History is for suckers?
Did I say anything that you think is untrue? Or are you the sucker.
History is for suckers?
The Western Liberal Education System is based on debate. Before someone says they are a conservative, and therefore are against the Western Liberal Education, the word "liberal" is using a different definition there. The Greeks had the "liberal arts"(free people skills), and the "servile arts"(not free people skills). Free Greeks were supposed to participate in their governments. They had many different types of governments from democracies to monarchies, but all had some level of politics involved. Therefore debate was important to all.
To teach debate, you need students from different points of view. Diversity in education is not a new invention, but actually part of Western education from the beginning. You also have a system that keeps reinventing itself through debate.
You would think that education based on meritocracy would be better, but it has failed compared to our western system. The Arabs, Chinese, Indians, etc. had education based on meritocracy, where there were tests to pick the best students, and then later tests to pick the best teachers from those students. At first you get the best of the best, but over time you get the best at taking those tests. You get teachers who are highly invested into the old knowledge. Some of the oldest universities in the world still teach science from a thousand years ago, because that is what is on the test.
In the west, many, if not most, professors would have PHDs. They have extended the knowledge of humanity in some way, and have defended their thesis in debate.
Or so the system is supposed to work. I am not saying it is always perfect, but it is a darn good system, and has done us well.
Reletor sounds like a Nazi who used to post here about how the Jewish Genocide never happened. He is also a racist. Pure scumbag.
Though with the help of the best weapon they ever came up with against the goyium-gentiles, Jesus, they were victorious.
Christianity has not been good for Jews.
It wasn't not being christian that got jews into trouble in various countries throughout history. It was being jewish scum that did that. Being your masters, (and probably owning this forum) I doubt if I would even be allowed to say how bad they are.
OK, I think I am beginning to see the problem here. You are probably not going to believe me, but there have been many genocides by the Christians against the Jews.
So the jews tell you. Now, I will tell you how things really work. Outside of science, for the vast majority of what you think is true, right or good, the exact opposite is the case.
Wiki is for those who know absolutely nothing about a topic. I usually ignore people who cite wiki.
I am Jewish, so will disagree with you.
Bullshit. Jesus himself was a jew. And what is the first half of the bible itself? The torah. You may have also heard the saying, "There is no such thing as bad press." It wasn't not being christian that got jews into trouble in various countries throughout history. It was being jewish scum that did that. Being your masters, (and probably owning this forum) I doubt if I would even be allowed to say how bad they are.
Also, how many christian churches have you heard of that have the word "zion" in their name. I have seen plenty. Fuck zion. Another point is that I happened across a christian TV channel once. They were holding a telethon to get money to send poor jews to israel. Why should a christian give a damn. But apparently they do. On another occasion I saw some christian evangelist in israel. He was telling a group of receptive jews in what appeared to be some restaurant that they really needed to stick up for the "holy land." The "holy land" doesn't mean shit to me. God supposedly gave those lands to the jews. Not the goyium-gentiles.
Bullshit. Jesus himself was a jew. And what is the first half of the bible itself? The torah. You may have also heard the saying, "There is no such thing as bad press." It wasn't not being christian that got jews into trouble in various countries throughout history. It was being jewish scum that did that. Being your masters, (and probably owning this forum) I doubt if I would even be allowed to say how bad they are.
Also, how many christian churches have you heard of that have the word "zion" in their name. I have seen plenty. Fuck zion. Another point is that I happened across a christian TV channel once. They were holding a telethon to get money to send poor jews to israel. Why should a christian give a damn. But apparently they do. On another occasion I saw some christian evangelist in israel. He was telling a group of receptive jews in what appeared to be some restaurant that they really needed to stick up for the "holy land." The "holy land" doesn't mean shit to me. God supposedly gave those lands to the jews. Not the goyium-gentiles.
Oh yeah! Here we go!
God gave Jerusalem and Israel to the Jews. I for one, am not questioning God on his judgement. Whatever the fuck they do, just not doing it. Not my business.
Even when they keep the Ark of the Covenant hidden after an American found it. Nope! God says they're his people, and I'm doing what I'm doing.
Even when they're Bolsheviks in Russia. That don't befront me. Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Israel and Jerusalem belong to The Jews as ordained by God, the creator of this world. I'm not going against that. God also ingrained karma into this world and if you fuck up, you're
going to feel it.
jesus opened gods covenant up to all people.
jews wanted to stay racist, and it shows.
jesus opened gods covenant up to all people.
jews wanted to stay racist, and it shows.
jews wanted to stay racist, and it shows.
Well look at asswipes like the guy who wrote the revelations. According to him at some point the throne of god would be surrounded by all the jews that were chosen. Behind them would be all the gentiles waving palm fronds. So even there, the jews come first. That doesn't sound like opening up gods covenant to all people to me.
Another fine example of you spreading hate, fear and division. Do Nazi death camp movies excite you, Fredo?
It is sad that in this day and age, there are still antisemites.