How capitalism works?

to be a libertarian you must believe the following:

In the situation of fascism, a monolithic alignment of interests between the state and large corporations, corporations are blameless.

We basically have a caste system in this country.

Stratification based on wealth and not birth line is not a caste system.

If some idiot rapper or athlete makes a ton of dough, nobody prevents him from living really well before he blows it all.
to be a libertarian you must believe the following:

In the situation of fascism, a monolithic alignment of interests between the state and large corporations, corporations are blameless.


The Republican party is Austrian school too now butt plug
Stratification based on wealth and not birth line is not a caste system.

If some idiot rapper or athlete makes a ton of dough, nobody prevents him from living really well before he blows it all.

It is when you provide the poor no way to migrate from the poor caste
That is what the Austrian school of economics does through their insistence that the outcomes their ideas will produce

It’s all a lie

Hense they refuse what the numbers actually say when their idiot ideas are tried in an economy

It fails every time
I strongly disagree with most other liberals on the inheritance tax, or on the notion that accumulated family wealth is a bad thing.
I personally live a lifestyle incompatible with my own ability to generate wealth,
so the ability to do so is what makes life worth living to me.

My fellow liberals go completely off the track when they think in terms of unnecessary economic ceilings rather than necessary economic floors.

Further, it's quite clear that wealth can be and is generated from scratch as technology evolves,
and that acquired generational wealth also dissipates with time.

One other thing. If some measure of inheritance tax needs to be applied, it should only kick in when assets are liquidated to cash.
If inheritors want to keep things like businesses or mansions, or art collections or whatnot intact, they should be able to do so.
If they want to liquidate them for cash, then some reasonable tax might be applied.

Compelling ideas, I agree there should limitations.

I don’t mind the wealthy staying wealthy but not at the cost of hard working intelligent people getting an equal or even better opportunity over lazy trust fund babies like the Trump kids.
It is when you provide the poor no way to migrate from the poor caste

The oppression is real, but it doesn't represent a caste system.
It merely represents incompetent social management.
It represents capitalism with insufficient socialist moderation.

If capitalism and socialism don't work in well-balanced parallel,
as they don't in America--or North Korea, going the other way--
a socially regressive society is the only possible result.
Stratification based on wealth and not birth line is not a caste system.

If some idiot rapper or athlete makes a ton of dough, nobody prevents him from living really well before he blows it all.

This is true, but it is much harder for a poor person in out culture to make huge money, and especially hard to do it with hard work at a society improving occupation.
The oppression is real, but it doesn't represent a caste system.
It merely represents incompetent social management.
It represents capitalism with insufficient socialist moderation.

If capitalism and socialism don't work in well-balanced parallel,
as they don't in America--or North Korea, going the other way--
a socially regressive society is the only possible result.

You are a meaningless racist asshole
This is true, but it is much harder for a poor person in out culture to make huge money, and especially hard to do it with hard work at a society improving occupation.

Huge money will always be the state of the lucky privileged unless we want to go to full-blown communism.
Huge money will come to the hugely gifted who are also hugely lucky.

With the proper balance of capitalism and socialism, however, a comfortable life should be a reasonable goal for any hardworking person.

We should be working on that a lot harder than we are, but a fiercely polarized nation like ours has problems getting things done.

This is the entire basis of my partitionist tendencies.
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Black churches are the reason that people who cannot deliver their own state's electoral votes in the general election are none the less in position to totally fuck up the Democratic Party's nomination process.
We get mediocrity like Joe Biden specifically due to the perverse effect of black churches.
The shame of Catholic altar boy molestations has done less to fuel my contempt for religion than black church ladies have, and that has nothing to do with their ethnicity but rather their actions and effect.
I live in an expensive neighborhood, my house is one of the less expensive ones.

One of my neighbors works an hourly salary job as a manager in a small golf store, his wife doesn’t work outside the home. They live on the water in a recently purchased 4.5 million dollar home.

Another couple I know in an even more expensive home work at the Apple Store and the wife as a nurse.

These are honorable professions, but they clearly do not pay even the mortgage on these homes that tend to increase im value by more than the Dow. They clearly have generational family money…the equity increase in their homes is higher than the average salary or the majority of Americans.

The result is that a very hard working family in valuable jobs such as EMS, or police officer will never improve their situation with hard work.

Our system of perpetuating generational wealth for hundreds years voids the basic principles of Capitalism. Yet, working class Republicans fight tooth and nail to keep taxes low on those living the high life by no merit of their own.

you take pains to note that your neighbors do not earn large incomes so they dont fall into higher tax brackets. yet you have found yourself in their company proving that capitalism works just fine.