Holyroller key's jetta, suspect beat up and arrested


Junior Member
so i was at the gym on saturday, and right next door to my gym is the enfield christian fellowship, and i like to park "there she is" AKA my red jetta right next to them so they can see my evolution fish. as luck woudl have it i was coming out of the gym and i see this older guy like 40ish laughing standing by thereshe is w/ one guy who was probably also 40. So i go running over to my car and found it all keyed and my evolution fish on the ground. i then called the police, and threw down w/ the 40 year old all right in front of my gym. he got me once in the stomach and i got winded and a good punch to my chest, but other than that i romped him... by the time the police came he was on the ground and i was kicking him in the face, and stomach. then he got arrested for vandelism charges and now im gonna have to go to court and sue him etc. he really did do a number on there she is. im gonna sue him for all he's worth..

it just shows you how holyrollers are... i mean i wouldn't ever ruin someone's property who had a fish or jesus or whatever on it...

but then again these are holyrollers we're talkin about.
i beat him up and he got arrested... i didn't get arrested at all... i have to pick up a copy of the police report on Tues thats when they said it would be ready...
yeah he did, but i mean you could see the scratches all over my hood and everything and the moron just stood there. and i go WTF why did you do that, and he laughed, then i just went to town..
In Florida, if that fact patern is true, you would be lucky not to be charged with Battery and him for Criminal mischief....

Battery being the worse of the two charges...

You are allowed to hit someone if it is necessary to get them to stop harming your property..... but if they already stoped before you hit them!!!
LOL, I guess he kind of "Caught redhanded".

Actually I'm sure there was probably a video camera of the parking lot. I had an accident in the Walmart parking lot once and the lady tried to act like a dumb a$$ when it came time to give our stories and lo and behold: video be-otch.

What in the world was he thinking?
something tells me this isn't some random event that just happened to a gay guy with a fetish for hating christians..... there's more to this story methinks!
huh?? FSB are you for real?? i don't know why people think that... it was just luck that i caught them while i was leaving the gym... i don't know why or what would possess them to do this in broad daylight at like noon on saturday... it is like they were just asking to be caught...
klaatu why would i make this up?

I am not saying that you did make this up but your devout hatred of Christians and obvious desire to make them look bad at all times might be a motive.

If this did happen, I hope you don't regret having punched his lights out. Just because you were not arrested doesn't mean he can't file civil charges against you. Ask OJ about Civil Suit.

actually, now that I'm thinking about it, alex has a good point. do they know that he had technically stopped keying your car when you punched him?