How do we solve the illegal alien problem we have in this country?

we should not extend any benefits to them, but it's really not that complicated. just find them in mexicotown, pick them up, and throw them back over the fence.
also landmines on the us-mexico border. I would love to see illegal aliens hobble into our country missing limbs :) haha good luck landscaping now! lol!
A fence will not work as we will just have to build another one in a few years when Texas seceedes from the USA.
A fence will not work as we will just have to build another one in a few years when Texas seceedes from the USA.
I was in Houston a couple of weeks ago and on my way to the airport to come home I stopped at a BBQ joint for lunch. In big letters on their sign they had SUCEEDE!!

While I was eating the proprieter came up and politely asked me how my meal was. I told him very good and that I liked his sign. He smiled and said "You do?"

I said "Yea, I think it's great that you're encouraging people to suceede and be succesful.".

He just gave me a funny look and walked over to the next table.
Trade 50 citizenships of anti-American libs in exchange for one illegal to become a citizen. Many illegals are more worthy of citizenship than some of these hateful ingrates that were born here. We will get rid of the anti-Americans in exchange for decent citizens. A win/win.

How bout we put people who employ them, either knowingly or not in jail for a minimum of 6 months and close that business. Put the fear of serious jail time and loss of a business in front of them and BAM! problem solved.

We don't have an illegal immigrant problem, we have an illegal hiring problem. More simply for you black and white only wingnuts... quit hiring them and they will go back and fix their own damn country.

Hiring and the love of cheap labor and cheap products resulting from cheap labor.
i should probably do your chili recipe before I do billy's then.
I'm not familiar with Billy's version. I can only say you won't be dissapointed in mine. We had a chili and soup cook off at work recently (we had close to 100 competitors) and I was asked not to bring my chili to make the competition a little more even. I was flattered that they though so highly of my chili that I obliged them. I brought a S.E. Asian style spicy mung bean soup and won the soup division instead.

That recipe is pretty tasty and cost less to make than the Chili and can feed a small army.
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also landmines on the us-mexico border. I would love to see illegal aliens hobble into our country missing limbs :) haha good luck landscaping now! lol!
I have an even better idea. Lets put landmines on golf courses and get rid of those white collar criminals who keep fucking our country over. Failing that it would make golf one hell of a lot more interesting as a spectator sport.
Hiring and the love of cheap labor and cheap products resulting from cheap labor.

They want legalized slavery and to push wages a whole it's working well for them and the real perps...the ones who hire illegals, get off scott free and donate to the baggers.