Not to me, but SOME try to hold us to a few old testament "rules" while ignoring others.
The basic misunderstanding is in what was a cleansing ritual (not wearing blended fabrics, not planting two crops in one field, bathing the feet, anointing yourself before going to temple) as opposed to what is a sin (listed as an abomination and/or a sin, you know murder, etc.). The cleansing rituals go by the wayside because the "blood of Christ" is what cleanses you and makes you ready (it "circumcises your heart")...
The sins are still sins though, and often are listed again. Such as homosexuality in Corinthians and Romans as well as more obliquely in 1 Timothy where it is called in Greek: arsenokoites... which is a rather descriptive word but it basically means "defiling with sodomy" in usage at that time.
While it is not a "sin" in my philosophy, it is understandable that a Christian could consider something directly referenced as a sin in their religious text to be a sin.