Homosexuality Found not to be forbidden in The Bible

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What? What? I can't hear you. And better, I don't fucking care.


Obviously you do care, or you wouldn't bother replying.
now he has achieved Nirvana!.......

Really? We're back to the juvenile, "failure-as-a-debater" tactic of rewording posts?????????
I have you on ignore both here and in the other forum...but here, I will cuss your ass out from an amazing grace to a floating opportunity, stupid lying bitch.
You girls are just showing up and out, today...go on sistah...show me what you working with.
I did read the article as posted. It's really amazing the spin and denial some will go to justify poor choices that they make. I've read a similar article attempting to justify oral sex. I'm sure there's one written for prostitution, theft, perhaps even child molestation.

The story of Sodom and Gomorrah is pretty straight-forward. They were orgy-fests and God sent his wrath upon them.

In Sodom and Gomorrah, a mob of people came to Lot's house asking for his guests so that they could rape them. However, sending the angels out to the mob would be a violation of the guest host relationship, which was important back in those days. So Lot found a clever solution - he sent his daughters out to be raped instead. What a great guy! A stark contrast to our degenerate age, where people would never hold so fast to the guest-host relationship, isn't it?

It is curious that, in viewing this passage, the most immoral thing fundamentalists can find is that the rape that the mob could've inflicted upon the guests would've been a homosexual rape. And it's not the rape part of this which is bad, no, it's the homosexual part. That is clearly the message of the passage.

It's like you took a look at the story of Ted Bundy, who once studied Chinese, and also raped and murdered 30 young women, and decided that the clear message of the whole affair was that it's bad to study Chinese.
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In Sodom and Gomorrah, a mob of people came to Lot's house asking for his guests so that they could rape them. However, sending the angels out to the mob would be a violation of the guest host relationship, which was important back in those days. So Lot found a clever solution - he sent his daughters out to be raped instead. What a great guy! A stark contrast to our degenerate age, where people would never hold so fast to the guest-host relationship, isn't it?

It is curious that, in viewing this passage, the most immoral thing Christians can find is that the rape that the mob could've inflicted upon the guests would've been a homosexual rape. And it's not the rape part of this which is bad, no, it's the homosexual part. That is clearly the message of the passage.

It's like you took a look at the story of Ted Bundy, who once studied Chinese, and also raped and murdered 30 young women, and decided that the clear message of the whole affair was that it's bad to study Chinese.

Women have been so highly thought of throughout all of history!
Women have been so highly thought of throughout all of history!
And it's just difficult to fathom that so-called "christians" (as opposed to "Christians), want to predicate morality and protocol on this sorry statement of man's inhumanity to angels (of all things!).
And it's just difficult to fathom that so-called "christians" (as opposed to "Christians), want to predicate morality and protocol on this sorry statement of man's inhumanity to angels (of all things!).

I amended my post to say "fundamentalists" instead of "Christians". It was too broad of a brush.
It's really funny that so-called "fundamentalists" have some of the most textually unsound beliefs out there. For instance, the entire dispensationalist view of the apocalypse espoused in "The Left Behind" series is extremely fanciful, to say the least. Many fundamentalists also seem to believe in a world full of demons who haunt the world we live in, or a powerful devil who rules over hell and causes bad events on Earth.

In fact, there's little reference to demons in the bible. Also, there's no real equivalent of the Christian Devil in the old testament at all - Jews don't have a belief in a Devil, and the "satan" mentioned at various points in the bible isn't equivalent to him. When he's introduced in the new testament, he's only mentioned a few times, and he doesn't rule over hell or interfere directly in the affairs of the world. Yet look at the towering position he inhabits in fundamentalist theology.

I honestly think that most of this comes from the influence of old polytheistic European traditions. When ancient people converted to Christianity, they often didn't stop believing in the old Gods. And the old Gods weren't omnibenevolent and distant. They interacted in the real world all the time, and they helped you or hurt you at their own caprice (thus, these religions didn't have a problem of evil - there was no impressions that the Gods were omnibenevelont, they were just explanations for natural events). Early Christian missionaries probably tried to fight these beliefs by saying, no, these Gods won't help you, they're actually evil demons!

Which, I imagine, is where the trope of bargaining with demons or the devil comes from - there was still the sense that, even if they were evil, they could help you. Catholics also created their own pantheon of Saints who weren't Gods but could still do all the same things for you that the old Gods could. And thus, we have a monotheistic religion with three super good Gods one God who doesn't do anything who is all powerful, a bad God Devil, many many lesser bad Gods demons, and many many lesser good Gods saints/angels. Compare this to other monotheistic religions like Judaism, which has one God.

There sure is a lot of casting out devils when Jesus walked around. Jesus also was tempted by the devil and spoke with the Devil. The entire story of Jesus is one of evil vs good.
Girl, hush....whatever it is that you are saying. You have more skeletons in your closet than a cemetery has graves. Actually chiming in on a thread about the Bible or one about homosexuality...you know nothing of the former, and way too much of the latter....probably could teach me a thing or two. LOL
Girl, hush....whatever it is that you are saying. You have more skeletons in your closet than a cemetery has graves. Actually chiming in on a thread about the Bible or one about homosexuality...you know nothing of the former, and way too much of the latter....probably could teach me a thing or two. LOL

You've been destroyed on knowledge of the scriptures by more than me around here. You're still searching for loop holes and excuses for your reprobate lifestyle. There is nothing in the scriptures that backs up your lifestyle. It's against nature and God and that's what YOUR bible says and you know it. The only ones you are fooling are yourself and the other stupid liberals who don't know scriptures.

There have been many homosexuals who have been delivered from homosexuality. It's no different than drunkenness, which the bible also condemns. It's all right there....murderers, homos, drunks, etc. It's sin and you are living against the will of God. Good luck with that one.

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The word frequently used and interpreted as meaning "homosexual" has been found to be in error, and out of line with the Greek intention and meaning. Period. There is a theory, widely accepted that, Paul was a repressed homosexual, which would explain his zeal and misogynistic views. And why do you use the pejorative of the word "gay"? Is that your homophobia or your contempt for gays shining through? Was your daddy a "queer"? That would account for your over-compensation.

It was why he advocated celibacy and marriage if you REALLY needed to have sex.
I didn't reword your post.....you don't post, you just display ignore messages......posting implies communication....

"Sour and dour grapes, evidently. I have folks on ignore and remind them of it, who post nonsense, lies, or both. And please. When have you ever posted anything resembling communication? It's always one-line "whining" about various and sundry things. I communicate with posters that have some intellect and desire to have intercourse and discourse.
Sorry that you don't quite measure up.