How capitalism works?

Keynes argued that the solution to the Great Depression was to stimulate the country ("incentive to invest") through some combination of two approaches:

A reduction in interest rates (monetary policy), and
Government investment in infrastructure (fiscal policy).
From the link
FDR agreed so he did just that
The wealthy hated it because it gave the worker to much power over their own lives
It created the years that all the right wanted to go back to
The great the people wanted to America to be again
But they were lied to by the likes of Fox and the wealthy
To get the people to vote against what they actually wanted
They were massaged into this idiocy with racist bullshit
That was the Hook
Their racist tendencies

Actually this is full of shit wrong. During FDR's first term in office, the depression got WORSE. Government spending did nothing to alleviate that. It was only late in his second term things got better and that was because of a huge influx in foreign capital being spent on arming for war by nations like France and Britain. That was followed by heavy US deficit spending on infrastructure for war in various defense bills.
At the same time, public works projects like the TVA started to pay off. Nonsense like the make-work CCC dropped in funding because it didn't create wealth. Dams and hydro power did create wealth through charging customers.

It's like worthless public works projects today. Beautifying highways or moving / removing them because they are "racist" are two examples of your tax dollars at waste. These add no value to the economy.
I live in an expensive neighborhood, my house is one of the less expensive ones.

One of my neighbors works an hourly salary job as a manager in a small golf store, his wife doesn’t work outside the home. They live on the water in a recently purchased 4.5 million dollar home.

Another couple I know in an even more expensive home work at the Apple Store and the wife as a nurse.

These are honorable professions, but they clearly do not pay even the mortgage on these homes that tend to increase im value by more than the Dow. They clearly have generational family money…the equity increase in their homes is higher than the average salary or the majority of Americans.

The result is that a very hard working family in valuable jobs such as EMS, or police officer will never improve their situation with hard work.

Our system of perpetuating generational wealth for hundreds years voids the basic principles of Capitalism. Yet, working class Republicans fight tooth and nail to keep taxes low on those living the high life by no merit of their own.

Thats the biggest load of horeshit ive read in a long time
Actually this is full of shit wrong. During FDR's first term in office, the depression got WORSE. Government spending did nothing to alleviate that. It was only late in his second term things got better and that was because of a huge influx in foreign capital being spent on arming for war by nations like France and Britain. That was followed by heavy US deficit spending on infrastructure for war in various defense bills.
At the same time, public works projects like the TVA started to pay off. Nonsense like the make-work CCC dropped in funding because it didn't create wealth. Dams and hydro power did create wealth through charging customers.

It's like worthless public works projects today. Beautifying highways or moving / removing them because they are "racist" are two examples of your tax dollars at waste. These add no value to the economy.

Fucking Democratic Retard prolonged the depression
It has nothing to do with the black race.

It has to do with southern black Democrats who, in fact, in other than with civil rights issues, aren't that fucking liberal!!!!
Northern blacks are, but they aren't.

They have enough clout to fuck up the Democratic nomination procedure, but they're not the ones who can deliver their states' electoral votes.

People of normal intelligence can understand this, 'vince, but don't strain yourself.

I really wish that you would put me on ignore so that you wouldn't keep making stupid replies to my posts, but I know that you won't do it.

They didn’t fuck it up you idiot

They voted like all other Americans
Note how he thinks me and southern blacks are stupid and fuck up the US by voting

Racist asshole who hates democracy
They didn’t fuck it up you idiot

They voted like all other Americans

They decided the nominee and then, except in Georgia, couldn't deliver electoral votes for the one they got nominated.
The people who can actually deliver electoral votes for the candidate whom they wish to choose are the ones who ought to choose the nominee.

Is this over your head, 'vince? It appears so.
They decided the nominee and then, except in Georgia, couldn't deliver electoral votes for the one they got nominated.
The people who can actually deliver electoral votes for the candidate whom they wish to choose are the ones who ought to choose the nominee.

Is this over your head, 'vince? It appears so.

Blacks all over America voted for Biden in the primary you stupid racist
Fucking Democratic Retard prolonged the depression

FDR ended the depression that Republican economic ideas caused

He fixed it with Keynesian economics ideas

Only a uninformed Russian bot hole would try to lie about that
Capitalism has been dead for a long time. We have an oligopoly, where most industries are controlled by few players. They do not have to meet and plot anymore. The internet provides them with all they require to control markets.
The control is why they were able to end price wars, improvement of products like they used to have to do, and give abysmal customer service. Who are you going to call if your internet service provider jacks prices up and makes you talk to someone in India for problems? If you have a few providers in your area, it makes almost no difference to change. They do the same because they can max profits while doing as little work as possible.

This is an issue that comes up in the early stages of technological change. There are four broad periods of history with respect to technology. These are:

Ancient. In the Ancient period a lot of basic technology was discovered. Much of it was lost over time, rediscovered, and progress forward was slow and often limited to local areas where something was discovered.

Rennaissance. This is the age of transformation. What happened in the Rennaissance was a combination of ability to retain and disseminate knowledge occurred along with standardized methods for scientific and engineering advancement. That is, the printing press was invented and the scientific method was more or less codified. This allowed previous human knowledge to be retained and spread.

Industrial (or mechanical): The Industrial revolution sprung from the knowledge that came out of the Rennaissance. It caused an upheaval in society. Prior to it, roughly 90% of people lived in small towns and farmed or did something related to agriculture as an occupation. With the Industrial revolution, this reversed and today something like 80 to 90% of people live in urban areas and larger towns. Initially, that was to service factories and businesses related to factory output. Later, control systems to operate large industrial complexes arose.
At the height of the Industrial revolution, the skyscraper appeared. This was for all intents a manual computer system that allowed operation of a large corporation and the information that required.

Electronic: This is the current revolution in technology. Yes, some people call it an "Information revolution" but this is clearly wrong. The information has always been there, what's changed is that now there are ways to store, organize, and disseminate it that never existed before. It has allowed a connectivity that never before existed, and that is creating a new shift in society. No longer do workers in fields that deal with information have to be concentrated to do their work. Electronics allows them to work from anywhere. Electronics have also replaced workers in repetitive and menial jobs and that trend is accelerating.

At some point, much like Ma Bell / AT&T, internet providers will face the same decentralization of services with prices falling to near nil.

Capitalism still works fine too. The difference is that the new intellectual property is to discover some new way to use electronics rather than mechanical machines as the Industrial revolution did. That's all. Entepreueurs will still come along and develop both hardware and software that will continue to revolutionize things. They are the Capitalists of the Electronics revolution.
Capitalism eats its self if it’s not PROPERLY REGULATED AND TAXED

American history clearly shows that pattern
Stratification based on wealth and not birth line is not a caste system.

If some idiot rapper or athlete makes a ton of dough, nobody prevents him from living really well before he blows it all.

Being a rapper or NFL star really isn't an option for people at large.

Birth line is exactly how the caste system works in South Asia.

I did an informal survey of professional colleagues at my last position; almost every single one came from families where the parents were also college educated white collar professionals. The only exception was one lady whose father who was a car mechanic.
FDR ended the depression that Republican economic ideas caused

He fixed it with Keynesian economics ideas

Only a uninformed Russian bot hole would try to lie about that

This too is utter bullshit. The depression in the US came about as a result of collapse of economies around the world, but particularly in Europe, brought on by the cost of WW 1. The US weathered the outcome better than most having been very late going into that war, but the loss of business in exported goods hit the US eventually and a depression followed.

FDR didn't end shit. Like I pointed out, the depression got WORSE during his first term and it was only heavy military / defense spending as WW 2 approached that really ended the depression. That had ZERO to do with Keynesian economics. Likewise, Keynesian economics didn't work for Obama, and they aren't working for Biden. Heavy deficit spending doesn't produce a better economy you uninformed Russian bot hole.
Being a rapper or NFL star really isn't an option for people at large.

Birth line is exactly how the caste system works in South Asia.

I did an informal survey of professional colleagues at my last position; almost every single one came from families where the parents were also college educated white collar professionals. The only exception was one lady whose father who was a car mechanic.

Of course being a rapper or athlete isn't an option for most people.
That's not the point.

The point is that if a racial caste system existed, even the rare rappers and athletes wouldn't be allowed to get rich.
The stratification system is based on wealth, not race, and wealth isn't biological. It ebbs and flows.
you take pains to note that your neighbors do not earn large incomes so they dont fall into higher tax brackets. yet you have found yourself in their company proving that capitalism works just fine.

They inherited huge amounts and paid little inheritance tax. I did not inherit any large amounts, but had parents who gave me an education and I’m a lawyer… I chose a less lucrative income for happiness and family, it’s a luxury to habe that choice. I pay a larger percentage in tax than Mitt Romney and Don Trump.