Holyroller key's jetta, suspect beat up and arrested

a car is a car.. chick car ? what makes a car a chick car ?

I don't really subscribe to the idea but many hold this idea. Especially with the beetle. This is a car that has a flower pot on the dashboard.
a car is a car.. chick car ? what makes a car a chick car ?

I don't really subscribe to the idea but many hold this idea. Especially with the beetle. This is a car that has a flower pot on the dashboard.

i have a buddy that had a 69 bettle, he put a diffrent engine in it and that sucker did 0-60 in just over 3 seconds, hell of a fun car
i have a buddy that had a 69 bettle, he put a diffrent engine in it and that sucker did 0-60 in just over 3 seconds, hell of a fun car

Talking about the new one though.
i have a buddy that had a 69 bettle, he put a diffrent engine in it and that sucker did 0-60 in just over 3 seconds, hell of a fun car

Talking about the new one though.

ya i guess i see what your saying... but i have seenn some pretty nice (new) beetles also, and they are quick.... but why they come with a flower or what ever is byond me
and a $500 starter ?
Oops thought it was Rob posting.

that is amazing though, $500 big ones for a starter on a jetta... if you didnt say it was a jetta most would have though it was an expensive import like a lexis or porsche or somthing
that is amazing though, $500 big ones for a starter on a jetta... if you didnt say it was a jetta most would have though it was an expensive import like a lexis or porsche or somthing

i think the most i have ever paid for a starter hasnt been over $70
It is beginning to sound an awful lot like religious bigotry on Rob's part.


it is, he has admited it, he hate religious people, although i dont thinks he disscriminates on what religion, just religious people in genral
once a few weeks ago i had a starter put in and it was around 500 bucks... slightly over i think....

but the car does have 168000 miles on it. everything to fix it is expensive... one time i think i had a lot of work done and spent over 2000 dollars... thats why i bought the audi, i mean its going to cost just as much to fix and its an audi.
i think the most i have ever paid for a starter hasnt been over $70
I paid $90 for a rebuilt starter on my wifes towncar with a 4.6. And would take no less than $100 to change it for someone else. A royal pain in the nuckles. But $500...wow!
it is, he has admited it, he hate religious people, although i dont thinks he disscriminates on what religion, just religious people in genral

Not a big deal. If the goober keyed his car, he deserves what he gets, religious or not. Go for it rob.
Jarod, if rob spit on the guy while in custody, that is assault, and the cop is also guilty if he spit on the guys van. and if the aids/gay thing comes up.....