Dutch Uncle
* Tertia Optio * Defend the Constitution
Fine, you hate the Bible along with Jews, Blacks and any other non-white people. Haters gonna hate. I get it.jews say they're gods chosen people.
I didn't make it up.
"god's chosen" sounds racist to me.
I believe in freedom of thought and religion. they're free to think that.
I don't have to believe it though.
I think it's a little racist.
You're free to hate anyone you like. My point is that anyone who spreads so much hate, lies and bigotry is an idiotic liar to also claim they are a pacifist. You think those lies will protect you from your involvement with the WSEs.
If there are dead Americans in the streets because of your WSE support, I doubt telling the Judge you are a pacifist is going to work. Enjoy prison, hater.
Deuteronomy 14:2
2 For you are a holy people to the Lord your God, and the Lord has chosen you to be a people for Himself, a special treasure above all the peoples who are on the face of the earth.