Holyroller key's jetta, suspect beat up and arrested

I respect you for not using the gay card... But you have to admit it would make getting beat up worse for a homophobe to know it was a gay guy who did it!
I'm just saying that since that guy is a holyroller he probably holds the idea that being beat up by someone who is gay makes him less of a man. Beating his body is one thing. Beating his psyche is even better.

Perhaps this is the sadistic side of me.
it was funny b/c the window was rolled down in his cruiser, and while he was cuffed and in the back seat the window was down and i hacked a lougie and spit on him.. the officer laughed and went over and spit on his minivan.
it was funny b/c the window was rolled down in his cruiser, and while he was cuffed and in the back seat the window was down and i hacked a lougie and spit on him.. the officer laughed and went over and spit on his minivan.

Okay the story is starting to get a bit farfetched...!
This story is just another big lie. The cops let you beat guy and then spit on him? The cop spit on the mans van? Is that the kind of cops you have up there?
and in this little story, you said he was with others laughing and such. Well what did those people do while you beat and kicked this guy?
waaaa?????? he had a gun in his car??????

Yikes. I'd look into going to a new gym. Tack the upfront fees onto the lawsuit.
That's lame Dawg, so you fight a guy when you have mace in your hand? And people are afraid of you spraying them while you are fighting someone else? LOL Shows just how many fights you have been in................zero. you big fag! LOL