How capitalism works?

you take pains to note that your neighbors do not earn large incomes so they dont fall into higher tax brackets. yet you have found yourself in their company proving that capitalism works just fine.

It’s works when it’s properly REGULATED AND TAXED

We need to do that again
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Black churches are the reason that people who cannot deliver their own state's electoral votes in the general election are none the less in position to totally fuck up the Democratic Party's nomination process.
We get mediocrity like Joe Biden specifically due to the perverse effect of black churches.
The shame of Catholic altar boy molestations has done less to fuel my contempt for religion than black church ladies have, and that has nothing to do with their ethnicity but rather their actions and effect.

You said this nifty

That is racist as hell
Huge money will always be the state of the lucky privileged unless we want to go to full-blown communism.
Huge money will come to the hugely gifted who are also hugely lucky.

With the proper balance of capitalism and socialism, however, a comfortable life should be a reasonable goal for any hardworking person.

We should be working on that a lot harder than we are, but a fiercely polarized nation like ours has problems getting things done.

This is the entire basis of my partitionist tendencies.

Flesh out for us this partitioning you speak of?
Capitalism has been dead for a long time. We have an oligopoly, where most industries are controlled by few players. They do not have to meet and plot anymore. The internet provides them with all they require to control markets.
The control is why they were able to end price wars, improvement of products like they used to have to do, and give abysmal customer service. Who are you going to call if your internet service provider jacks prices up and makes you talk to someone in India for problems? If you have a few providers in your area, it makes almost no difference to change. They do the same because they can max profits while doing as little work as possible.
That is what the Austrian school of economics does through their insistence that the outcomes their ideas will produce

It’s all a lie

Hense they refuse what the numbers actually say when their idiot ideas are tried in an economy

It fails every time

keynesianism means the rich and powerful print themselves infinite funds.
keynesianism means the rich and powerful print themselves infinite funds.

Um no you fucking idiot

It’s an economic theory of how economies work and how to manage them to the best benefit of the population

It’s the school of economics that has saved our ass everyfuckingtime you idiots brake the economy to benifit the wealthy assholes
Capitalism has been dead for a long time. We have an oligopoly, where most industries are controlled by few players. They do not have to meet and plot anymore. The internet provides them with all they require to control markets.
The control is why they were able to end price wars, improvement of products like they used to have to do, and give abysmal customer service. Who are you going to call if your internet service provider jacks prices up and makes you talk to someone in India for problems? If you have a few providers in your area, it makes almost no difference to change. They do the same because they can max profits while doing as little work as possible.


It’s been mismanaged by the greedy fucks since FDR proved Keynesian economics works great
I live in an expensive neighborhood, my house is one of the less expensive ones.

One of my neighbors works an hourly salary job as a manager in a small golf store, his wife doesn’t work outside the home. They live on the water in a recently purchased 4.5 million dollar home.

Another couple I know in an even more expensive home work at the Apple Store and the wife as a nurse.

These are honorable professions, but they clearly do not pay even the mortgage on these homes that tend to increase im value by more than the Dow. They clearly have generational family money…the equity increase in their homes is higher than the average salary or the majority of Americans.

The result is that a very hard working family in valuable jobs such as EMS, or police officer will never improve their situation with hard work.

Our system of perpetuating generational wealth for hundreds years voids the basic principles of Capitalism. Yet, working class Republicans fight tooth and nail to keep taxes low on those living the high life by no merit of their own.

That has nothing to do with Capitalism. The above is an argument based on the Politics of Envy. It is an argument that it is somehow "unfair" that some people, families, etc., have had great success in accumulating wealth, and that is inherently wrong and should be penalized.

It is the underpinnings of both Communism and Socialism in Class Envy. That is, those who espouse it are envious of the success of others and feel the successful should be altruistic and willingly give away their wealth to those less fortunate. There is no telling that in the future, and EMS or police officer who invests smartly might not become a millionaire.

A great example of this in action from the late 19th Century is the Pullman company. George Pullman in the head of the company wanted to improve the lives of his workers. He set up company towns with, what were for the day, nice homes, good businesses, and a decent standard of living. But with living in his towns, there were social rules you had to follow. The towns were run as a rigid paternalistic society. Add in that some workers managed to save and move out into the "free" community outside the company towns.

The Politics of Envy followed. The eventual result was a general strike by the workers who were fed up with Pullman's forced utopia that they labored under. With no real hope of betterment because of Pullman's rules in what amounted to a Socialist society, they struck. The strike became more widespread and general that the federal government stepped in an put it down by force using the US Army.

Wealth ebbs and flows. It is rare that a family stays rich for many generations. Those are the exceptions. But to look at your neighbor and how they are doing relative to you and then you whine and complain about that while calling for their penalization for success is nothing but Politics of Envy.

Keynesian economics (/ˈkeɪnziən/ KAYN-zee-ən; sometimes Keynesianism, named after British economist John Maynard Keynes) are the various macroeconomic theories and models of how aggregate demand (total spending in the economy) strongly influences economic output and inflation.[1] In the Keynesian view, aggregate demand does not necessarily equal the productive capacity of the economy. Instead, it is influenced by a host of factors – sometimes behaving erratically – affecting production, employment, and inflation.[2]

Keynesian economists generally argue that aggregate demand is volatile and unstable and that, consequently, a market economy often experiences inefficient macroeconomic outcomes – a recession, when demand is low, or inflation, when demand is high. Further, they argue that these economic fluctuations can be mitigated by economic policy responses coordinated between government and central bank. In particular, fiscal policy actions (taken by the government) and monetary policy actions (taken by the central bank), can help stabilize economic output, inflation, and unemployment over the business cycle.[3] Keynesian economists generally advocate a regulated market economy – predominantly private sector, but with an active role for government intervention during recessions and depressions.[4]

Keynesian economics developed during and after the Great Depression from the ideas presented by Keynes in his 1936 book, The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money.[5] Keynes' approach was a stark contrast to the aggregate supply-focused classical economics that preceded his book. Interpreting Keynes's work is a contentious topic, and several schools of economic thought claim his legacy.

Keynesian economics, as part of the neoclassical synthesis, served as the standard macroeconomic model in the developed nations during the later part of the Great Depression, World War II, and the post-war economic expansion (1945–1973). It was developed in part to attempt to explain the Great Depression and to help economists understand future crises. It lost some influence following the oil shock and resulting stagflation of the 1970s.[6] Keynesian economics was later redeveloped as New Keynesian economics, becoming part of the contemporary new neoclassical synthesis, that forms current-day mainstream macroeconomics.[7] The advent of the financial crisis of 2007–2008 sparked renewed interest in Keynesian policies by governments around the world.[8]
Why does it piss you off when black Americans vote you idiot racist?

It has nothing to do with the black race.

It has to do with southern black Democrats who, in fact, in other than with civil rights issues, aren't that fucking liberal!!!!
Northern blacks are, but they aren't.

They have enough clout to fuck up the Democratic nomination procedure, but they're not the ones who can deliver their states' electoral votes.

People of normal intelligence can understand this, 'vince, but don't strain yourself.

I really wish that you would put me on ignore so that you wouldn't keep making stupid replies to my posts, but I know that you won't do it.
Keynes argued that the solution to the Great Depression was to stimulate the country ("incentive to invest") through some combination of two approaches:

A reduction in interest rates (monetary policy), and
Government investment in infrastructure (fiscal policy).

From the link

FDR agreed so he did just that


The wealthy hated it because it gave the worker to much power over their own lives

It created the years that all the right wanted to go back to

The great the people wanted to America to be again

But they were lied to by the likes of Fox and the wealthy

To get the people to vote against what they actually wanted

They were massaged into this idiocy with racist bullshit

That was the Hook

Their racist tendencies
Um no you fucking idiot

It’s an economic theory of how economies work and how to manage them to the best benefit of the population

It’s the school of economics that has saved our ass everyfuckingtime you idiots brake the economy to benifit the wealthy assholes


it's how to take control of a population with fiat currency and then do what you want, while dressing up your actions with empty platitudes.

that's keynesianism.


it's how to take control of a population with fiat currency and then do what you want, while dressing up your actions with empty platitudes.

that's keynesianism.


Where the fuck did you study economics, AssHat?
It apparently matters.
What is your degree?
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it's how to take control of a population with fiat currency and then do what you want, while dressing up your actions with empty platitudes.

that's keynesianism.


Write that all down on a piece of paper

Roll that paper up and shove it up your ass

It will blend right in with all the other shit already there

Clown brain