homemade egg nog

Actually when I was 19 I was the same way as you. All my friends were stoners and they were always trying to get me to try drugs, alcohol, and I resisted it. I don't know why.. I just did. Part of it is I am a paranoid person and I was worried if I drank alcohol I'd spill all my secrets to people.

Even in college I didn't just drink for a while and started becoming sort of impressed with my awesome record of sobriety.

But then I got a hipster english major roommate that would always drink whiskey and smoke weed and write shit all super chill. I then decided to try alcohol strictly for science based reasons. My justification was... it's basically part of the human experience, so I should at least know what people are talking about.

Then I got a good buzz on and I was like wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww alcohol is AWESOME. How the FUCK did I not do this sooner?

Then a couple of weeks later I was at a halloween party. There was this sketchy kid hanging outside on the sidewalk. He looked very mousey and sketchy. He asked if I wanted weed. I noticed a cop two blocks down and thought I was being set up lol. So I sent my friend to go pick it up :) Then I blazed for the first time.

When I smoked weed I was blown away. My instant reaction was "THEY PUT PEOPLE IN JAIL FOR THIS?" I felt more in control than on alcohol (this would change later once I learned the joys of hotboxing multiple blunts)

The next morning I woke up with a little bit of regret. My few friends from highschool aside, a lot of the kids I knew that used weed were assholes who I hated. And now I felt like one of those assholes. I felt like a I would have let my parents down.

But that was short lived. I realized the stigma against weed was bullshit. And from then on, I become a born again stoner. I become a blessed blazer. It truly was the dawn of a new era.

Thank you, I appreciate your perspective but I don't see myself following that path.
That is correct. I don't believe in pre-marital sex.

sex is not evil

you will be fine with your path as long as your chosen mate fully agrees with you.

the perfect mate for who you are is not always someone who is exactly like you though.

A person who is different from you can open your mind and world in productive ways that some one just like you cant
sex is not evil

you will be fine with your path as long as your chosen mate fully agrees with you.

the perfect mate for who you are is not always someone who is exactly like you though.

A person who is different from you can open your mind and world in productive ways that some one just like you cant

Thank you but when I find the right guy he will share my faith and beliefs, and I his.
so republicans don't like Mormons now?

They actually used to not like us because of our traditional stance on marriage. The original GOP platform called for abolishing polygamy in the territories. Plus, there were instances of Mormon terrorism, which put them firmly inside the Dem camp...
No I'm sorry but that's not what I mean. Church of Christ, or Churches of Christ, is not the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

Best to ignore trolls. You're a nice person and they hate you for it. Wish it was not so but it is.
So do you mean Church of Christ (Latter Day Saints) aka Mormons?
No. Church of Christ is a main stream U.S. Protestant Congregationalist church. Probably their most well known congregation are the Nazarenes. It's the fifth largest Church in the U.S. and the fourth largest protestant denomination. They bear no relation to the Mormons.